Sword Art Online: Fractured Daydream REVIEW | Sword Art Online: Fracture Daydream PS5 Gameplay

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Sword Art Online: Fractured Daydream REVIEW | Sword Art Online: Fracture Daydream PS5 Gameplay

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The only thing that really annoys me is how there is literally zero tracking for attacks. Like if you play a melee character it's guaranteed that you'll miss a lot of attack just because you were 1 inch too far from the enemies or they just moved at the last minute and since you can't cancel animations you just swing your sword in the air like an idiot. I never realised how important that feature was until this game because no other game that I can think of has this problem.
Even in this video where you already played a lot, look at how many attacks miss the targets


One of the main things in my impressions was I needed to have either a customer character or, personally preferable, customise skill sets.

Using the same 3 skills isn’t diverse enough, it’ll get boring too quick, especially when the game modes are also very repetitive.

Such a shame :/ this pretty much seals a no buy until either free on a sub service or a deep deep sale years down the road, at best.

As I’m missing the other SAO games tho still, I’ll just go play them in the future probably instead for cheap.


So fatal bullet did everything better.


This game is a lot of fun for me and I know I’m gonna enjoy it as a button masher who likes the semblance of playing with others and accomplishing the same goals.

But I totally agree. What’d make this game cooler is the ability to choose - at the very least - a different loadout for Kirito (like GGO gun and photon sword, Alicization with mage stuff, or Alfheim with their flying and spellcasting). Having a customizable character to do something like a multiclass or multi-role would be absolutely fantastic. Imagine being able to switch from the Engineer role as in Fatal Bullet to a pistol and sword mid-game and going to town with DPS.

I can see why they’re going the route they are with customization and I don’t like it…but part of me wonders how logistical it’d be to balance the skill sets if people just pick what’s most optimal. Those who’re grinding the game hard are making so much headway while I - though I do my best - can’t get near damage as a casual player.

That’s it from me though. Lots of fun. Just could be better and I hope the devs are taking peoples hopes into account


I don't know how fatal bullet was with the armor but I don't like the fact that in order to take skills from weapons they have to be epic or legendary and the buff you take from those weapons can only be applied to the character's weapons you sacrificed. Meaning if you take a skill from a kirito weapon like (ultimate damage plus 15%) and wanna put it on another weapon.. it can only be a kirito weapon. With 21 characters.. epics and legendaries dropping scarcely.. it's almost impossible to start crafting gear with awesome passives. Unless the epic/legendary rate at rank 100 is higher


I think it would be cool in a future update to add like, 2 or three new skills to every character. I think that would help alot with letting players diversify and custimizing a bit. I know off the top of my head id change off vorpal strike on yuuki. Dont care for that move in particular tho it has its uses. And i hope they add at least a bit of corse correction to some skills. I cant tell you the amount of times ive used a skill and then the boss just decides to go somewhere else and im just shadow boxing for a solid 10 seconds. At the very least let us turn the character mid animation


Funny thing about Fatal Bullet is that i bought it for every console i own 😂 it’s a great game


Fair review ^_^

As it stands now I'm still in the camp of passing on this entry like I did with Last Recollection.. Lycoris left a bad taste, if I want to get my flying fix I feel like I'd be better off booting up Accel World vs SAO flying around in that one was a treat.


Do we need ps plus to play online or just internet connection? Thanks


Nice review, i agree on pretty much everything you have said with the likes and dislikes but maybe hopefully they might add the changing of skills down the line...one could hope


My fear of me getting this game at it's current $60 price tag. That it might be another Square Enix Avengers game without the live service. I played the Fractured Daydream beta. I like how the game is PVE, a beat'em up, and it can be 20 players in one game.

I also liked SE Avengers, but somewhere in the middle of playing the single player. I felt the repetition of that game. So I'm kind of hesitant of getting Fractured Daydream at it's current $60. And also fear the game is dead when it hit at the $30 price range.


My perfect game would have been a dorect succesor to fatal bullet witht the same pritag and arfa-sys but at worst i was okay with just a character creater and seeing as they were only willing to do a basoc kirito woth no cac i am still on the side of waiting for a deal in a year or two


Please please please can someone answer this for me.

Is there a way to turn off the characters voices during combat, so i don't hear them speaking Japanese during combat after each attack?


I wish they would just make another SAO game based on GGO that is similar to the Division.


Do you need to watch the anime in order to play this?


Lack of skill customization makes this a no buy for me at launch. To many other high quality games dropping in this next 2 week stretch for lack luster customization.

Seems like since they want people to buy characters via the passes that they are making combat more versatile which is a shame.

Waiting for a Black Friday sale for this at minimum


Not everyone is going to be into Sparking Zero as not everyone likes or even plays fighters. I can see this game lasting a bit more so because it's something other than One Piece, Naruto, or DBZ games that get crammed down anime fans throats.


So compared to Elden Ring how is this? 😂


8:33 Im confused, I’ve been playing and you can change the outfits of characters. No skills but outfits you can.


Is the combat better then hollow realization?
