Intro to FLIP Fluids - Part 1: Getting Started [Blender Add-on Tutorial]

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In this part 1 of Flip Fluids training for #Blender, we will explore the fundamental fluid objects and how they interact with each other. Then we will apply that knowledge and create a globe of water, swirling around a vortex force while whitewater particles are emitted. Enjoy and stay tuned for the next video in this series!
Flip Fluids Plugin
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Pixel Planet Studios is Cleveland-based video production company utilizing unparalleled storytelling and artistry to exemplify brands.
As part of the Pixel Planet experience, we offer a completely customizable approach to video production. Each stage of our process is tuned for your particular operating conditions, maybe you need 3D animation, an in-studio production, or even a creative marketing strategy to get your video seen. We’ve got you.
In other words, no matter what your objective is -- be assured that our process is designed to develop unique and compelling ways to tell your story.
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00:00 Intro
00:14 What is the Flip Fluids add-on for Blender?
00:59 Installation of the add-on
01:31 Getting started
01:46 Creating a domain
02:24 Inflow objects
03:43 Fluid objects
05:04 Outflow objects
06:04 Obstacle objects
06:35 Force objects
07:40 Globe vortex example
07:56 Setting the stage
09:43 Adding force objects
11:42 Adding whitewater particles
12:32 Animating world gravity and speed
13:36 Adding a camera
14:04 Increase simulation resolution
14:38 Adding lights and materials
16:55 Render previews
17:44 Final result
18:01 Close
Flip Fluids Plugin
Check out more of our Client Work:
Pixel Planet Studios is Cleveland-based video production company utilizing unparalleled storytelling and artistry to exemplify brands.
As part of the Pixel Planet experience, we offer a completely customizable approach to video production. Each stage of our process is tuned for your particular operating conditions, maybe you need 3D animation, an in-studio production, or even a creative marketing strategy to get your video seen. We’ve got you.
In other words, no matter what your objective is -- be assured that our process is designed to develop unique and compelling ways to tell your story.
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00:00 Intro
00:14 What is the Flip Fluids add-on for Blender?
00:59 Installation of the add-on
01:31 Getting started
01:46 Creating a domain
02:24 Inflow objects
03:43 Fluid objects
05:04 Outflow objects
06:04 Obstacle objects
06:35 Force objects
07:40 Globe vortex example
07:56 Setting the stage
09:43 Adding force objects
11:42 Adding whitewater particles
12:32 Animating world gravity and speed
13:36 Adding a camera
14:04 Increase simulation resolution
14:38 Adding lights and materials
16:55 Render previews
17:44 Final result
18:01 Close