Practical Advice for Keeping Backyard Chickens in the City

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We live just 10 min from downtown San Diego. We live on a standard city lot (7500 sq ft) and grow 80% of the food for our family of 5. Chickens are an important part of our urban homestead. Meet our chickens and learn about our setup and answers to questions we often get.
We’re a family of five living zero-waste, plant-based, & mindfully minimal so that both our kids and planet can enjoy a beautiful, thriving future. We grow most of the food we need to support our family. We live on a standard city lot, 7500 sq ft, just 10 min from downtown San Diego. We grow 80% of the food our family of 5 eats.
We’re a family of five living zero-waste, plant-based, & mindfully minimal so that both our kids and planet can enjoy a beautiful, thriving future. We grow most of the food we need to support our family. We live on a standard city lot, 7500 sq ft, just 10 min from downtown San Diego. We grow 80% of the food our family of 5 eats.
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