Understanding The REAL meaning of Matthew 18 from the Mark Driscoll and James River Church scandal

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Mark Driscoll and Pastor John Lindell from James River Church, (a mega church in Missouri), have just parted ways due to a false walking out of Matthew 18.

Join Pastor Jim as he challenges the conventional interpretation of Matthew 18 in light of this recent scandalous event that has been an embarrassment to Christianity as a whole. Pastor Jim exposes the TRUTH of what Matthew 18 really means, through a provocative examination of the Hebrew concept of Beit Din (House of Judgment) and its implications for modern-day conflict resolution within the local assembly. Without a proper Hebraic understanding of what the Matthew 18 protocol actually means in its original context, we will automatically read into the text what we already believe, which paves the way for more disastrous events like this to happen within the body of Christ.

The Bible dictates a set of commandments and instructions designed to foster righteousness and harmony among individuals. These timeless directives serve as a moral compass, guiding believers in navigating the complexities of human relationships with integrity and compassion, which is why it is so important to understand the Hebrew context of the New Testament scriptures to get it right or lives could be destroyed in the process.

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Have you ever said to yourself, "There's got to be something more?" Well...there is. And this channel is dedicated to just that--the discovery of something more. Join Pastor Jim Staley as he uncovers the true Christian roots of our faith, which find themselves rooted deep inside the Hebraic context, culture, and languages of the Bible.

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We would appreciate it Deeply if anyone could pray for us our 12 year old daughter Candice living with chronic congested heart failure passed away peacefully in her sleep may 30 2022 we are all devastated please pray for peace and comfort with God's love conquer all amen we lost our first daughter Angel 15 years old passed away peacefully in her sleep in 2018 she had Ms this is very hard we are grateful to God for two wonderful daughters and we will be altogether again praise God praying for everyone everyday God bless you all


LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE praise God praying for everyone everyday God bless you all


How does what Jesus was saying in Matthew 18, have anything to do with the situation being talked about regarding Mark Driscoll? Sounds like the situation has more to do of what God's Word is saying in 1Corinthians 5:9-13; actions of people not respecting a Holy God in His House.


Not worshipping another god? Lol If inviting someone that licks swords and swallows them isn't worshipping another god, I don't know what is.


Why is what he did any worse than not honoring Sabbath or celebrating papacy pagan holidays? They all need to repent. Why are we surprised by the sun god politics? This is normal behavior in the sun god church.


As someone who has witnessed personal offense or personal sin being removed and the person redeemed by going through Matthew 18, I can agree when PERSONAL offense or personal sin against another or oneself is done, this is the best way to deal with it. Far more often than not, you will regain your brother and cover a plethora of sins. HOWEVER, having said that, Public Displays must be rebuked publicly, and do not qualify as "personal sin or offense." There was someone when I first started going to the congregation I am attending that had interpreted a tongue with a very Hate-filled speech towards 1 group of people. The individual was talked to in private, and taken through Matthew 18, but the INTERPRETATION that was heard by the public was rebuked in the moment PUBLICLY by an Elder, which Pastor Mark would qualify as, as not being from Yah and a foul spirit. Y'shua rebuked Demons and Pharisees speaking publicly and in Synagogues about Him or matters of the Torah in the moment for the good of the Congregation or the people in ear shot that were taking in something that could mean eternal consequences to those believing what the other party was doing was of God. Y'shua, Himself, states that He has not come to bring Peace to the World, but a Sword in Matthew 10:34-36. A person's enemies may be of their own Household or Household of Faith in which the Spirit has been squelched or the Love grown cold. Paul rebukes the Judaizers publicly by not having Titus circumcised and allowing Him to perform the Gifts of the Spirit to the Congregation in Galatians 2 to publicly humiliate the teaching, and therefore, the Judaizers themselves because their false teachings and false Spirit was affecting the Congregation as a whole. Too many times, I have went with other brothers in private to Pastors, Elders, etc. about something that happened publicly during Mass/Service, and even in the times I got personal agreement, for the sake of Pride, they never publicly recanted allowing the wrong interpretation to fester, and in all those cases, the ones backed by Scripture end up leaving the Congregation by request or by the Spirit. Every situation must be treated carefully, with love and humility, but we cannot sacrifice TRUTH for Unity, even if it means the Church breaks up publicly because of it.


I think the opening act for a Christian men’s conference was COMPLETELY INAPPROPRIATE and should have been stopped immediately. My heart breaks for any of the men attending that may struggle with homosexuality or porn addiction. It was thoughtless and preyed on sensuality and it was wrong. I’m still not clear whether it was abruptly ended then, or if Pastor Mark said that after the fact. But I believe it was not pleasing to God and any leadership that would allow that kind of behavior during a men’s conference should be should be held accountable. How dare Pastor John call Pastor Mark out and ridicule him for handling a situation wrong (in his opinion) when it was only a response to what Pastor John allowed to take place. I’m praying for all parties to have eyes to see and ears to hear God


GREAT Wisdom, revelation, and understanding Pastor Jim🙌🙏….. Father please open the eyes & the ears of the western church leaders to KNOW, UNDERSTAND, & hunger for Your Word and YourLaws in Jesus’s Name🙏🙌🙏




The devil succeeds to distract us while he destructs the church, I choose to remain focused on God and be rooted and grounded in the foundation of Love. The kingdom of God suffers violence indeed


Amen brother this is truly, what is truly going on and if people don't open their eyes and heart, it is going to get so worst


This is what I see on this story and telling you why. I was follower Mark but not anymore, I never follow James River Church because they teaching false. This situation not apply Matthew 18, this situation was a public other God ceremony. If you follow Mark you know he is just finished preaching the Judges series. So I think God give them the test, and he is failed. Why? This situation apply Elijah - 1 Kings 18 - 21 And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word. - Mark reaction 1st was But James with dark manipulation call him back and he is was back and he said apologies to them. With this Mark do the wrong thing. Current times is dangerous, if you are on God side stay on that whatever happening. If Im there (Im nobody) I not even say a word just leave and never ever going back again. And I know Im right. The right thing for Mark to do would have been the following: Call fire from Haven, and Im 100% God do it! PraysYAH


This was so needed.

We have walked through this scripture being taken out of context. As well as being apart of taking it out of context in my ignorance. It ate me up for so long it never felt right.


These Mega-churches must being in the mega-money.
That creates fear of loss. The leaders dont want to lose the money causibg them to let down, allow wrong in, and entertain people.


I've enjoyed many of Mark's video messages. He is passionate, but I've seen him be humorous too. I've enjoyed his Biblical knowledge. Seeing the visual of the "show" here I think it is very sad at that "performance art".
I do think it was more demonic than commandment oriented. I'll still watch Mark. Thank you Pastor Staley. I just discovered you through someone posting your almost 3 hour talk on "who is Israel" Wow, very eye opening. I'm a new believer and will look at the Bible very differently now. I'm going to search more about the Hebrew translations.


Dt 7:9: ‘9 Saberás, portanto, que Iahweh teu Criador é o único Criador, o Altíssimo fiel, que mantém a Aliança e o amor por mil gerações, em favor daqueles que o amam e observam os seus mandamentos;’


So what happens to that "post eclipse rapture" that eas "prophesied"? Holefully no one sold any life possessions, or did anything unwise based on these "prophecies".... Youd think folks woild learn after prediction after prediction fails...


Did Jesus apologize for being angry and turning over the money changers tables and calling them out publicly??? Did Da be I'd apologize for killing the giant when he got angry with the giant for mocking God!!!! No they didn't! When you see something that is an abomination to God, you have every right and should be angry with this person, and you do have a right and should call them out immediately!!! Jesus says be like me! He set the example!! Are you saying Jesus is wrong?? No he wasn't wrong! And neither was Mark, he was appalled with the abomination that was being committed on Jesus stage!! And anyone including you who were not appalled and angry with what happened should maybe think about you relationship with Jesus!!! No, I don't agree with you! Jesus was not wrong, Mark was not wrong! An abomination like that should be called out immediately!! Jesus did it! And if it didnt make you angry, how can you say you love Jesus!! I'm publicly calling that ex- male stripper and anyone else who condoned what they knew was happening. Shame, shame shame on them!!!


Mark Discroll was absolutely right and shouldnt apologize. If you sin publicly in front of thousands, you need to adress it publicly.


Mark Driscoll do not bow down. You stand for the word of God!
Thank you for calling evil exactly what it is.
