The debate over Bob Dylan's Nobel Prize for literature

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Bob Dylan wins the Nobel Prize...for literature? Jeanne Moos reports on the lit vs. lyrics debate.
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People are arguing that he doesn't deserve this. This guy is legendary


Instead of "work", I think they would have done better to reference the song that Rihanna wrote that helped free an innocent man from prison. I think its called Oh wait what am I thinking she didn't write that. That was written by Bob Dylan


Anything that involves writing is literature. Period.


It makes perfect sense that he can win the Nobel prize for literature. His lyrics are literally poetry set to a tune. If Whitman's "Leaves of Grass" was set to music, would anyone dispute its genius?


I hate slippery slope arguments. Bob Dylan is a master songwriter and his work without a doubt counts as poetry. Just because the Nobel Committee decided to honor a songwriter this year doesn't mean they'll start honoring such inane drivel as repetitive pop songs and Donald Trump tweets. All this opens the floodgates for is that in the future other master songwriters might be honored. Or maybe they'll start giving out a Nobel Prize for Music. Wouldn't that be nice?


Though you might hear laughing, spinning, swinging madly across the sun
It's not aimed at anyone
It's just escaping on the run
And but for the sky there are no fences facing
And if you hear vague traces of skipping reels of rhyme
To your tambourine in time
It's just a ragged clown behind
I wouldn't pay it any mind
It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing.


He deserves it because he changed the way of thinking for most of the world. He is solid gold.


what an annoying voice of the narrator, CNN get another reporter


Can the mainstream media stop using twitter posts like interviews with public


problem is you have to understand dylan.. and be a fan to listen to all his written magic.. well done Bobby!


No surprise that Bob Dylan would have been chosen. A good selection of his works do have a good amount of aesthetic and historical impact.


The reflection of society and life are vividely seen in his songs thats why he deserves it. He had saved my life many time and probably of many millions others too. Thats why it is justified


Bob Dylan's songs are extremely well written and have deep poetic lyrics....he deserves the Nobel prize.


he deserved it 100%. It doesn't matter if it's in song form, it's still literature!!! All of his songs contain some of the best pieces of poetry and figurative language. Many people only have heard his early protest songs (which are still great) but much of his later stuff has amazing lyrics and poetry in it as well.


How many times has Dylan's lyrics been referenced by great leaders? Poets? NOVELISTS? The man has written more words to promote peace that has had the greatest impact on culture than almost any writer of the 20th century.


Literature is a freedom of expression. Expression comes in various forms. There is written as well as spoken. Inter weaving written with spoken and making it work can be tricky. Add in music as an accompaniment sometimes helps, sometimes makes it that much more difficult. As the accompaniment of making spoken expression of written statements, the Nobel committee is making the bold statement that Bobs method of doing that is worthy of the award.
I think many of the folks unhappy with Dylan getting this, are not fans of Bob Dylan. They have other musicians, bands, artists, whatever, that they 'like' better. That is totally fine. Bob would be the first one to tell you, back when he cared to comment, music isn't a sporting event. Ballad or full blown burner, if that's how you hear it, if it's real when you perform it, that is the expression that matters. I don't think they meant to say that all the others were worse, or not any good. They said, in the form of expression, they way Bob felt it and brought it forth, was unique and worthy of noting as a form of human expression.
In that context, it is pretty hard to disagree with them.


The truth is that if he had published his entire lyrical catalog only in books that hardly anyone had read, and had won the nobel prize, not a soul on the planet would have a problem with him having received the award.


Loved him winning a nobel prize. Well deserved award for his genius poetry and deep lyrics that make you think


Certainly Mr. Dylan deserves the award. Over 600 songs copyrighted. The world has found peace in his lyrics for over 50 years. Who else to receive a prize delegated to peaceful endeavors.


Why should there be any kind of debate.Bob Dylan deserves it fair and square.One of the most prolific songwriters of the 20th century.
