How to play Mind Reader

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Learn the rules to the board game Mind Reader quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules.

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The object of the game is to be the first player to score 13 or more points. Shuffle the mind reader cards and place them on the table along with the spinner. Set 2 chairs back-to-back. Gather around the spinner and spin it to determine who goes first. On your turn, place the top 3 cards on the table for all to see. Now, you must either: pick one of the cards, or pick one other player to be your partner. If you pick the card, then the remaining players gather around the spinner and spin it. Whoever it points closest to is your partner. If you pick your partner, then the remaining players pick one of the 3 cards.

Sit back-to-back with your partner and each of you has an answer pad and pencil. Another player reads the questions on the back of the chosen card. You and your partner write down answers to each question without speaking or signaling each other. If the card says “Social Soiree” then the “who” it refers to is someone in your group.

Once finished, the answers are read aloud, compared, and points are scored. If you and your partner had zero matches, then you both score 0 points. If you had one answer match, then you each score 1 point. If 2 match, then you each scores 3 points. And if all 3 match, then each you each score 6 points. The first player to score 13 or more points, wins!
Рекомендации по теме

cool concept of a game! i think this can be done even without the game board


You're supposed to just psychically know how to play it.


Hey Triple S Games, your content is awesome, and your dedication is incredible! I was inspired to create my own board game tutorials and have about 30 videos on my channel. There not the best quality, but we all start somewhere. Keep up the good work!!! 👍


Did you learn Blender/another 3D animating just for the very short chair scenes?


Make video of uno no mercy how to play


If the 2 current scorers goes over the 13 point goal at the same time, then both wins.


Now do The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time (3ds version)


Family feud but there's only one answer on the board
