How to Make a Natural Electrolyte/ Sole' Water

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Water and Salt are essential for the body. WIth a natural electrolyte, our bodies can be re-mineralized the right way. Our body needs salt! This natural electrolyte, or sole' water, will give you more energy, rehydrate your body, aid in digestion, help with muscle cramps, and so much more. Gatorade and other electrolytes on the market do not support your body the way it is supposed to.

Where to buy Real Salt and Himalayan Salt:

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I had my elderly mother doing this. She was having a lot of trouble with digestion, diarrhea, constipation, and major swelling. When she was drinking it her swelling went down, she felt better and her digestion and bowel issues stopped. She told her doctor about it and he had a fit. Told her she was NOT to be consuming any salt. So she listened to the doctor and all of those bad symptoms and severe swelling came right back. Doctors do a major disservice to their patients.


Gives new meaning to being the salt of the earth. Thank you.


Celtic Salt is the best because it has 82 minerals including, 3 different types of magnesium. One crystal on your tongue for every half glass of water. Get the coarse kind


Today was my first day of having this in the morning. I had some brief sharp pain on my upper left side (maybe gas?) that I have also felt drinking lemon water occasionally, but after that passed I felt heavy for a little bit in the gut.... BUT as the day went on, I achieved mental focus and alertness I haven't had in frankly years. And I had sustained energy ALL DAY and didn't even think about my usual afternoon snooze session. Crazy how something so simple had such an impact!


I use a coffee grinder and mix unrefined salts like Redmonds, Celtic, and Himalayan and grind all three. I store it in glass jars. In a one liter bottle of Evian brand water I add 1/2 teaspoon of the salt, along with 5 drops of Lugols iodine, two tablespoons of organic lemon juice, and I open 1 capsule of selenium into as well. I consume up to 2 liters a day. Especially in the hot humid summers. I'm healing from a bone fracture and this is just one of the things I do for it. God bless.


We always had a salt block out for the horses. One day we put out a Redmond salt block. Gone in a few days. Regular block still there. Bought some Redmond for us that same week. Hubby takes diuretic but has blossomed with one coarse grain under tongue twice a day. We dont tell cardiologist. Pretty sure she would tell us to stop. PS we dont touch table salt


Her beautiful skin is telling us she is hydrated at a celular level. Great job and thanks for spreading the goodness of salt.


I simply add a pinch of celtic salt to my water once a day. Easy peasy.


I watched barbara o'neill talk about salt, she said 1 main reason why people wont drink more water is because of the toilet trips they take, im the same. So yesterday i put a few grinds of himalyan salt into a smaller glass of water and drank it, after that i drank about 6 glasses of water and only went to the toilet twice! A record, did the same this morning and actually i wasnt having crazy sweet cravings like I'd usually have and slept all last night too. Heres hoping it'll do me good 😊


Oh my word!! I just made this and had my FIRST glass today!!! I watch Doug and Stacy on You Tube and saw it there!! Thanks for sharing this 💕


Today is my first time this video. Its remind me when i was a child , my grandma got a salt water on the table for everyone everyday before breakfast. It was 60 years ago. What a coincide!
Thank you Sandy!


Been on a Carnivore/Keto diet just over a month now.Was taking pink Himalayan salt and water plain with Cream of Tarter and Magnesium Glycenate for Electrolytes.
Came across your video recently and am drinking Sole now, it's for sure alot better esp for hydration which is extreemely important as i have epilepsy.
Thank you and God bless!


I actually worked in a salt mine in Southern Louisiana it was about a mile deep so it took awhile to get down there it was a very interesting job of nice and cool down there and very pretty, like walls of diamonds


My granny was on her deathbed a few days ago, bloated swelled up like a balloon. She slept 14-16 hrs a day, had diarrhea, bad breath, smelled like shytt, awful.(granny juice took over) Doctor said no (bad) salt. We gave her some of the good stuff, yesterday the swelling stopped, she got out of bed, walked to the store and back (about 6 miles) today she was outside mowing the lawn even climbed the ladder and warshed her windows around the whole house. She's 92, she says she feels 30. Amazing.
UPDATE: She's talking about re-roofing the house next.


Wow thankyou and God bless you! I was trying to understand why sole water and why not just add salt to my glass of water directly before i drink it. That makes a lot of sense that the water will absorb the exact proportion that it is meant to hold in order to hydrate our bodies as well as so many other functions. I believe just as you do, that God created us and put all the things our bodies need to thrive right here in this earth. Salt is definitely spoken of very highly in Gods word. Im going with salt for sure!


I learned this from Homesteading with Doug and Stacy here on YouTube 💚💚💚 I use 5 Tablespoons of Redman salt and one pint of filtered water. Shake and ler sit for 12-18 hours. The 1 teaspoon in 12 ounces of filtered water every morning with my medication. I have been doing those for two years. The best thong especially in our new summer temperatures.


Hi there, UK resident here. I distill my tap water in a reverse osmosis machine. The main reason for this is to get rid of the chemical fluoride plus all impurities. I then add concentrated minerals drops from Utah. I then pour it into a water dispenser in the fridge which contains shungite stones.


Barbara O'Neil brought me here! ☺️


It's nice to see a host responding to questions


It's a real tragedy that the average person is told that salt is dangerous
