How to Safely Dock a Boat

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How do I safely dock my boat is a question we get daily. One of the most stressful parts of boat ownership is the process of docking at a marina or even your own dock. Boats are predictably unpredictable at low speeds. They are often influenced by winds and current. You as the boat driver need to learn how the way that you build momentum (and how much) is critical.

We see many people pick up the skill very naturally, only taking days or weeks to get proficient enough to be comfortable and then eventually master it over many years of practice. We also have seen boaters who have been doing it for 30, 40, or more years who continue to struggle.

Whether you already own a boat or are thinking about buying one, this video could be for you. We want to help you brush up on your boat docking skills so you can be safer and more confident.

In this video we will cover:

0:00 Intro
1:03 How to prepare for docking your boat.
1:32 Why neutral is your friend when docking.
2:23 Momentum is the name of the game in boat docking.
2:53 A boat is a solid in a liquid...never forget that.
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What are your best boat docking tips? Please share!


My best tips: Forget about those watching -
sail away and try again if you can see you have a wrong direction -
turn wheel first, then give some gas either forward or reverse, but ONLY a little! very little!
And most important: If it takes an hour, then it takes an hour! every time you have docked the boat without damage, you have docked the boat well.


Here is a tip for EVERY time you are going to dock. Turn your wheel first in the direction you want to go, THEN give it a nudge on the gas. and not before


I've owned my first boat for over a year now. Videos like these have helped me gain the confidence I need to dock my little I've been doing it for years. Quick and dry.


The best advice I ever got was
“ feel free to abandon your approach and start over “


The best move is to learn is how to point your stern drive toward the dock and go into reverse. This pulls the stern into the dock. It's a great tool to learn for docking.


Figure out where you're going and what the wind is doing. If the wind is blowing towards the side of the dock you want to go, position the boat and let the wind push you towards the dock. If you're going on the other side where the wind will push you away from the dock, you'll have to factor that into your maneuvering. It's also a great idea of have someone else available to catch the dock. Don't let anyone jump out of the boat onto the dock until the boat is secure. That will invoke Newton's first law and the boat will push backwards away from the dock. It may also leave that individual in a lurch and they run the risk of going overboard. Finally, make sure that person is an adult and that kids are keeping their hands inside the boat at all times. Fingers can be pinched between a dock and a boat, or worse.


Accurate again ! Best advice is take your time and ask that evreyone in the boat to stay calm and silent so the captain can concentrate on the little touch to make it happen. It is not long to do but silence, concentration and good communication is crucial.


Where in the world were you every time my father tried to put our 25’ boat into the slip!? That poor man… between the wheel, the throttle and the manual neutral switch, what a disastrous fight! It was UGLY!! Just watching him shot my stress level to a 10! However, he was still my hero and always will be!


Thanks Sean, I’ve been binge watching all your vids. Really helpful as a new boater.


After a few years handling small boats 16 and 21 footers I got a 34' sail boat quite a different experience. Then I was lucky enough to get a nice old salty 51' Thompson Trawler (27 tons on survey), with a full length house on her, I lived on both the sail boat and the Trawler and the handling characteristics for each is quite different bigger supper structure the wind had a greater influence, full keel one the sail boat the current and regular power boat was kind of in between. Some one told me regarding boat trailering on the ramp, "slow is pro" docking is twice as important. On a bigger heavy boat when you come along side and get a short stout line on a good cleat or piling and you attach it at around the mid point of the boat (where you would put a spring line) if, IF your sure you have a good solid thick stout line on you can the put it in forward at idling speed (as low as it goes) it will keep you flat on the dock so you can put on the bow and stern lines. This is if your alone and it is a big heavy vessel and you know the dock gear, your line and boat gear can handle it. If it seem to crazy you can once you have it flat go to neutral and do one end and the repeat and once your flat again do the other end.


I'm just glad my first boat has a fiberglass deck that I can wash. It's going to make cleaning up the vomit on my first trip out a lot easier. I hate to say it but most experienced boaters either die laughing at you or get really pissed if you're being slow because you're new. My hull is beautiful I'm going to ☠ if I damage it😂. I wish I had a friend to show me I learn fast when shown. Your video has helped give me a little more confidence thank you.


The wind and river current is not your friend when you are trying to dock or load your boat on your trailer . Your trailer setup can help greatly and a long throw rope tied to the bow is helpful if you have a friend you can toss the rope to .
Slow and steady with your hand on the controls is the way to go . Make sure your motor and controls are working properly .
Practice, practice, practice !


Excellent video. I'm about to go get my boat. Thank you!


damn...thius guy makes me feel so confident I can do this


Thank you for all your tips, they are very useful for everyone, especially for beginners!


Awesome video, the tightness in my chest is a little less now


Thanks! Would love to know more about tying off the mooring lines - bow first? Stern first? And how?


Nice pep talk but nothing on the actual mechanics, when to turn, what to aim for…


Found your video interesting to watch. I can't wait to see your post soon. Good Luck with the upcoming update. This video is very useful, interesting, and effective
