The Surprising Connection between Posture and Resilience with Pat Ogden

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Yes REMEMBER you are clothed with dignity and JESUS said we are more value than many sparrows.


Recently with a client that struggles with panic disorder: in a session, he began to have panic symptoms. I noticed that as they were rising he appeared frightened and slumped back in the couch and looked down at his lap. I asked him to shift his position and to look up - he did so and on his own sat up straight taking a deep breath. As he did so the panic symptoms subsided quickly (not peaking). Asking him to take notice of what happened was impactful and instructive of a way to manage the panic out of the office.


Alice, your courage, self-love, and perseverance are inspiring. The world is blessed when you sing! Never stop singing!!!


I was working on a trigger. A guy who had raped me had ruined my reputation in my favorite karaoke bar through lies, . I's gone there after the reported rape, he had started going - we'd gone once. The men. treated me differently, it was hard to sing. In a year I went to another place and a guy from that bar sang a really ugly pervert song and ruefully smirked at me. My PTSD acted up each time. I went to another place last month. I was anxious. I went this week and put body language and my whole heart and mind into some meaningful songs with social and interpersonal impact and people gave me even more response than some of the professionals even though I's sometimes cough with the atmospheric smoke! I want my body language to be as free and creative as my mind. I really hear what you are saying.


I’m not really sure what she did with it or offered her client. What did that little movement mean? Wasn’t it a push? What did the client learn? I’m not really clear on n what was done.


Are you going to help us realign our posture?


Introductory presenter: slightly forward leaning posture, shoulders slightly hunched, head projecting forward, high pitched voice with a sharp edge, frequent frowns & raised eyebrows at moments unrelated to speech content.
To me personally, this gives a feeling of discomfort, leaves me both timid and irritable with the incongruent images of both a vulture and a finch - something doesn't quite gel between outward presentation and inner authentic life...
I am aware that this probably says more about me than the presenter herself.
But, each time I see her fronting a NICABM video I am put off from watching further - and I may not be the only trauma survivor feeling like this.
Maybe this can quite easily be approached and resolved with body work?
