What is the Difference Between Belief and Identity?

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About my videos: These videos are a resource for anyone wishing to wake up from the dream of separation. Awakening, enlightenment, and liberation are becoming far more mainstream possibilities than they once were. There are many good teachers out there, and if you resonate with the teachings of Eckhart Tolle, Rupert Spira, or Sadhguru, you might find resources here that address these deeper promptings to investigate your true nature.

Disclaimer: The information presented in these videos is not meant to diagnose or treat any psychiatric or medical illness. The inquiries presented herein are potent and can have powerful effects on the way you experience yourself and reality. If you feel you are at risk of harming yourself or others, these videos and practices may not be the best thing for you at the moment. Seek help wherever necessary which might include a hospital emergency department, a suicide helpline etc.
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Angelo, TY so much for your passion to transmit the depths of awakening on all our behalf. Its given me an invaluable framewore from which I can build on a greater and greater courageous awareness to Examine, Explore, Discover, Expand, and Enjoy my own Life as it unfolds moment by moment no matter what presents itself.


Answering viewer comments is my favorite type of video. Something about the spontaneity and wide range of topics discussed that I like


Yesterday, I was reading a little bit of “The Zen Teaching of Huang Po” and suddenly the sense that there could ever be a physical world, dropped. It’s like… I already KNEW there was no physical world, and if you had asked me if I experienced form, I would have told you “no”. But I guess I was still experiencing form in a subtle way, because when whatever that was, dropped away, it was like “Woahhh, there was never a physical world and there never could be a physical world.” Now whenever I look out at what’s in front of my face (so to speak), I’m just looking straight into The Void.


Thank you so much for responding to my comment/question, Angelo. As the seeking energy seems to be dissolving, I am seeing more clearly how the seeking was just a habit of the mind to look Into the future and work towards getting “something” that will help me feel better. It was all imagined. Now there seems to be a natural movement inward- towards finding the awakeness that is right here and right now.
Thank you for all of your guidance ❤


“believing a thought and not knowing that you’re believing the thought is the experience of identity” great (paraphrased) quote!

it reminds me of Sam Harris’ quote “thinking without knowing that your thinking is what it feels like to be lost in thought”.

this seems like an important theme to remember. most spiritual definitions of ignorance are of the form “you are doing something and you are not aware of the fact that you’re doing it”. this even applies in the moral sphere.

what can we do? notice this pattern and similar patterns where ever they appear. obviously, these patterns will appear in our personal experience, but they will also appear in the “external” experience of other people. how you respond/react to these patterns will teach you about yourself and reveal more patterns to be observed. then, the process recycles itself.



It's time for another amazing video after another amazing live!


These are so awesome. I always seem to find a bit of me in every commenter


The first question, all 6 minutes of it, is absolute gold. Sometimes something pops up in these videos that is so in line with where I am, that I realise how interconnected everything is and it slightly blows my mind. Really resonant, really helpful, thank you


I am confused about whether I should rest as awareness, or if I should be completely immersed in the sense gates. I’ve heard you and Adyashanti both say to rest as the awareness, yet you also say go right into all the sense gates. I find I am more clear resting as awareness while feeling my body breathe, versus consciously going into all my sense fields… :)


Thanks Angelo, it all makes sense 🙏just a quick share Neem Karoli Baba of India was the Guru of Ram Dass of U S. Interesting characters and liberators true amazing story guide of a seeker and a guru hope this is OK to speak it here.🙏


When I try to feel something is goes away


Around 16 minutes.

It could also be neurodivergence. I think neurodivergent people don’t filter out all sensation in the same way as neurotypical people.

So it could mean this person is just feeling more sensation in the first place. So it could also be just an acceptance of and honouring these differences.


I think the Guru being referenced (around 20 minute mark) is the guru for Ram Dass. Died 1973


Hi Angelo, first of all, a deep thank you for all the amazing work you offer and your guidance, it’s been an eye opener and I felt a deep call since the first time I heard you speaking.
Now, when I find myself meditating, I have the sensation that as soon as my attention is brought on something, that thing becomes some form of thought. For example a sensation becomes the visual image, even if very subtle, of that sensation. So in the end I always feel separate, and hardly ever in full touch with it. Any advices on how I might approach this?


First 🎉 anywho have yet to watch but already stoked love your content Angelo ❤


Au contraire, mon frere, it is always peanut butter jelly time. Peanut butter jelly time is the only time.


At around 22 minutes in you answer the question about the alone/fear/terror. I’ve been hitting this fear barrier on mushrooms lately. As the journey deepens I’ve become incredibly sensitive to mushrooms. Now each trip I have, at the end of the trip I experience dissolving into absolute aloneness, fear, terror and maybe insanity as well. I think this might be a final barrier of sorts. I keep half way surrendering but not quite. Do you think it’s helpful to keep hitting this fear barrier on mushrooms?
