How to make a Natural : Organic Pool in America

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David Pagan Butler explains how a DIY pool in Georgia, USA was made - zero build, with only sculpted earth walls and his bubble flow circulation system. This pool was made by Alan Hall with the help of his family and friends (and moral support from David) and is an inspiration for those who aspire to create a beautiful, chemical free pool for swimming and a precious habitat for wildlife.
Have a look at Alan's moving film of the project:
and a dragonfly laying eggs on watercress

free Organic Pools DIY pdf:
Organic Pools DIY film available on:
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By far what's most impressive is that backhoe opperators digging skills


I worked for a pool company for 10 years, and though we made some quality pools, I am much more a fan of integrating with nature. This is a really cool design, very aesthetically pleasing, you won't go broke heating it, you won't go broke chlorinating the heck out of it, I am not sure you have to close it. I have to say it's awesome.


You don’t have a ridiculous English accent. You just have an English accent. I think it’s pleasant. Furthermore, your enunciation and diction is a breath of fresh air being that I’m surrounded by a society plagued by the desire to create new, asinine words to be cool and unique rather than valuing true intellect. Language is a gift that too many people choose to not fully open.

Also, that pool is fantastic and your explanation is perfect. Thank you, sir.


why are people so rude? maybe jealousy because the rude people wish they had the brains to be creative too but they are so busy criticizing others to do something amazing themselves.
this is an amazing pond I love it and David's designs have been changing hard intrusive
ugly back yard pools into a dual purpose master pieces all around the world.


Can you kindly do a follow up video? It would be great to see how the pond plants have matured!


Had a Teacher friend who went to dig a pool and hit a natural spring. It was so beautiful, looked like a pond untill you got close and seen the crystal blue water that stays at 50 degrees all year with natural grass on the bottom and sides, had fish, turtles in there also. It was so bizarre and beautiful. She said she was so lucky it happened and wouldn't trade it for any modern pool. Here on Eastern Shore in Md it's so hard to get a permit and location because there is so much water around like a huge Island.


people act like this is disgusting. have you swam in a pond lake or creek? if the answer is yes then you swam with the creatures that naturally inhabit it. I would rather swim in this than a chlorine pool any day.


This might be the coolest thing I’ve ever seen.


Yo that digger operator is an absolute king 👑


i cant believe all the stupid comments about it being full of parasites and shit. i have been swimming in lakes, rivers, ponds, streams all my life and i am healthy as can be. too many cushy sheltered people. i would love to have a pool like this someday and i would enjoy using it every chance i could


I watched this video like 5 seriously going to do this one day.


Everything about that was amazing. Especially the digging skills wow.


This is very similar to a bog filter we set up to handle our aquaponics system. For those who think it will be stagnant, just the opposite. The outer edges act as a biological filter, the bog plants he's added will also help to filter nutrients out. You also see something similar to this in old school wastewater treatment systems, in the settling ponds. Done right, the water in the swimming area should remain crystal clear.


Wow this just made me change my whole life goals when it comes to a home. I'd rather this over a pool any and all days. Just trying to keep up with the chemicals and filtration is enough and you're meeting mother nature half way! Good man! Thanks!


Thank you so much for sharing this with the world! Genius idea and something that we are heavily researching. I appreciate all your natural pond videos. keep up the good work!


WOW! I'm planning on putting in two small ponds on my property and have been thinking about this and thinking about this, but this video now gives me visual evidence that my ideas are not so screwy after all! I'm not planning on building anything this elaborate, but something on a much smaller scale. Thanks for uploading this. It has made me able to visualize my idea better.


This is AMAZING!!! I knew someone had already done it!!! It is exactly what I had in my mind, but beautifully executed!!! Thank you so MUCH!!!


David. i just can't thank you enough for sharing this knowledge and showing us this divine pool. Thanks a lot and Best regards from Brazil.


Good consultant and teacher! Thanks for this video, cheers from Canada 🇨🇦


So much hate when all he is trying to do is share information. Welcome to the internet.
