Death Note- Light's Return/Theme EXTENDED

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DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own this song, these pictures OR this anime (no matter how much I might want to).

Sooo I heard people wanted some more extended themes so I'm starting with Light's Theme.



...Yes... yes I do know that Yagami is spelt YagAmi... and yes... yes I do realise that the first wallpaper says YagUmi... :) I've annotated it so don't yall get all confused on me now.

Ok so I've been reading through a lot of the comments about who thinks who was in the wrong etc, and so I've decided to put my two cents at the behest of absolutely no one heh.

In relation to if whether or not the world would have been a better place should Light have won in the end? It's sad to say this, but I don't think it would have. Light's sense of justice was tainted and his sight of the bigger picture was warped the second he wrote down that first name. He believed killing off criminals would be the sure-fire way of making a Utopia. But even if he had beaten Near and was free to rule the world under pen and ink, he would have begun to figure out how impossible his mission was.

He was essentially trying to bend human nature. He was trying to instill fear into people (yes not just criminals, but innocents too), to prevent them from committing crime. But this would never work. Every human being has maliciousness in their hearts, there are just some who act on that maliciousness more than others. What Light failed to realise was that he was trying to erase a basic human trait, hard-wired into people since the dawn of man. If he had taken the time to sit back and look at it from a neutral perspective, he would have seen this very same maliciousness in his own eyes, his own soul.

Without even realising it Light began functioning on the very trait he was trying to erase. He lied to himself saying it was for justice, for the innocents, for the world, but in the end it was for himself. He wanted to break away from the ordinary life that was handed to him at birth. He wanted people to know what he was capable of. He wanted to prove to himself what he was capable of; capable of becoming a God. And that is when Light Yagami, the exceptional teenager with a bright future in law enforcement, ceased to exist. Kira took hold of his soul and thrust his own sense of justice on to the boy, weaving it into his foundation beliefs until they were barely recognisable.

Sure the justice system is not perfect, but it is human. And just as humans are flawed, so too is the justice Light so vehemontly clung to. The Death Note is not a blessing, the Death Note could never bring about a Utopia. If Light had won, it would have only created a society of skittish, suspicious, de-sensitised people. Death would be a normal thing to see in the streets, people would barely even bat an eyelash as someone clutched at their chest and collapsed. When Light eventually passed on (because contrary to his goals, he was not an immortal God) and Ryuk took back the Death Note to the Shinigami Realm, the damage could be irreversible. What if people continued on with Kira's judgement and warped it even further, as is human nature to do? What if the police became public executioners to whoever dared to commit even the smallest of crimes? And there would still be crimes, regardless of the fear. Even the harmless crimes, like pickpockets or litterers, would be shot in cold blood and no one would even care. A far cry from the 'Utopia' one young man decided he could create.

If it's one thing that learnt from Death Note is that death does not end death. It does not end suffering. It is not a magical cure-all for all the world's problems. And that is where Light Yagami ultimately failed.
Рекомендации по теме

Light is such a good boy. You can see that clearly when he loses his memories of the Death Note. That note turned him into a monster.


I swear to god.. There is no anime like this.. i know people may compare others.. but this one is the literally the most thrilling anime i have ever watched.


"Look around you, and all you will see are people the world would be better off without."


Light Yagami has got to be one of the most interesting fictional much going on inside his head


These comment conversations are amazing.


I don't really think this anime is about who is right and who is wrong. I think it's more about how power changes us, how it affects us and makes us go mad. When you look around, you can see it happening everywhere. I always liked Light better, but not because of his intelligence or the way he saw justice, but because his personality changes a lot throughout the anime, unlike L's, and Light represents how we would all change (no matter how hard we pretend and say we wouldn't!) if we had such a power. It's in our nature. This why I love Light's character and well, the whole anime. It tells the truth.


I hate the fact that people will always remember Light as the "antagonist" I've rewatched Death Note like 3 to 4 times, I've seen the dubbed, subbed and live action versions. In my eyes Light was more or less an anti-hero, he strived to change the world in his own way. He eliminated corrupt politicians, criminals, etc basically those blinded by power. All for a bigger purpose to inflict "justice" on this shitty world he lived in. He did kill innocent people, but only those who were trying to get in his way for a so called ideal world as he saw it. You simply cannot change the world without getting your hands dirty, but at the end he was blinded by his own idealism which lead to his downfall ironically. Shows that he was only human, "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain." Whenever I think of Death Note I will remember Yagami, Light. The man who tried to change the world as he saw fit. Such a beautiful character, definitely going in my top 10.


why did you have to die.... You could have handed over a piece of paper over to Taru, in case the note got switched.... You could have won. :/


Once in a lifetime experience.. This is anime which has most impact on me with just 37 episodes... I wish i could erase my memories about this and watch this anime again..😭😭


This OST gives exactly the feeling it has to, listening to someone who wants to do good, but does it in a bad way, which turns the world against him. 


i felt pain down my throat  when he was dying! sad face 
we miss you Light!


It's been 15 years since Death Note was broadcasted and i still didn't watch something as good as this, truly a masterpiece in every sense 👌🏻


He wanted to create a better world in the beginning.
Then the thought of becoming a god clouded his vision and made him stray from his true intentions.
In the end, this was the reason Light lost.


I love Light. He is the best anime character I've come across. He's smart plus handsome and all he wanted to do was make the world a better place..atleast he tried unlike others.


Death Note proves there is no such thing as evil. Just a made sticking to his pride and, we all know what happens with people whom have pride. They all fall. 


Light was the first victim of the death note...

And then Kira was the last


to...cry now....don't... *cried the shit out of me*


NOW  I m gonna finish my homework with one hand and with the other I ll take a potato Chip and EAT it ! * evil smile *


I swear, I can't listen to this without crying... I'm serious, Death Note is one of the only TV shows that... gets


Light was a really good person, but no human should have such power in hands, cuz it drives them crazy. If I was Light, I would use the Death Note to kill criminals too.
