Switching Homeschool Math Curriculum II Singapore Primary Math to Saxon Math

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Honestly, I never thought we would switch from Singapore Primary Math, but we are. In this video I discuss why we are making the switch as well as why I chose Saxon Math!

0:00 Introduction
1:19 Reasons for Switching
8:38 Reasons for Saxon Math

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Editing Software: Adobe Premiere Pro
Music: YouTube Free Library

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Hi! I’m Angie. I’m a homeschooling mom to 4 amazing kiddos (7, 6, 3, and 3 years old). On this channel I enjoy sharing our homeschooling journey as well as my serious love for all the books! You can expect videos on homeschooling curriculum, schedules, and tips/tricks as well as book reviews, wrap-ups, and book hauls. Excited to have you following along!!

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Hi Angie,
I’m an educator with a masters in early education. I just want to affirm the validity your son’s tricks for solving simple addition and subtraction problems. Understanding that 7+3 is one more than 6+3 is an absolutely fantastic sign that he has internalized a solid number sense which is one of the most important skills long-term in mathematical development. Praise those tricks! They’re a great sign! I work specifically in K-2 special education and so most of my job has to do with personalizing a math curriculum to the strengths and needs of the kiddos I’m working with. I thought I’d offer up a tip that might be helpful. Find an approach to a skill that works best for your son and practice that to mastery. Then add the other pieces (or ways of looking at a problem in). You might even want to try one or two and skip the rest. For example, if using his fingers really works then get him fluent (90%+ success rate) at that approach and then add in a few of the others such as number lines, abacus, and manipulatives. Whatever seems most helpful to him. The biggest pieces for success are conceptual understanding of mathematical principles, number sense, and mathematical vocabulary (this one often gets missed). I hope that helps. It’s a way that you can personalize whatever curriculum you’re using to work for your child.


Your intro made me laugh, because I get it! I was also so surprised to see the title of this video, knowing how much you have loved Singapore math! I loved how you pointed out the dichotomy between a math curriculum that the teacher loves and a math curriculum that works for the student, and for the way their brain works.


I did Saxon math as a homeschool child. And let me tell you, I excelled in math.


I have graduated two children so far, both of whom did fantastic in college math, and I love the Saxon program, but I prefer to start it in 4th or 5th grade. For the early years, I am a big fan of Horizon Math. It is colorful, enjoyable, user friendly, consumable arithmetic that provides a solid foundation for Saxon in the upper Elementary years. Good luck! And congratulations on trusting yourself as Mom and teacher and never hesitate to change curriculum if it isn’t working for you or your children. You and they have too many great choices not to pick the one that is best for both of you. May God bless your journey.


I really appreciate this video. We are going through addition/subtraction facts that stick right now as we paused dimensions math. Oh homeschooling, so thankful we can switch things up and do what our kiddos need to help them succeed! You’re doing great momma!


Your experience with Singapore speaks to mine with my son. The curriculum seemed great from my perspective, but he too has his own way of solving his math problems, like your son. Thank you so much for helping bring this point to my attention ❤


I’m so glad I found this. So helpful to hear your thought process. I think my daughter is in the same place with Singapore 1A we’ve finished it except for the subtracting numbers to 20 and a part of me wants to move on to 1B and another part of me wants to jump ship and move to Math with Confidence or Math U See. I also think of numbers the way you do and Singapore teaches. Thank you for this video! My daughter is 6 and my 2 year old will probably get started schooling quicker and I think I will try a different reading program because All a about Reading takes to long lol. 100easy lessons taught my 6 year old daughter well into level 2 but I’m still using AAR for the concepts that weren’t taught in 100 Easy Lessons.


I found your videos looking for new math for my son, and THIS resonates with me so much! I feel like everything you've said are things we have experienced. Thank you for helping me feel comfortable with my switch to Saxon. You're awesome!!


Hi! I love Saxon!!! Saxon is the curriculum that made me so much more confident in math when I first started using it in middle school. Hope you and your kids like it as much as my mom and I did!


We switched back to Saxon because we were both overwhelmed with Singapore and now going back to Saxon it’s just flowing and working so much better! I just want to memorize math and I think my daughter does too. We are not number rearranging people.


Someone told me their one homeschooling advice was to be willing to use different math programs for different kids. Depending on the programs and number of kids doing different maths, it'd definitely be a juggle but probably worth trying if you're happy with just the two right now! I've chosen SG math for Year 1 bc of it's reputation and because I've lived in Singapore and know they know their math! Buuutttt, the hours and intensity kids in SG devote to studying it is something I have no intention on recreating at home. It also feels to me like its the best (since it's earned that title), but some of that is because of the culture in the country - not just the program imo. So, if it's not the best for you and your kid then its not "the best" anymore.


Hi Angie! Great video, I appreciate it very much! I wasn’t sure about the Singapore Math, but now I am sure it’s not for my child!
Thank you so much for taking your precious time to explain everything so clear! ❤️👍


I love your videos!!! You are so clear and thorough


We use Saxon and I have used grade 1 all the way through Algebra 2 now. Saxon is a solid program and I've found it's still flexible enough that we've been able to tailor it for each child (4 so far). I have reviews of it and samples of the material as well as the completed material on my channel.


We are in this same place you just described. My 2 oldest kids are 4th and 5th graders and we have been using Singapore for math this year. They used Singapore at the Christian school they went to two years ago. Then last year I used BJU with them. So this year I wanted to switch them back to Singapore and it has been such a challenge for them, but like you I did not want to switch them from Singapore to something else. Yet after so many frustrating lessons I threw in the towel and just today I switched them to BJU. It just seems so much easier for my children to grasp, the more traditional approach. Thank you for being an encouragement to me this evening and for taking the time to make this video 😊


My oldest and I are half way through Kindergarten. He just turned 6. One of my biggest fears as a parent (and specifically, a homeschooling parent) is that I might try and push my children forward before they have built a solid foundation. My husband is a public high school English teacher and he sees high schoolers (!) that are at a 2nd or 3rd grade reading level. It's no secret to anyone, it's been the trend to stop retaining students. These poor kids are going to be adults soon and have been pushed ahead by administrators and have such low-level reading and *comprehension* levels! I have decided that I'm going to extend kindergarten another year, and extend the Sonlight Heros & Happenings volume 2 for next year, create another reading list, and keep plugging away at foundational skills in math and phonics. God bless you and your devotion to your children - homeschooling is indeed a humbling experience!


I had a very similar experience with my daughter in Singapore 1A. So many tears. I LOVED the Singapore method, but was not a good fit for my daughter. We went to the good and the beautiful and it has worked for us.


Thank you for your video!! I started with Saxon since the beginning homeschooling with my son and he is now going into 5th grade (homeschool). He’s doing super well with math. I love how Saxon explains things and how the teacher manual tells you exactly what to say because I am horrible at explaining things. 😂Now the only issue that I have had is when getting to 3rd grade it got tough… Meaning there was TONS of work and I would sit and do math for literally 2 hours with him. Yes he learned a lot and did well but towards the middle of it I was like I can’t handle doing this. So I kind of cut back with the calendar they have you do in the morning and we didn’t do the back of the work sheet because I was also teaching my daughter 1st grade math at that time. But then I felt like he wasn’t getting enough practice. We did get through it by doing that stuff. He did 4th grade this past year and it was better. Just the 3rd grade got to be a little much for us. So now I am going to be teaching my daughter 3rd grade Saxon and I’ve been kind of looking around at different curriculum for her because it was tough getting through it with my son in 3rd. She’s been doing fine with Saxon all along as well but I am worried about how much work it is. 😬 Are you starting or have you started 3rd grade Saxon?


I'm with you on trying to decide how many different curricula I can handle between my kids!

I'm trying Ray's Arithmetic this year. Last year we did Singapore Dimensions (skipped the overwhelming teacher's guide). I couldn't get behind all the tools that Singapore uses to teach number sense. It seemed like we spent more time teaching the tools than just talking about numbers. Ray's Arithmetic is from the mid-1800s and it's very straightforward.

Since my kids are also advanced readers, I found that they'd rush off ahead of me on the worksheets, but not read the instructions carefully enough or not quite understand the concept it was trying to convey. Then they'd get upset that we'd have to go back and redo it. With our new curriculum, I sit with them the whole time and I can do it with a group of kids instead of trying to keep each kid from copying the other's worksheet answers.

Also, I might be switching one of my kids away from All About Reading. Like you said, it's a great program, but not always the best fit. My middlest son hardcore resists the readers. I think the pictures are too distracting and the stories are too much all at once. I'm taking a step back and focusing more on phonograms and reading individual words since he doesn't mind the flashcards.


I feel this! We used Dimensions last year, and I had already purchased it for this year as well... but I also resonate with not being married to a curriculum. My son was also coming up with his own strategies and struggled with the multiple examples they give... I bought Math Mammoth and Beast Academy to try out, but when I was homeschooled as a kid we used Saxon and I remember it being good too! Looking forward to your review on it.
