Should You Buy Paid WoW Addons to Speed Up Your Leveling? Zygor vs Azeroth Pilot Test

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Are you looking for an addon that will help you speed up your leveling process? In this video, we'll be comparing Zygor and Azeroth Pilot to see which is the best addon for you. We'll also be testing their performance to see which is the fastest way to level your character up. So which addon is the best for you? Watch this video to find out!

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I have and love Zygor! One thing you forgot is the sync feature. This is when you are with someone that has Zygor, it will sync the guide, so the party can be on the same quest. This also works with the free version and if someone has the paid, the synced player has access to current guides.


The best part for zygor is doing achievements imo. It auto-detects what quests you have done and skips all the necessary steps. Just saves you a lot of time and hassle figuring out where you are in a half-complete quest line


2 Maws is deserving of a like and a like you shall receive. May you never have to set foot in that literal hell again.


for that shadowlands bs you really deserve a like man, great vid gl


Zygor is brilliant have used it every time I play WoW. Never had any issue with Zygor, customer service is excellent.


Welcome Back i w8 for a long time to see a New Video from U


5:18 if you just want to see how long it took for each addon.


I use Zygor just because it's an ease of use thing and usually points you in the right direction. But I'll have to check the other one out, too. One thing I will say, is Zygor, for a paid addon, needs to do a better job of going back and actually testing routes and perhaps putting in a better 1-60 guide, instead of just having players pick where they want to go. That's fine for experienced players who want to quest wherever.

But, imo, for a paid service they should have a "fastest" route type of guide that takes you through the fastest zones on your way to 60. I also think it can be quite janky with it's way points and I agree with the no option for NPC chat options is annoying.

It's a good service, but I think it definitely lack's a bit. Especially for a paid addon.


Come back bro, Just Subbed and your channel is awesome


What about Dugi? Apart from he hardly updates it bu still charges a monthly for no updates.


The new Joana guide pops a raid marker over your head every fekkwn time you finish a quest. No off switch and Joana doesn't respond to comments on her own ad video for this.


hi i downloaded it but i only see some white things in the top left of my screen and i dont see the things that u saw when u went into the game


Hi, I need help. I have some troubles with the addon. When I go to options to load it doesnt do anything, at first it worked when I started leveling in Zuldazar. Then it showed me "route complete" or something and even tho there were lots of quests to take I couldnt continue, I tried apr reset but nothing happens. Is the addon bugged or am I doing anything wrong?


I've always been able to justify the cost of Zygor but the speed they are releasing updates has been terrible recently.


I got restedxp in wotlk, and ngl, it was amazing.
I can’t speak out for retail though.


But... if it took 16 hours to get from 10 to 60 (let's say it would now be 10 to 70 in DF), then isn't it just much faster to simply use the random dungeon finder, and do a little bit of questing or watch YouTube videos during queue times? By doing that, I got to 70 with under 20 hours /played, including the time it took to get to 10, and including a ton of time I spent researching my talents, getting stuff off AH, etc.


anyone know why i having issiues with leveling im a level 36 and the level they have me at is level 15 but it show the toons at the same level im at


I use Zygor a lot, but I'll never pay for it - there's a safe cracked copy out there that gets updated an hour or so after they release new versions.


No you should not pay for your addons it is a mmo and the trick with yes the addon is free but the guid costs is garbage just look online there it is free


if only people would do a little bit of searching to find these addons for free. NEVER pay for addons/mods.
And needing questing addons for retail is a complete and utter joke.
