Family Meal in France Pt. 3: The Patisserie/Boulangerie

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French pastry and bread making has a very special spot in my heart, so finding a Patisserie/Boulangerie as beautiful as this Carcassonne shop made my heart melt. I may have only been in there for the perfectly baked basics, but thank goodness we can bask in the masterful pastry-making together!
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When my Mexican/Canadian girlfriend visited me in France, getting fresh baguettes and patisseries was at the top of my list of priorities. She absolutely loved it, in fact half the baguette was gone by the time we even got back home lol. Truly a special part of french culture, that I don't know if you can experience anywhere else.

If possible, try to go in the morning, right after opening, when everything is still warm.
It makes a huge difference in something that's already delicious in the first place. The smell is also incredible.

I recently followed you to learn Mexican recipes for the next time she visits, so it's really cool that I joined just in time to see you showcase some French stuff haha


Thanks, Rick for taking the time to share vacation experiences. All your vids are instructional and done in the spirit of sharing. I'm so glad I found your Youtube channel as I miss your PBS shows.👍👍👍


You've got to hand it to the French, they are absolute masters of bread and pastries. I wanted to lick the screen.


Dear Mr Bayles, I have learned so much from your videos and wish to thank you for the shared knowledge, before saying anything else. Your enthusiasm for a regular French (or European - you would find plenty of equivalent or similar shops in Spain, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland) bakery makes me smile a little. Food here in Europe is still being made by people for other people. It is not a corporate raid maximising profit based on the cheapest possible inputs. I knew you were in that camp, along with other giants like Alice Waters. May I suggest you make a video series where you visit organic farmers and artisans in the US and showcase their produce.


look at the prices!! 1.95 (@ 0.58)for a stunning looking bread. wtf is america doing with their $6 breads filled with sugar and other junk?
