Fireside Chat Ep. 119 — You Are Luckier Than You Think | Fireside Chat

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Young Americans have been taught to feel unlucky and oppressed, despite living in the freest and most prosperous country on Earth. This is a very damaging concept from the left. Although there are challenges in life, it’s important to be grateful. Dennis Prager discusses why.

0:00 Dennis Is In A Chipper Mood
1:02 Fireside Chats Are Universal
2:03 Know When You’re Lucky
2:45 If You’re Happy, You Don’t Vote Left
4:44 How Many Times Do You Feel Lucky?
5:39 Canceled Flights And Flat Tires
8:17 Dennis’s Drug (Aka Audio) Dealer
9:06 Everybody Is Wounded In Some Way
10:22 Dennis’s Love Of Audio Equipment
15:14 How To Feel Less Inferior In Life
18:40 Thoughts On Conspiracy Theories
20:27 Do Jews Believe In An Afterlife?
22:42 How Does Dennis Keep A Calm Nature?
24:33 Dennis Was Horrible At Basketball
27:00 Knowing There Is A God Is Calming
30:24 Thanks For Being With Me
Рекомендации по теме

I come from China, I love your fierside chat, it's interestng and full of deep-thinking, especialy, the questions asked by
the audiences origin from everyday life, the most important is your answer line up to the heart. God bless you.


Many times during my life when I was delayed driving either by a flat tire or a slow driver in front of me, I have come across an accident. I realized at those moments if I had not been delayed I would have been in the middle of it. Those experiences have given me a perspective of patience and calm when faced with adverse travel situations.


We are not lucky.
We are blessed.

Luck is [supposed to be] random.
Blessing is intentional.


Dennis Prager: Your Fireside chats are one of the highlights of my week. You are a great speaker.


Mr. Prager I am lucky to be able to watch and listen to your fireside chats and I am also lucky to be living in the United States


I look forward to your chats. I can’t watch more of the impeachment - it makes my blood pressure rise to unhealthy levels. I live in the greatest country and will fight to keep it!


I always felt that everyone suffers the same amount, just in different ways, in different times, and with different intensities, it is what gives me hope for the future for me.


As a christian, you are my favourite jew alive. Congratulations for your excellent program!


The calm that God gives me is, He is good, righteous, powerful, but most importantly there's no one else like Him!


Americans live in the greatest country on the planet. Our laws, freedoms and prosperity are based on the US Constitution, Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. These documents have served us well. The founding fathers had great forward thinking wisdom. If we want to preserve this great nation we need a President (and judges) that will enforce law based on these documents. Socialism is not the answer. There is too much greed and corruption inherent in all governments for socialism to work. When government gets big, people get small. If you love America and want to be free to prosper vote Trump and straight Republican this November. Keep America Great!


Yes, Dennis. I am Canadian and I am in a chipper mood as well. I love your show. Love Otto and Love you.


On being calm. I view every challenge with this attitude, "I hope this is the worst problem I have for the rest of my life."


I don’t agree with all of Mr. Prager’s opinions, but his commentary is very valuable to me nonetheless. As soon as I started realizing how fortunate I am and focusing on my behaviour over my feelings, just this past year, my quality of life almost instantly improved. He’s completely right here.


*Denis talking to Megan every episode*
"Are you the producer would that be the right title?"


We do say chipper in Britain and today we're extremely chipper, because it's Brexit day!


We are ‘lucky’ or rather God blessed in the UK, especially today as we celebrate ‘Brexitous’.


Yesterday I got home... and said to myself: "I truly LOVE my LIFE!" :o) Portugal, Europe


I love your fireside chats Dennis. The fire, your calming voice, Otto sleeping by you is pleasant. Otto loves your soothing voice that is why when you are speaking he goes to sleep. He feels safe with you and everything in his world is good. Thank you Dennis.


Fireside chats should be extended to an hour. Vote UP if you agree.


I dunno Dennis. 4 years ago my Dad shot my Mom (she survived) and then killed himself. Last year my ex-wife killed her husband and then herself in front of my youngest son.
I cant say I think of myself as unlucky or oppressed, I just dont know what the hell is going on.
