George Friedman: US Treaty With South Korea at Risk due to North Korean Crisis?

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I wonder if South Korea is taking the danger of Pyongyang's future influence into account. I'm genuinely concerned about the possibility of the US losing it's foothold in the Pacific. This is a serious attempt on American interests and if South Korea doesn't bear the cost now, as terrible as it may be, it will be worse later.


People need a deeper understanding on the South Korean politics. Like those of most other countries it is divided into Left and Right. To put it simply, Right people are bossy and incompetent Christians and politically use North Korea for their own ends, while Left people are communists who revere everything related to North Korea and advocate North-led annexation. Former president Park was a Right, while this man Moon is a Left. Guess who coordinated all those fancy anti-government protests which eventually resulted in Park's impeachment? Moon's party backed by Chinese money. It is known that Moon expressed his personal delight on the fall of Saigon in one of his writings. No wonder he is widely acknowledged as a North Korean spy. My guess is that his connection to China is much deeper; if you take a closer look at what he says, everything is perfectly in line with Chinese interests. Mind you, once the US military withdraws, he will not hesitate to offer South Korea as a whole to KJU. If the US doesn't bomb the shit out of North until next month, the North will finalize its nukes and the death of South Korea will brutally take millions of innocent lives next year.


If SoKo doesn't want to be defended... I think we should pull out. They are not worth one more drop of American blood, or a single ounce of American gold.


President Trump is very smart and playing good poker


maybe superconic and swarm testing is not ready yet...lack of nightvision and lack of comuflage on HK side, visibility is better when tree are clear and u can see wher soldies freezed on the ground after two days .. artillery locks jamming and 3 waves, drone/apace/warthogs.give no brake...and if they decide launch missile into space with cosmoc trash in order to destry sattelites, at this point will be sub and minuteman ..or all project would be vey expecive ...afermath is most important, koreans dont wanna see them even for free and not withfew trillion prictag..its just nonsens ..this smartcookie can easily live with snowde, isis members in one willage and no problem.. only for delivering drugs in diplomatc secontainers should be enogh to refor this country.


Let Japan take over the U.S.'s role in the region. Time for the U.S. to get out of South Korea. I recently thought that the U.S. should remove its military from both Japan and South Korea. After listening to this discussion, I think exiting Japan can wait. Let's face it, we waited too long to deal with this menace. The world's worst regime will have the means to destroy the U.S. and other countries. A colossal tragedy for humanity.
