What If China Won The First Sino-Japanese War? | Alternate History

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In this alternate history scenario, we explore what might have happened if China had emerged victorious in the First Sino-Japanese War between Qing China and the newly industrialized power of Japan. What would the geopolitical landscape of East Asia look like if China won? Would Japan still become a major player in the world stage? Would China have been able to maintain its stability and unity? Would China have ever turned communist? We will be explaining and analyzing all of that in this alternate history scenario. Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of alternate history and explore the possibilities of what could have been.

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Disagree with the WW1 outcome. Russia facing a war on two fronts could cause them to drop out of the war prior to the need of the Germans declaring unrestricted warfare in the Atlantic, thus keeping the Americans out. Further the thesis of the British and French commiting forces to the Asain front is a stretch. The French were importing troops to the Western front. If anything they'd import less and leave the South Asains in a defensive posture. Especially considering Russia's early drop which would see more German troops on the Western front to deal with. This would impact the British as well, plus Britain was much more focused on the Ottomans due to oil and more prestigious targets. This sums up as a German victory. China becomes the hegemon of Asia, taking British and French lands, the monarchy remains and Japan doesn't rise.


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Hope yall enjoyed, I'll be here all month!


With the added pressure on Russia, I feel it may turn the tide in war collapsing the Russians into civil war sooner. Further, there would be less pressure on the Germany and Austrian front by Russia allowing for more troops to be freed up for France and Serbia. China most likely would have its hands full with Japan and French Indochina but assuming they modernized at the proper rate they could most likely fend them off. This could be a world where the Central Powers wins WWI.


1:01 Actually, the Daewongun managed to connect to the western power. Daewongun use the French missionaries to connect the France to open their gate to trade. The reason why did he do this because during that time, the Russians were expand to the east and they had appear on the Korean border. And Daewongun was fear of Russia’s expansion and this will lead to Russia’s invasion of Korean Peninsula. So, he connect to France to avoid Russia’s expansion. But, this led to his opposites to attack him with his reform. And the French missionaries didn’t cooperate him either. And unlike his thought, the Russia end their expansion to east and they didn’t expand to Korea. Also, there was an incident that German-Jewish merchant dug off a grave of Daewongun’s father’s tomb so he can use it to threat Joseon government to trade. So, Daewongun cancel his plan to connect wit the west instead he focus on isolation policy. If Russia managed to expand to Korea or that German-Jewish merchant didn’t dug off his father’s tomb, the history might be changed forever.


An interesting thought for the alternate first world war would be the question of manpower; with the high casualties on the eastern and western fronts in our timeline, how would the powers distribute troops along a third front in China while also maintaining the eastern and western fronts of our timeline? Does that mean America enters the war earlier? Or would one side get knocked out earlier because it ran out of fighting men? And how would Japan be treated by the Allies after such an alternate war?


7:15 but how would that actually play out? I find it highly improbable that Entente armies would be able to effectively fight on the Chinese front, having the Germans to worry about. Even still, wouldn't Russia most definetly fall to revolution even earlier than 1917?


Well, Germany was basically carrying the entire European front (altough you might argue that her Allie’s kept the British from deploying their entire strength on the Western front) and with a more powerful and possibly partionally modernized China on the German side, the Allie’s would most likely be in a worse situation than irl.


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Anime wouldn't have been invented in this timeline.


Why do we assume China would just collapse in great war? Woudnt their more modern military counting easily into few millions be enough to hold?

And how would this conflict with Russia end differently from previous one if China holds all warmer ports and doesn't have to deal with transporting units through Siberia wastes?

And following that borders between China India and French Indochina are jungles or mountains. So I doubt we would see much action there it would be more akin to alpain front between Italy and Austria


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bro got some fear on the chinese, he nerfed it in ww1 💀


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While it makes sense for China to keep their alliance with Germany during WW2, why would Germany not side with Japan like in our timeline (though to be fair, siding Japan with was actually the more unlikely outcome)? And would Japan side with the Allies to get further revenge on China?

And now that I think about it, while I believe China did have friendly relations with Germany, in our timeline they sided against Germany during WW1. The fact that Shandong (which belonged to the Germans) was given to Japan in the peace deal contributed significantly to the further deterioration of the relationship between China and Japan. I guess the rivalry with Russia and being stronger earlier on prevented Germany from taking Shandong in the first place would justify the scenario here.

Though having actually visited the Southeastern part of China myself, I would imagine the Allied powers having a much harder time there and would take much less territory than as pictured in the video. The mountains and valleys there are insane and fighting there would be hell for the attackers.


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Lore of What If China Won The First Sino-Japanese War momentum 100
