CAE Use of English Part 4 // Cambridge English: Advanced Use of English Part 4 [C1]

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CAE Use of English Part 4 // Cambridge English: Advanced Use of English Part 4 [C1]
How to pass CAE Use of English Part 4

Part 4 of the Advanced Reading and Use of English exam is the key word transformation. There are six questions in part 4 and for each question you’re given a sentence and a keyword. You’re also given the beginning and end of a second sentence. Your job is to complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. You must use the keyword you’ve been given, which can’t be changed in any way, and you can only write between three and six words.

What did I just read?!

Don’t worry, the task sounds more complicated than it is. Let’s take a look at an example to help clear things up.

Whatever happens, he will never trust her again.
Under _________________________ trust her again.

Have a think about how we can complete the sentence so that it has a very similar, if not identical, meaning to the original. Any ideas? Well, for the first part of the sentence we can use the expression ‘under no circumstances’. Then, in the second part of the sentence we need to use inversion (that means switching the word order of the subject and verb) and change ‘never’ to ‘ever’. So, the answer is:

Under no circumstances will he ever trust her again.

Lots of people get very stressed about part 4 and there’s no doubt it is tricky, but I want to help you by drawing your attention to some of the different type of things they are testing in this part of the exam to hopefully reduce your anxiety and improve your performance!


Maybe you remember our blog on Advanced Reading and Use of English part 2, where we talked about dependent prepositions. Don’t recall? No worries. A dependent preposition is a preposition that we always use with a particular verb, noun or adjective.

For example:

We reached the top of the mountain and marvelled at the amazing views in every direction
(verb + dependent preposition)

Having a good knowledge of dependent prepositions is so important in part 4. Many of the sentences that you’ll need to complete require the use of nouns, verbs and adjectives that have dependent prepositions. Even if you get the rest of the sentence right, using the wrong preposition will mean that you only get one mark out of the two marks available for each question. So, review those dependent prepositions in order not to throw marks away in part 4!

Now it’s time to test yourself. Look at these three sentences. Can you fill in the gaps with the right preposition? (Answers at the end of the post)

1. The man, aged 49, has been accused _____ fraud, and faces up to 10 years in prison.
2. Gareth must be prone _____ catching colds. He always seems to have a runny nose and a cough.
3. In the first few months of her pregnancy she had an insatiable craving _____ peanut butter!

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CAE Use of English Part 4

You find all informations about the c1 advanced reading and use of english part 4 in this video.
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This video is so useful! 🏆 Why is it so underrated?


Excellent video 😍
Is "If only Paul had gotten up on time" wrong in number 1 at 11:09? I couldn't find out why is it wrong.
Tysm teacher!
