AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate 2023 | Learn AWS Free | AWS Full Crash Course

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In this video AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate 2023 | Learn AWS Free | AWS Full Crash Course we provide a free AWS certification course online. Certification is part of the process to building a great cloud architect career and this video will help you obtain AWS solution architect certification and prepare for the AWS saa-c03.

If you are looking for a free AWS certification course online to learn AWS free then this AWS certified solutions architect course is for you.

At Go Cloud Careers and Go Cloud Architects we do everything we can to help people build a cloud architect career. We provide AWS career tips, cloud architect training, free AWS certification training, a free AWS certification course online, AWS certification course free, cloud computing architect, AWS cloud computing full course, and a full and FREE cloud computing complete course.

This AWS certification course online (SAA-C03) is a FREE AWS full course tutorial.

This is a complete AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate training program.

Topics covered in this video include:

00:00 - Introduction
8:25 - Regions, AZ, local zones, Edge location
22:11 – VPC
24:05 - Hybrid cloud, pure cloud, multi-cloud environment
30:20 - Connecting to the cloud (Direct Connect, VPN)
1:02:15 – Ling Aggregation Groups
1:04:18 – Storage (Object, Block, File)
1:18:30 – S3 (Simple Storage Service)
1:39:35 – Instance Storage
2:04:33 – Transfer Your Data to AWS
2:21:50 – Computing on AWS
2:52:01 – Databases
3:21:38 – Database Optimization
3:53:37 – Basics of Networking
4:12:00 - Routing Tables/ Routers / IGW, Elastic Ips and More
4:39:20 - VPC Endpoints (Gateway Endpoints), VPC Peering, CloudHub, and More
5:02:06 – Access Control Lists, Security Groups, and More
5:23:26 – DNS and Route 53
5:50:18 – Load Balancers
6:02:00 – Security Responsibilities, IAM, and More
6:29:10 – Cross Account Roles, Managed Policies, MFA, Identity Federations, and More
6:50:33 – Firewalls, CDN, Security Hub, Guard Duty, and more
7:13:33 – AWS Services
7:41:35 – More AWS Services
8:06:07 – Even More AWS Services
8:34:53 – Even More and More AWS Services
8:57:17 – Still More AWS Services
9:25:15 – IoT Services
9:52:07 – Building High Availability Systems, Passing the Exam and More

Topics covered in this video include:

The AWS Cloud and How It’s Organized
Direct Connect
Public and Private Virtual Interfaces (VIF)
Direct Connect Gateway
Link Aggregation Groups (LAG)
Virtual Private Networks (VPN)
AWS Primary Storage Options
Elastic Block Storage (EBS)
Elastic File System (EFS)
AWS Storage Gateway
Amazon FSx for Windows
Amazon FSx for Lustre
Amazon Machine Images (AMI)
Instance Purchasing
Tenancy Options
Securing EC2
Relational Databases
NoSQL Databases
Data Warehousing on AWS
Data Lakes
AWS Glue
Database Migration Tools
Internet Gateways
NAT Instances
NAT Gateway
VPC Peering
AWS CloudHub
AWS Transit Gateway
AWS Transit VPC
Network Access Control Lists (NACL)
Security Groups
Amazon Web Application Firewall (WAF)
AWS Firewall Manager
AWS Shield
AWS Service Catalog
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store
AWS Macie
AWS GuardDuty
AWS Inspector
AWS Security Hub
AWS Simple Queuing Service (SQS)
Amazon MQ
AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS)
AWS Simple Workflow Service (SWF)
AWS Elastic Map Reduce (EMR)
AWS Kinesis
AWS Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka
Amazon OpenSearch
AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS)
AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)
Amazon EKS Distro
AWS EKS Anywhere
AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR)
AWS CloudWatch
AWS Config
AWS CloudTrail
AWS CloudFront
AWS Lambda
AWS Step Functions
AWS Forecast
AWS Rekognition
Amazon Elastic Transcoder
Amazon Textract
AWS Comprehend
AWS Translate
Amazon Polly
AWS Kendra
AWS Amplify
AWS CloudFormation
AWS Proton
VMWare Cloud on AWS
AWS Certificate Manager (ACM)
AWS App Discovery
AWS AppSync
Amazon AppFlow
AWS Cloud9
AWS Code Artifacts
AWS CodeStar
AWS Data Exchange
AWS Device Farm
AWS Global Accelerator
AWS License Manager
AWS Managed Grafana
AWS Wavelength
AWS Well-Architected Tool
AWS Compute Optimizer
AWS Outpost
AWS Service Quotas
Alexa for Business
AWS IoT Device Management
AWS IoT Core
AWS IoT Analytics
AWS IoT Events
AWS IoT Graph
And More

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#cloudarchitect #cloudcareer #cloudjob
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Truly appreciate all the work you guys put on. This valuable information being available to all really helps bridge the gap with so may socio-economic issues that many people face. Keep doing this tremendous work. Even us seasoned vets watch you and learn something new each time. You are a tremendous help and blessing for so many… continued success


I took my SAA exam yesterday and passed thanks in no small part to you and your videos. Thanks Mike!


Great teaching method. Some instructors I struggle to learn, but not this gent. I think the real-world analogies are a huge help.


Hello Michael. Thank you for this video. I am working towards my AWS Solutions Architect Associate exam to help me get my foot into the cloud. #awscloud


Awesome content Mike! Thanks for all you do for the community. Your free book help me pass the SCA-002


I’ve been watching your videos and took courses here/there for awhile but I lost motivation. It’s been about a year now and I’m back to studying cloud!!! I didn’t forget everything so this a good refresh. I want to get out of my current 9 to 5 that doesn’t pay the bills!!!


this is amazing content. your ability to explain complex topics in simple, easy to understand manner is truly a gift. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!


Super excited to watch this video. I already have my AWS SAA but I love your unique approach to learning the cloud so I'm expecting to learn a lot.


Oh boy! 10+ hours! There goes my weekends 😆.

Trainings like these should separate the girls from the women & the men from the boys. Highly anticipated. Should be worth it.💪🏽😎


One of the current, best GO-TO professionals for Cloud Development currently in the market. Thanks for your time. Cheers,


One of the best explanations i have ever seen. No bulsjit and straight to the point


Thank God i found this Youtube Channel! Signing up for the career dev program as well!


Thanks Mike. I passed the exam. I heard your full session closely and it really helped. You kept it simple and explained concepts so clearly. 🎉


I have just found this, and it is really amazing! thank you very much indeed.


What an Awsome course, thank so much.


I completed an instructor led course recently for the Associate cert and there were some gaps in the content, then I found this with 4 days to go to my exam and I PASSED! I don't think I could have done it without it. This was invaluable. Many thanks Mike and Go Cloud Careers from downunder.


You are appreciated, this is amazing @Go Cloud Careers


thank you very much i just passed my SAA EXAMS .. The explanations helped alot


You are amazing. Thank you so much!!!!


Where can I get the free demo labs as it’s not available anymore from the link in the description.
