Peter Attia | Imagine You Are 80 Years Old

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Peter Attia is a Canadian-American physician. He was recently on the Joe Rogan podcast where he shared what he called, ‘The greatest piece of advice.’

He said, “Anytime you feel yourself getting frustrated with your kids, just close your eyes and imagine you are 80 years old, and you have a time machine that is bringing you right back to this moment, and this is the only moment that you will get with them again.”

He then said, “It totally changes everything. It’s like, ‘I can take this all day long.’”


1 - What is your biggest takeaway from this video?
2 - When you are 80 years old and talking to your kids, what do you hope they say about you?
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I have though about his on my own and remembered it on and off for over 40 years. Happy to see I'm not the only one! I called it "forward/backward thinking", meaning imagine you work up tomorrow but years have passed and you are 80 years old. Then, the next day you wake up to TODAY, back to where you started. Now, what would you think, do, and/or feel at this time now that you are, today, in your "second chance" at life starting at today, knowing you just came back in time from being 80 years old. Changes your perspective and thinking on many situations from now, doesn't it? :)
