Tips When Flying Alone for the First Time

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Today, I'm giving you my best tips for calming some airport and plane anxieties when flying alone for the first time! Flying alone can be scary, especially when you've never done it before, but there are many ways to prepare yourself for the trek. Remember that nothing is scarier than anticipation. The first time I flew alone I was terrified. I was concerned that I may miss my flight, lose my bag, encounter bad turbulence, and a whole lot more. None of those things happened. Of course the fear of those things was enough to drive me into a full blown panic. Truth be told, almost everyone will fly alone at some point in their life. Whether you're 15, 16, 17, or 92. Traveling is a necessity, it is what offers us different experiences and provides more meaning to our lives. So inevitably, you can be doing that alone at any given time. I'm hoping that my tips for flying alone will calm some of your nerves and help to show you that it is actually quite a fulfilling experience. You'll be so proud of yourself when it's all done.

Keep up with my journey

Time Codes //

0:00 - Intro
0:47 - Should you check a bag or carry it on?
3:38 - Be informed and prepared
4:53 - Be comfortable
5:40 - Turbulence



MY 2022 BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS (affiliates) ((also good for a plane ride))

Austin Kleon's Trilogy

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the fact that she made a video she wished she had when she first flew by herself is precious. I definitely needed this. I love flying. I love airplanes, but I only travel one other time by myself several years ago and all the other times have been with my family. So I definitely needed this


Thank you!, I’m going to be flying solo for the first time at 15, I’m catching 2 flights and on the way there and I’m super nervous about getting lost😬


im flying for the first time alone in a few weeks to visit a friend and this rly helps to calm my nerves lol. Ive traveled many times with my family so youd think id be more chill about it but theres so much anxiety associated with airports and stuff i cant help but get rattled


I am terrified of flying this summer!!! Thank you for the tips!

I know I can do it, but I have social anxiety and I have two older brothers (but my role in the family is like an older sister).

So I have anxiety about what in the world is happening: being split from my brothers, being around a million people I don’t know, “did I accidentally pack a gun even though I don’t own one somehow?”, etc.

Plus I have to watch my brothers. One is a wanderer, but you can often find him (unless in the bathroom). The other is pretty good at always sticking with us, but when he does get lost, he is GONE. However, since I have the role of older sister, and our parents won’t be with us this time, they likely will be on high alert, and always do what I say (like ‘tell me when you have to go to the bathroom’, ‘don’t leave my side’, etc). I think their older brother instincts kick in, and they want to protect me, and to “protect me” is to follow what I say so I feel better.

I’m gonna make sure my brothers wear comfy but distinct clothes, so it’s easy to spot them. Learned this at a zoo (they both got separately lost, so the next time our whole family wore bright tie-dye… or at least the wanderer did).

I am reallllyyyy hoping the “mom friend override” kicks in. “Mom friend override” is a silly little online term that means you have social anxiety, but are also the mom friend (the one who takes care of the rest, similar to a mom). So while your social anxiety prevents you from doing things, if a friend asks you do to it, your ‘mom friend instincts’ override your anxiety, allowing you to do the thing. It’s ok if that still doesn’t make sense. Point is: because I am taking care of my brothers, I’m hoping my “mom instincts” will cause my need to lead and protect overrides my extreme anxiety.

Edit: mainly, I wrote this for myself to talk myself through it.


Thanks for making this video. I’m flying alone soon, I’ve flown 138 times but change one variable and it’s scary..


Thanks for this I'm going on a flight to Pennsylvanian to visit friends and this is what I needed!


Thank you very much I be going alone next week


Need this for my first flight back home from college! Thank you for this!


i’m gonna be flying alone at 11 😊 i’m really excited cuz i love everything about planes but also a bit scared, but there are gonna be cabin crew making sure i’m safe:) Btw i’m flying on saturday:))))


Gonna be flying to Wisconsin (most likely alone) to visit my long distance boyfriend this July! This will be my first time flying alone even though I have been on about 6 different flights with my family before. It's been a while and I am nervous lol


I'm flying out in two days, it's gonna be the first time I've flown myself and I'm terrified!! Airports are what I'm most worried about hah, , this video helped a bit so thank you 👍


thank u girll, im flying back home alone im 18 and its gonna be a pretty long flight 😫


Getting ready to go to a concert in LA, thank you for the tips and I love the Trench vinyl in the back


Thank you for this! I’m 12 and catching 2 flights in a few days, by my self for the first time (13 hour flights), so this made me feel better. It was very informative and soothed my nerves a little. :))


Thank you for making this video. It really is helping me set up the start of my game plan for when I am going to fly alone for the first time.


thank youuuu i'm flying alone as a 14yr old 💀im nervous as hell


Thank you for making this ♥️ first time flying alone today and needed some anxiety relief!


thanks! I will be flying soon on my own next month, I'm only 13 tho.


im thirteen and im flying from india back to the us for the first time alone and idek how to navigate an airport i never payed much attention when my parents did so im terrified


I’m flying by myself soon for the first time At 14 and this is very helpful
