How to Clean Your RC Car - And Why You should!

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In this video Aaron shows us how to properly clean an RC car, and how to get maximum performance and longevity out of all parts - keep it clean!

Inferno Neo buggy:
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This is one of the most complete vids I have seen on this topic. Really appreciate it.


When the car is really dirty I use a little gasoline in a match 👍


Inox is a great product to use on moving parts as it’s a Teflon lubricant. It also works well to prevent dirt and mud from sticking to the car in the first place


I have a Ryobi 18v air mattress inflator that works great as a blow duster. Great video!


Haven't got my RC Car yet but I have already started doing some research on how to "baby" one after a good bashing, great video keep it up!!


Thank you for NOT spraying the chassis down with WD-40 like everybody else, it will weaken pastic components over time.


Yo. I'm a clean freak with my cars but on every run this isn't necessary. You did a great job on showing how to clean a car on a 4 to 6 month maintenance although I would've added bearing maintenance however I wouldn't have even commented except you had simply green there. It's a very powerful degreaser that accelerates rusting because it strips the coating off non stainless metals. If you like the brand new look simply green gives you after cleaning be prepared to hit your car with a deep penetrating lubricant immediately after or you'll wind up with a rust bucket and have no idea why and think it's water. Otherwise this was a clean video. But that simply green can get you in trouble. Otherwise nice job Subbed!


I've been trying and thinking of different ways to clean my R/C cars and I think you have the best way, it's a little work but that's part of the fun to me...thanks great vid and big help...


I find the wd40 dry lubricant works well for blasting dirt out of all of the smaller spaces. then take a blower and dry it off. it will soak into the plastics and make them more flexible and remove any water and dirt


I used to make a mix of wd40 and axle grease and a little liquid grease to make a substance to soak my bearings in over night after words ill use a thicker mixture with less wd40 and more grease mixtures to soak my bearing in I'm not sure if it actually lengthened bearing life but it seemed to help free up bearings and too me it was worth it.


for the air, i got tired of using canned air, as i also have a desktop i dust regularly i got an electric air blower, strong enough air flow to clean dust from a desktop and tight enough to clean and dry an rc car!


Not Bad. Not bad at all. Thank you for sharing. I'm not into electrics so much but more Nitro and find using water after bashing through dirt works well as, long as you dissipate all the water from the car after cleaning which is easily done to prevent corrosion.

I usually spray the car with metho following the water rinse ( all electronics are disconnected of course and covered to prevent any ignition) This helps evaporate any water and leaves the car dead dry after spraying it with compressed air as metho evaporates and evaporates quickly with compressed air. Saves a lot of time dry wiping and trying to get into tight areas with brushing. After years in storage, the cars still look brand new.


Just us alcohol and water with a mixed ratio around 10:2.
Then us high speed barring oil. WD-40 tends to weaken certain plastics.


Thanks, I keep coming back to your channel. Much appreciated!


Simple green foam has worked the best for me over many years.


I clean mechanically with an M-16 cleaning brush and remove any component with built in grit. A few Q tips work wonders.


I use a powerful air compressor hose on my rc’s after each use, then I go over them with a wet wipe and a microfiber cloth


Great video mate. For a next video idea why not do a transmission rebuild.


Very good and comprehensive video I'm glad I clicked on it, I've had my RC car for about 6 months and I usually clean it with a brush and get all the big stuff out of it but I watched this video because I want to figure out how to clean my brushless motor and if a brushless motor needs to be oiled or not I'm kind of hearing two-sided answers like some people say a brushless motor doesn't need to be oiled and some people say they do I'm just a little confused can someone help me out


the switch in accents at 2:50 threw me off so much lmfao
