Who Was Lazarus?
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In one of the most dramatic miracles performed in the scriptures, Jesus raised his friend Lazarus from the dead four days after his entombment. However, the story occurs only in the gospel of John (11:1-44), where Lazarus is presented as the brother of Mary and Martha of Bethany. The gospel of Luke (10:38-42) tells a famous story about Mary and Martha but does not mention their connection to Lazarus. Instead, Jesus tells a parable about a beggar named Lazarus and a rich man experiencing rewards and punishment in the afterlife (Luke 16:19-31). Indeed, nowhere else is Lazarus or his miraculous resurrection mentioned in the New Testament. Who was Lazarus? What happened to him after his resurrection? Why does such an important figure fall out of John’s narrative? Why is it not mentioned in any other source? John Hamer of Toronto Centre Place will survey the many theories about the Lazarus narrative.
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A Q&A and discussion will follow the presentation. Please send your questions on the live chat.
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