AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate 2020 (PASS THE EXAM!)

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AWS Certified Solutions Architect is one of the most popular cloud computing certifications. In this full course taught by an expert trainer, you will learn the major parts of Amazon Web Services, and prepare for the associate-level AWS Certified Solutions Architect exam. By the end of this course, you will be ready to take the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam - and pass!

⭐Course Contents⭐
Check the pinned comment for the course contents with time codes. This course is so massive the full contents won't fit in this description!

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⭐Course Contents - PART 1 ⭐
(Part 2 is a reply to this comment.)
☁️ Introduction
🎤 (0:00:00) Meet your Instructor
🎤 (0:01:12) Why Get the Solutions Architect Associate
🎤 (0:07:31) Exam Guide Overview

☁️ S3
🎤 (0:14:42) Introduction
🎤 (0:16:59) Storage Classes
🎤 (0:19:17) Storage Class Comparison
🎤 (0:21:12) Security
🎤 (0:23:17) Encryption
🎤 (0:24:41) Data Consistency
🎤 (0:25:45) Cross-Region Replication
🎤 (0:26:23) Versioning
🎤 (0:27:51) Lifecycle Management
🎤 (0:28:40) Transfer Acceleration
🎤 (0:29:26) Presigned URLs
🎤 (0:30:53) MFA Delete
⌨️ (0:31:50) Follow Along - Create & Delete a Bucket
⌨️ (0:33:48) Follow Along - Upload Files & Make Public
⌨️ (0:36:42) Follow Along - Versioning
⌨️ (0:42:45) Follow Along - Encryption
⌨️ (0:44:55) Follow Along - CLI
⌨️ (0:50:09) Follow Along - Lifecycle Policies
⌨️ (0:52:42) Follow Along - Cross Region Replication
⌨️ (0:55:24) Follow Along - Bucket Policies
📓 (0:58:39) S3 CheatSheet

☁️ Snowball
🎤 (1:05:26) Snowballl
🎤 (1:07:19) Snowball Edge
🎤 (1:08:41) Snowmobile
📓 (1:09:27) CheatSheet

☁️ VPC
🎤 (1:11:08) Introduction
🎤 (1:11:30) Core Components
🎤 (1:13:09) Key Features
🎤 (1:15:15) Default VPC
🎤 (1:16:38) Default Everywhere IP
🎤 (1:17:22) VPC Peering
🎤 (1:18:57) Route Tables
🎤 (1:19:56) Internet Gateway
🎤 (1:20:57) Bastions / Jumpbox
🎤 (1:22:30) Direct Connect

☁️ VPC Endpoints
🎤 (1:23:24) Introduction
🎤 (1:24:35) Interface Endpoints
🎤 (1:25:42) Gateway Endpoints
📓 (1:26:19) Cheatsheet

☁️ VPC Flow Logs
🎤 (1:27:04) Introduction
🎤 (1:28:13) Log Breakdown
📓 (1:29:09) Cheatsheet

🎤 (1:30:14) Introduction
🎤 (1:31:52) Use Case
📓 (1:32:30) Cheat Sheet

☁️ Security Groups
🎤 (1:33:43) Introduction
🎤 (1:35:26) Use Cases
🎤 (1:37:45) Limits
📓 (1:38:39) Cheat Sheet

☁️ NAT
🎤 (1:39:56) Introduction
🎤 (1:40:42) NAT Instances vs NAT Gateways
📓 (1:42:45) Cheatsheet

☁️ VPC Follow Along
⌨️ (1:44:30) Create VPC, IGW, Route Tables and Subnets
⌨️ (1:56:58) Launch an EC2 Instance
⌨️ (2:02:03) Groups, NACL and Bastion
⌨️ (2:14:59) NAT
⌨️ (2:18:24) VPC Endpoints
⌨️ (2:22:33) Flow Logs
⌨️ (2:25:24) Cleanup

☁️ IAM
🎤 (2:27:38) Introduction
🎤 (2:27:51) Core Components
🎤 (2:30:22) Types of Policies
🎤 (2:31:22) Policy Structure
🎤 (2:33:48) Password Policy
🎤 (2:34:14) Access Keys
🎤 (2:34:59) Multi-Factor Authentication
⌨️ (2:35:47) Follow Along
📓 (2:50:37) Cheat Sheet

☁️ Cognito
🎤 (2:52:30) Introduction
🎤 (2:53:12) Web Identity Federation
🎤 (2:54:17) User Pools
🎤 (2:56:19) Identity Pools
🎤 (2:57:32) Sync
📓 (2:58:12) Cheat Sheet

🎤 (2:59:30) Command Line Interface (CLI)
🎤 (3:00:59) Software Development Kit (SDK)
🎤 (3:02:08) Programmatic Access
⌨️ (3:03:17) Follow Along - Cloud 9 and CLI Setup
⌨️ (3:07:57) Follow Along - CLI
⌨️ (3:12:31) Follow Along - SDK
📓 (3:20:41) CLI & SDK Cheat Sheet

☁️ DNS
🎤 (3:21:46) Introduction
🎤 (3:22:35) Internet Protocol (IP)
🎤 (3:24:03) Domain Registrars
🎤 (3:25:06) Top-Level Domains
🎤 (3:26:06) Start of Authority (SOA)
🎤 (3:27:11) A Records
🎤 (3:27:52) CNAME Records
🎤 (3:28:36) NS Records
🎤 (3:29:29) Time To Live (TTL)
📓 (3:30:00) Cheat Sheet

☁️ Route 53
🎤 (3:31:36) Introduction
🎤 (3:32:24) Use Case
🎤 (3:33:32) Record Sets
🎤 (3:25:05) Routing Policies
🎤 (3:36:19) Simple Routing Policies
🎤 (3:37:13) Weighted Routing Policies
🎤 (3:38:15) Latency Based Routing
🎤 (3:39:23) Failover Routing Policies
🎤 (3:40:32) Geolocation Routing Policies
🎤 (3:41:05) Geoproximity Routing Policies
🎤 (3:42:57) Multi-Value Answer Policies
🎤 (3:43:25) Health Checks
🎤 (3:44:30) Resolver
📓 (3:45:07) Cheat Sheet

☁️ EC2
🎤 3:47:14) Introduction
🎤 3:48:48) Instance Types
🎤 3:50:52) Instance Sizes
🎤 3:51:42) Instance Profiles
🎤 3:53:01) Placement Groups
🎤 3:54:31) Userdata
🎤 3:55:26) Metadata
📓 3:56:12) EC2 Cheat Sheet

☁️ EC2 - Pricing
🎤 (3:48:05) Introduction
🎤 (3:58:23) On-Demand Instances
🎤 (3:58:59) Reserved Instances
🎤 (4:01:32) Spot Instances
🎤 (4:03:17) Dedicated Host Instances
📓 (4:04:49) EC2 Pricing Cheat Sheet

☁️ AMI
🎤 (4:07:40) Introduction
🎤 (4:08:51) Use Cases
🎤 (4:10:08) Marketplace
🎤 (4:11:00) Create an AMI
🎤 (4:11:19) Choosing an AMI
🎤 (4:13:21) Coping an AMI
📓 (4:13:46) AMI Cheat Sheet

☁️ Auto Scaling Groups
🎤 (4:15:13) Introduction
🎤 (4:15:51) Capacity Settings
🎤 (4:17:02) Health Check Replacements
🎤 (4:18:23) Scaling Policies
🎤 (4:20:12) ELB Integration
🎤 (4:21:03) Use Case
🎤 (4:22:05) Launch Configuration
📓 (4:23:36) Autoscaling Groups Cheat Sheet

☁️ ELB
🎤 (4:25:04) Introduction
🎤 (4:25:52) Rules of Traffic
🎤 (4:28:03) Application Load Balancer (ALB)
🎤 (4:28:54) Network Load Balancer (NLB)
🎤 (4:29:25) Classic Load Balancer (CLB)
🎤 (4:30:27) Sticky Sessions
🎤 (4:21:24) X-Forwarded-For Header
🎤 (4:32:21) Health Checks
🎤 (4:33:23) Cross-Zone Load Balancing
🎤 (4:34:17) Request Routing
📓 (4:35:28) ELB Cheat Sheet

☁️ EC2 Follow Along
⌨️ (4:37:17) Launching an Instance
⌨️ (4:47:25) SSH Into Instance
⌨️ (4:53:47) Encrypted Snapshots
⌨️ (4:57:44) Creating an AMI
⌨️ (5:02:19) Working with ASGs
⌨️ (5:26:05) Register a Domain

☁️ (Elastic) File System (EFS)
🎤 (5:29:44) Introduction
⌨️ (5:41:01) Mounting EFS
📓 (5:49:50) EFS Cheat Sheet

☁️ (Elastic) Block Store (EBS)
🎤 (5:50:37) Introduction
🎤 (5:52:23) Volume Types
🎤 (5:55:15) Medium HDD
🎤 (5:56:27) Medium SSD
🎤 (5:57:08) Magnetic Tapes
🎤 (5:57:50) Moving Volumes
🎤 (5:58:44) Encrypted Root Volumes
🎤 (6:00:05) EBS vs Instance Store Volumes
📓 (6:02:27) EBS Cheat Sheet

☁️ CloudFront
🎤 (6:04:05) Introduction
🎤 (6:05:20) Core Components
🎤 (6:06:24) Distributions
🎤 (6:10:25) Protection
⌨️ (6:12:31) Create a Distribution
⌨️ (6:16:18) Serve S3 Files From Distribution
⌨️ (6:19:26) Create an Invalidation
📓 (6:21:02) CloudFront Cheat Sheet


Just the Cheat Sheets for those doing last day review (Like me). Thank you for this Course!!
📓 (0:58:39) S3
📓 (1:09:27) Snowball
📓 (1:26:19) VPC Endpoints
📓 (1:29:09) VPC Flow Logs
📓 (1:32:30) NACL
📓 (1:38:39) Security Groups
📓 (1:42:45) NAT
📓 (2:50:37) IAM
📓 (2:58:12) Cognito
📓 (3:20:41) CLI & SDK
📓 (3:30:00) DNS
📓 (3:45:07) Route 53
📓 3:56:12) EC2
📓 (4:04:49) EC2 Pricing
📓 (4:13:46) AMI
📓 (4:23:36) Autoscaling Groups
📓 (4:35:28) ELB
📓 (5:49:50) EFS
📓 (6:02:27) EBS
📓 (6:21:02) CloudFront
📓 (7:00:11) RDS
📓 (7:06:56) Aurora
📓 (7:23:54) DynamoDB
📓 (7:31:40) CloudFormation
📓 (7:51:56) CloudWatch
📓 (8:06:30) CloudTrail
📓 (8:18:16) Lambda
📓 (8:28:30) SQS
📓 (8:37:01) SNS
📓 (8:42:21) ElastiCache
📓 (9:02:49) Elastic Beanstalk
📓 (9:12:41) API Gateway
📓 (9:20:26) Kinesis
📓 (9:28:52) Storage Gateway


People who mark 'unlike' should know how much time consuming and frustrating effort this man has put here to make this content available to everyone for free. If you don't like it, simply ignore it. Why press unlike?


Just passed the exam with 811 this weekend! I watched your video and did 6 practice tests on Udemy - it only took me three weeks with zero experience with AWS. Thank you so much for this content!


Passed the exam today. Big thanks for uploading this to the world, it was genuinely really helpful!
FYI to others taking the exam, 98% of the contents are still relevant in 2023 (SAA-C03). The changes are mostly just new stuff has been added to AWS that was not covered in this video.


you for this Course!!
📓 (0:58:39) S3
📓 (1:09:27) Snowball
📓 (1:26:19) VPC Endpoints
📓 (1:29:09) VPC Flow Logs
📓 (1:32:30) NACL
📓 (1:38:39) Security Groups
📓 (1:42:45) NAT
📓 (2:50:37) IAM
📓 (2:58:12) Cognito
📓 (3:20:41) CLI & SDK
📓 (3:30:00) DNS
📓 (3:45:07) Route 53
📓 3:56:12) EC2
📓 (4:04:49) EC2 Pricing
📓 (4:13:46) AMI
📓 (4:23:36) Autoscaling Groups
📓 (4:35:28) ELB
📓 (5:49:50) EFS
📓 (6:02:27) EBS
📓 (6:21:02) CloudFront
📓 (7:00:11) RDS
📓 (7:06:56) Aurora
📓 (7:23:54) DynamoDB
📓 (7:31:40) CloudFormation
📓 (7:51:56) CloudWatch
📓 (8:06:30) CloudTrail
📓 (8:18:16) Lambda
📓 (8:28:30) SQS
📓 (8:37:01) SNS
📓 (8:42:21) ElastiCache
📓 (9:02:49) Elastic Beanstalk
📓 (9:12:41) API Gateway
📓 (9:20:26) Kinesis
📓 (9:28:52) Storage Gateway


Hello everybody, I'm here to tell you that I passed my exam today. I watched this video and used some exam practice questions.


I have used the material and contents shown in this video with some tests from udemy to prepare for the exam and passed it yesterday ON FIRST TRY (6-oct-2021). Big thanks, it really helped me a lot.


Failed my test with 682/1000. This cert really does require careful studying and understanding of AWS services (especially of VPCs which where I most struggled). I watched this video completely along with a TON of practice questions and some AWS white papers. Not gonna let this demotivate me though. We all learn from mistakes.

Keep learning everyone!


High respect for this dude. Putting 10+ hours courses free for people really takes a lot. Thanks for being there for us. Just a simple suggestion: Your voice gets cut when going for next section.Otherwise, everything is fine.


I've studied SAA for roughly 2weeks with this video and had the exam today. passed. Thank you Andrew!


This is one of the best videos of preparation for the exam. Thanks, Andrew for such a nice and thorough demonstration, this is like a quick tour of the Solutions Architect role and how to pass the certification. You are AWESOME.


Just finished watching this whole video. This was exactly I was looking for to revise the whole exam topics in a brief and precise way. Thanks for such an amazing video.


I want to celebrate it here since I got no one to talk to about this


Thanks so much for taking the time to put this together and make it available for others Andrew! Nice format of high level intro, followed by super cheat-sheets and follow-alongs - it certainly helped me pass! Massive gratitude!


Wow. This video is absolutely fantastic. I can't imagine how much work it took to put this together - I feel infinitely more proficient in tools that I've still to this day never even used. Thank you so much for this life-saver course!


Passed my exam scoring 852 ... prepared for 3 weeks along with practice tests only from Whizlabs.... Thanks for this video...


I really love all the guys at free code camp. Seriously, I mean wow. So very grateful, and thankful for their existence. I have leaned more from paid courses regarding javascript, and react however, this one, in particular, is invaluable along with all the the content. Beau is also a great teacher!


Thank you so much for the course Andrew. I passed the SAA-002 exam today with 811 points on the first try. I found your course a valuable resource, I actually watched it three times over, over the course of 2.5 months of study. A great course, and its Free!!


I have been using some AWS services for a while now but needed a guide for others that I am not familiar with. This is pure gold!
