What is tolerance? #realitycheck

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Ever noticed how many concepts have been corrupted by common usage away from meanings intended to promote liberal values to meanings intended to promote illiberal values? Tolerance used to mean the understanding that reasoning beings with differing opinions, ideas, and ideologies, must abstain from violence against those with whom they disagree, but now it's becoming synonymous with acceptance. In this video, Mark Pellegrino explains why that's a problem.

00:00 Tolerance
00:24 Corruption of concepts
01:13 The virtue of abstaining from violence 
01:38 The first pluralistic society in recorded history
02:04 What is acceptance?
02:38 Compulsory acceptance kills tolerance.  
03:20 Pronouns
03:59 Cultural egalitarianism
04:39 Is tolerance acceptance?

"Your neighbor is not responsible for your self-esteem, and you are not responsible for theirs."

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Mark Pellegrino is a successful actor who appeared in Lost, Supernatural, Being Human, 13 Reasons Why, American Rust, The Closer, The Tomorrow People, Dexter, The Big Lebowski, Mulholland Drive, Capote and more. Mark teaches at Playhouse Paris, the acting school he and his wife founded in Paris. He is also a co-founder of the American Capitalist Party and a graduate of the Objectivist Academic Center.

#tolerance #acceptance #intolerance #multiculturalism #discrimination #philosophy #philosophyshorts #realitycheck
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Loved the fact you mentioned the other topics you discussed previously and linked them to TOLERANCE. Brilliant.


Thank you so much for your work Mr. Pellegrino. Excellent explanations and examples. Please keep up your efforts. They are appreciated and very much needed in today's world.


One of the most necessary conversations needed today! Tolerance is not acceptance!


Sadly, it's not just common usage that's being corrupted.. the dictionaries are being changed also.


I have seen the goal post continue to move over the course of my life.

Tolerance > Acceptance > Accommodation > Affirmation > Assistance


Omg, nearly kneeled over and died when I found out you had a channel and hold the same beliefs as me! So excited to binge your videos and whatever you make next!!

You bet I subscribed!


I wish even a fraction of those in power had the same viewpoint as you. AND a fraction of the brainpower. Thank you for all you do.


So great and so important. Bravo Mark!


Great videos Mark.
Please, do more! You deserve to be a bigger voice on this platform.


Thank you Mark, I totally agree with you. I will share this with everyone who tries to argue that we need to completely accept the ridiculous of this world!


I'm pretty sure at some point most people will say, "enough" to being vilified, while being forced to accept and cater to the ridiculous. Whenever the pendulum swings too far in one direction, there will be an equal and opposite swing in the other direction. When it all balances out, when can get back to reasonable tolerance.


Tolerance is a social contract. Breaking the contract breaks your protection from retaliation.


Mark is the sanest actor out here… I truly appreciate him. 👍


As I see it, the issue is respect. If you want others to respect your right to your own life and the choices you make to live it, you have to respect the rights of others. That means you don't get to force yourself on them and they don't get to force themselves on you. The problem is many people today seem to think they are the only person who has any rights. Other people's views are other people's views. As long as they're not forcing their views on you, it's not your business. If you disagree with them and they're willing to listen to you, fine. If not, leave them alone. It's not your problem. We're all human beings whether we agree with each other or disagree with each other. My life belongs to me and your life belongs to you.


Only irrational people would even try to argue against these points. Excellent!


Excellent! Highly perceptive analysis.


I'm letting you know that the forced acceptance is very deep. In my country kids in school are not allowed mobile phones from the end of the year. Sounds good right. Not when I tell you of what happened a few years ago when my kids were in school. One day without notice the school invited a religious youth group into the grounds. They brought a couple of flashy race cars and had a lecture to the kids. I've signed notice that my kids were not to attend these events but my rights as a parent were ignored. My kids were able to contact me before they were going into the hall so I was able to get my kids home early through the call. Some kids who's parents signed these vetos couldn't get their kids out. This youth ministry group I was able to find out are an evangelical recruitment group that targets young people. They even bought a huge building to house kids if they got kicked out of home because they joined the group. This was back in 2012. The taking of phones out of school hasn't got a real reason to happen because my kids attended school in the country that didn't have phones when they were little and frankly I don't see much difference in the education or social outlook to justify the removing of phones. The government doing this is very woke. This is forced compliance. As it's in government schools and school is compulsory. With the prevalence of trans etc in schools doing the same things I'd be worried if my kids were still in school.


Brilliant as always! Thank you for sharing!


This is exactly what I’ve been saying. I’m perfectly ok with someone who wishes to see themselves as a different gender, what I’m not ok with is being forced to play pretend with them. It feels like we had thicker skin when I was younger. I imagine if someone thought they were one gender and someone else “misgendered” them, the response would be “what a jerk” and they’d move on with their lives. Today it’s “if they misgender me that’s dangerous! They should be fined or jailed for it!”

How does that make any sense? I’m curious to know what led to such an outcome, though I’m pretty sure it starts in parenting, with our generation growing up but somehow being too soft, and then passing that softness to children who took it to the extreme.

Either way, great video, looking forward to seeing the rest!


Everything you stated can either be accepted or debated rationally, however so many people have such a dogmatic belief that no debate is excepted or tolerated.
