JFK’s Shot Wounds In Autopsy Room

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Events Following The JFK Assassination - a snippet about JFK from Patrick Bet-David's interview with Jim Jenkins. November 22, 1963 marks the 56th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. These short clips are all opinions and part of the story that connects what really happened that day. You can comment your thoughts below.

About James "Jim" C. Jenkins: James Curtis Jenkins was born in 1943. After enlisting in the United States Navy won a place at the Medical Technology School that was part of Bethesda Naval Hospital. He attended classes from 7.30 am to 5.00 pm and work duty from 5.00 pm to 6.00 am the next day. Jenkins was assigned to the pathology department. When John F. Kennedy was assassinated on 22nd November, 1963, his body was taken to Bethesda. Along with fellow student, Paul K. O'Connor was asked to assist Joseph Humes, Thornton Boswell and Pierre Finck in the autopsy of Kennedy.

JFK: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, often referred to by the initials JFK and Jack, was an American politician who served as the 35th president of the United States from January 1961 until his assassination in November 1963.

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I’m amazed at his wife how she held herself the way she did. The stuff she went through. What a beautiful woman.


I was 8 years old when this happened. I really don't think my generation ever really got over this. So horrible. Rip Mr President


And to this day, the ‘parties’ involved in the planning, execution and coverups, have not had to answer for this heinous crime, on our Nation.


I, too, was a senior in highschool when this terrible thing happened that Friday afternoon. It was just after lunch, or around 1 PM or so in typing class, that an announcement came over the PA system, stating President Kennedy had been shot, present condition unknown. We students in class (all girls, except me) had been stunned and shocked at this news, while our teacher had us continue our typing lessons until further news could be known. Then, about 1:30 or so, they announced President Kennedy was dead, and that school was being dismissed until further notice. I immediately typed up a short note about this on my manual typewriter, all the while wondering what was now to become of our presidency and of our nation. And now we know, post-911 and almost 60 years later, just what that awful truth is. We had then, and still do today, a form of government none of us could ever have imagined would exist. And for the first time since 1963, the prospect of nuclear war now greater than ever before -- all thanks to government knotheads who think they know better than the people they serve (?) on how to best run (ruin) our country.


Folks, this year it will be 59 years since this event. Everyone who had factual, first hand information has either passed away or their memory has so deeply faded and become foggy that we'll never know the real truth of what happened on 22 November 1963. The fact that still today our government will not declassify information about this event is tragic, horrific and telling.


The day JFK was assassinated November 22, 1963, I was one month out of boot camp, and new at the Naval air base in Virginia... NAS Oceana! Got off early that Friday, so I was taking an early afternoon shower so I could hit the beach, which was Virginia Beach! I noticed the number of fighter aircraft were taking off one after the other as my barracks wasn't that far from the airstrip. A few minutes later the word was being passed around that President JFK was assassinated in Dallas Texas! We then figured out why so many aircraft were being launched! A few years later I found out JFK planned on ending the Vietnam war, because at that time only Special Forces were in Vietnam. LBJ didn't waist much time before he escalated the Vietnam war! I'm sure LBJ did what the MIC wanted! President Eisenhower warned all Americans on national TV about the Military Industrial Complex when he left the Presidency! I had 2 years shore duty at Oceana, but after the 2 years I was transferred to a Squadron aboard the USS Hancock CVA-19, which was at NAS Alameda, Calif. Spent 9 months on Yankee/Dixie station... lost 8 pilots over Vietnam & 3 sailors. Later a few months at Alameda, California and back to Yankee/Dixie station aboard another carrier, the USS Bon Homme Richard CVA-31... lost 17 pilots and 6 sailors that time. Deaths in the Vietnam War (1965–1974) per Guenter Lewy
US and allied military deaths... 282, 000
PAVN/VC military deaths... 444, 000–666, 000
Civilian deaths (North and South Vietnam) - 405, 000–627, 000
Total deaths... 1, 353, 000. I'M SURE "AGENT ORANGE" OVER THE YEARS HAS ALSO KILLED A LARGE NUMBER OF THE MILITARY! One thing that is never talked about when it comes to the JFK assassination. JFK shut down the Federal Reserve, which is owned by the Rothschild family in England. JFK had 5 months after he closed the Federal Reserve... he was assassinated! President JFK understood the predatory nature of private central banking. He understood why President Andrew Jackson fought so hard to end the Second Bank (Federal Reserve) of the United States. So, JFK wrote & signed Executive Order 11110, which ordered the US Treasury to issue a new public currency, the United States Note. 5 months later, JFK was assassinated! President Andrew Jackson also had an assassination attempt on his life for doing FIRST what JFK did, but President Andrew Jackson was lucky, his assassin's 2 pistols misfired which saved Jackson's life! President Jackson then beat the assassin with his cane! After JFK's assassination, LBJ became President and had all the Notes JFK had printed called in, so he could have them destroyed, which he did! That alone should've put LBJ on trial, to see if he was connected to JFK's assassination, which I think he was! LBJ was a sick dude!


I was a high school senior sitting on the school bus waiting to go home a boy I know came to my open window, the weather that day was beautiful in New England, and he said the presidents dead, I cried all the way home. I went inside and turned the TV on, we sat in front of that TV for days. We cried and when John John saluted, Well you can imagine.


If it was simply a lone gunman, like they say, they would have declassified all the papers. Their continued secrecy is the reason we have no trust in them.


With all the obvious inaccuracies about how many shooters in Dealy Plaza, how the President's body was handled, the "chain of evidence" followed, the change in caskets, the botched autopsy, and the conflicting eye witness stories, and the taped evidence of an officers open mike recording three shooters - we will never know the truth of what actually happened to John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President of the United States of America. To me, it was a carefully planned murder with several shooters to make sure the job was done and done effectively. The limousine carrying the Presidential party being cleaned out while the President was still alive - destroying a crime scene's needed evidence was another factor in my decision. President Eisenhower's last speech warning us against the "military industrial complex" as a clear and present danger was another factor in my decision. Another factor was: who had the greatest gain by the murder of President Kennedy? To me, it looked like V.P. Lyndon Baines Johnson had the most to gain. Constantly shoved into the background by President Kennedy and Attorney General Robert Kennedy, LBJ had the most to gain by the murder of both brothers. Look at the real sustainable "facts" and draw your own conclusions.


The title on this video was Kennedy's head wounds. Did anyone notice, that all that was talked about here, was a timeline? Unless I somehow missed it, I didn't hear a word about where the head wounds were!


The Truth is probably way worse than most could take.


Brought in by people in business suits....in other words, the same secret service agents thugs that kidnapped JFKs body at gun point, were directing the autopsy, supposedly performed by a certain Dr Humes and Boswell, 2 naval doctors with no experience performing autopsies. As best I know, nobody has yet to date spoken with any Dr Humes or Boswell, which makes me wonder if they even exist. During the trip to Bethesda, the body was switched from an expensive burial casket to a body bag, and the whole back of JFKs head was removed, and what was left of the brains stolen. THEN the LHO as lone fairy tale was launched and the cover up began and remains in place. Our own government killed a legally elected president and got away with it.


I was 13, and lived in a solidly democratic area, but the only person I knew who still supported Kennedy was my dad. When all the other men were talking politics they were just cussing Kennedy. One stated that he PRAYED every night for God to send someone to kill him. I was just dumbfounded by the public showing of grief, and the guy who was praying for Kennedy's death put on the biggest show of all. That was the day my eyes were opened to the hypocrisy of mankind


Everyone associated with this day is corrupt... everyone


My father was in the military at the time and we were stationed in Spain. All the sudden it was DEFCON 1.
I was four, and my whole world blew up. All the sudden the air raid sirens lit off. All the fathers ran home and grabbed their "Go Bags" and said goodbye. An Air Force rep drove around in a truck with a speaker ordering all the families to pack essentials and prepare to evacuate. All overseas bases we locked down and everybody was afraid that it was the start of WWIII. Four is pretty early for a memory, but this was traumatic and it sticks with me. I remember all the white washed houses gleaming in the sun, the bright green manicured lawns. All the chaos of the dads running in and running back out. It was organized chaos and then it was quiet as a grave. I've never heard silence like that again.
This is something of a hobby with me. I have bookshelves full of books on the topic. I have documentaries, some that are no longer possible to get. (Mainly about LBJ) Of course I have my own copy of the BS Warren Report.
JFK was the last dem my family voted for.


I remember my mother telling me that when JFK was shot and then died, that mostly everyone in the streets were saddened and crying, everyone, no matter what race, blacks and Hispanics, Whites ... that day for such a unfortunate event, we were all brothers and sisters


After all these years still many unanswered questions, or inadequately answered questions. So, in a sense still no justice for JFK.


I was lying in front of my TV it was my 7th birthday mom let me stay home from school, I was watching…
I have always wondered why who how and to this day I still know very little and I’ve seen every thing written and filmed that I can access on line and read in the library. This still saddens me, because on this day we witnessed a change in our country and our government that continues to this day!!! God help us!


The way they assasinated Kennedy was terrible. It was cold and viscious.


We're lucky this man is still alive to give this direct account. Most didn't make it this far. It has been almost 60 years ago.
