The Horrific Death Of Anne Frank

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One of the most tragic and recognisable victims of the Third Reich during the Second World War was Anne Frank, a young 15 year old girl who had the world at her feet before the war broke out. She dreamed of much, but all of this was taken from her during the German occupation of the Netherlands as she found herself along with her family living under immense persecution. She lived inside of a series of concealed rooms known as the Secret Annex, but this would save them as they were betrayed and were informed upon to the Gestapo, the Nazi authorities tasked with hunting down those who were being persecuted. Anne Frank ended up inside the confined of Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp along with her sister. But both of them would not escape, and Anne Frank died as a result of the conditions of the terrible site of Belsen.
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Dying of typhus while at the same time thinking that she had no one left is a horrible way for a girl of only 15 years of age to go!


My grandma was born the same year as Anne. She’s now 95 years old. It’s hard to imagine her being the same age as her.


I’ve been past that Bergen Belsen camp. It’s a grave yard. No birds will fly over it. No animals will make their homes in it. It’s all so sad.


Makes me sick there are those that will say this never happened. So many lives lost. Truly heartbreaking!


For those interested, I read a book called 'Zlatas Diary' when I was young (I was born in 1985). It's a non~fiction book- a diary written by Zlata Filipovic. She was born on 3 December 1980 and was living in Sarajevo before the Bosnian War started. During the war, Zlata kept a diary, which she named "Mimmy", from 1991 to 1993. Thankfully, Zlata and her family escaped to Paris in 1993, where they stayed for a year before resettling in Ireland. It's an incredible insight to the horrors she witnessed firsthand and is just as powerful as Anne Frank's diary. Please check it out and spread the word if you haven't heard of it. These stories need to be told!


What a tragedy that Anne Frank, like so many other innocent victims at Bergen-Belsen, died so very young at the hands of the cruel, "Hunnish" Nazi regime. May she and other innocent victims rest in peace. Thank you for sharing this tragic and touching story of this young lady.


Her sister's name was Margot.
Her diary was preserved by Miep Gies, an employee of her father's, who had risked her life in helping the Frank family. After the germans had taken the Frank Family, Ms. Gies collected Anne's diary which was strewn across the floor of the Annex, the hiding place of the Frank family.


Was 13yo when i read this beautifully written diary. As an Irish descendent it was very close to me. Just saying here. College students. Think. Research. Understand. Dont jump on some bandwagon. Im 63yo. Most definitely the first time im going to acknowledge this. Life is fast . Think. Face your life then pick your battle.


My mother who was also born in 1929, was a month and one day younger than Anne. My parents were both Dutch, and came to Canada after the war


We were given The Diary of Anne Frank to read in middle school in Los Angeles, in 1962 when I was 12. It was my introduction to the Holocaust and I was horrified. I came home and asked my parents, "Is it true?" Yes, they said. I was angry. I said, "Why didn't you ever tell me?" We thought you should get to be a child, they said, we were protecting you. "ANNE FRANK WAS A CHILD, " I yelled. I still get mad when I think of it. But that generation didn't talk much about the war. They were trying to get over it.


I used to live in Bergen for a few years alongside 7th armoured brigade (I wasn’t serving) I only went to Belsen once grim place it was but the town was beautiful but knowing us brits liberated this camp makes me damn proud of my heritage and the fact that we helped these people even a little


Anne Frank will
never be forgotten.
she said before
she died she wanted
to go on living after
death. her diary
speaks volumes
of what happened
to her and millions
who died with her.


Well done. Thank you for doing this. History must never be forgotten. They say : those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.


Ive been to the attic, it was life changing actually being in the same rooms and gazing out the same windows knowing that was her only tiny view of the outside world.


I have visited Bergen Belsen When I was in the T.A. No birds fly over, no animals are there, it was very cold and this was on a summer day. There is a map of the camp in the museum, the weird thing is whether by accident or design its shaped like a coffin.


Such a heartbreaking time. I read her diary as a preteen. It forever changed me.


Anna Frank was only 5 days younger than my grandfather. He would have been 95 this year
He went into the military at 16 and fought in the last of WW2. It amazes me. No other words can I say about that other than it amazes me


An American soldier wrote in a memorial book ""I arrived too late to save Anne Frank".


The reporter, whose description of Bergen-Belsen's liberation was read here, was Richard Dimbleby of the BBC.


So sad my Dad was in the liberation of Bergen -Belsen and never talked about the war😔🇳🇿
