Sony WH-1000XM5 vs AirPods Max | Which should you buy in 2024?

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Let's compare the Sony WH-1000XM5 & the Apple AirPods Max to see which one you should be picking up in 2024.

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"Purse looking sleeve" You hit the nail on the head with that one lol.


One thing I love about AirPod Max is it’s look, very slim and the aluminum makes it more premium. Oh, transparency mode and mic is the best in Max’s, even after 3 years since its release. But xm5 are great for overall use. Cannot wait for AirPod Max 2, just please with usb-c at least


The Spacial Audio for movie watching is absolutely outstanding on the AirPods Max/Pro/3. Watching on a big screen with the Apple TV 4K and AirPods is an incredible experience with no lip sync issues etc. For me, this makes the AirPods worth it!


Each has its own pros. The sony has better noise cancellation, less weight build, less price tag. The apple has better sound quality, heftier build.


Watched so many videos on these headphones but yours actually finally mentions if there’s sound bleed. THANK YOU


i just got the xm5 via amazon returns for 210 euro in perfect condition and for that price i think its more than amazing


I have both..i like both... so sony all day for millions of reasons. If youre picky and love to customize the audio then choose sony.


I really like the sound quality on your videos man


You should check out the Bose, quiet, comfort, ultras they’re pretty amazing, especially with their immersive audio feature. In my opinion the only thing they lack in is with battery the only got about 20 hours but they’re super comfortable


If you have an iPhone and other Apple products, Airpods Max is excellent! If you have an Android, it's Sony XM5. Both are very good, but for me it's the Airpods Max! This video nails it for pros and cons


I’ve never experienced the sound and comfort of the AirPods Max but I do have Sony’s XM4 and XM5 models as well as other premium headphones and I must say that the XM5 sounds amazing after EQ. The noise cancelling is also the best I’ve experienced. Better than the Bose QC Ultra in my opinion as the Bose has a slight hiss where the XM5 is total silence. I would be surprised if the Airpods max beats the XM5.


Here's a great tip for AirPod users. If you prefer a brighter sound, go into Accessibility settings - you have three further options!


We got a budget from work to buy noise canceling headphones every 3 years but im still stuck in what to choose.


Sennheiser momentum 4 are an amazing pair of headphones. I love the sound over the airpods and the mx5. it's worth a try


Hey man how does the sony xm5 and the beats sound on iPhone? Are they loud? Because I don’t know what phone you used to do these comparisons but I heard that headphones or earbuds that aren’t made from apple don’t sound as loud and as good on the iPhone.


i feel that the sound bleeding on the apple headphones are worse because i was sitting next to someone on the train andi could hear everything from theire headphones and i own a pair of sonys myself and the sound bleeding is deffinatly not asd bad i think the reason for the sound bleeding on the apples is the mesh matireal they use for the ear cuffs


Hey bro which one of the two does not cause a pressure in your ear when you use ANC (active noise cancellation)? Because whenever I use the ANC on my normal AirPods Pro earbuds, they cause a pressure on my ear so I have to take them out for a break. Also which ones can I wear for a long study session


I've owned the XM5's, Bose quiet comfort ultra, and AirPods Max. noise cancellation king goes to the XM5, However by a hairline margin. if you want better sound quality then go for AirPods Max. if you want the best of both worlds then Bose is your go to. honestly xm5 sound quality is pretty boring even after I customized the EQ. out of all these I stuck with the AirPods Max. only because I use them for the gym and I sweat. I can easily change the ear cuffs and replace them. You can't do that with the Sony or Bose. My headphones were becoming stinky and not really hygienic even though I was wiping them down after the gym.


I would like to buy one of the two models, which one do you recommend? I'm afraid that the Sony headband, despite being light, weighs on the head.
how is the sensation on the head? Do you feel the pressure?
Ty ❤


These headphones are both really good. Maxs don’t have that good isolation tbh, but still my preferred. The Sonys are clean
