Introducing Hacking the Stack Online Course

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New Online Course with Michael Taft. Learn the "Stack Model" of vipashyana meditation.

Mondays, Nov 11, 2024 – February 10th, 2025
5:00 pm – 6:30 pm Pacific Time

In his The Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment 10th Century Buddhist luminary Atisha wrote that the practice of vipashyana “gives rise to wisdom that sees the nature of all things. Without this wisdom, all other practices remain incomplete.” Vipashyana (sometimes called vipassana in other traditions) means to “see things as they really are,” and is thus the liberating insight that marks the beginning of real awakening. But how do we actually do it?

In Michael Taft’s 12-week online course, entitled Hacking the Stack, you will learn the fundamentals of vipashyana meditation. Using Michael’s innovative “Stack Model” of awakening, you will discover where you are at in your practice, as well as learn specific methods for deepening further into the insight that is the heart of vipashyana.

Whether you are new to meditation, or if you are a mindfulness meditator whose practice seems stalled, or if you have been following Michael’s guided meditation series on Youtube, if you are wanting something more—a practice that can actually lead to awakening—then this course is for you.
In Hacking the Stack, You Will Learn

- The true meaning of Vipashyana
- Michael Taft’s innovative meditation map, the “Stack Model”
- Methods of Vipashyana meditation for each sense gate
- A proven way to gauge the current depth of your practice, and specific instructions on how to go deeper
- How to see the true nature of every sort of human experience
- Powerful methods of awakening, all without a guru
- A meditation practice you can stick with

Course Details

This is a live online course that takes place on Zoom. Class will meet once a week for 90 minutes. During each class, Michael will teach on that week’s topic, take live questions from the group, and lead a guided meditation. In addition, students are encouraged to join a “practice pod”—a group of others students from the course—to study, share, bring up questions, and support each other’s practice throughout the class and moving forward. There are also optional Q & A sessions, supplemental readings, and a Mighty Networks server to help deepen your practice and understanding.

– Commitment to meditate for 30 minutes daily
– Complete all assigned course materials
– Complete each class (live or watch videos at your convenience)
– Strong desire to learn, understand, and practice vipashyana meditation
– While it’s not a requirement, this class is much easier if you already have a meditation practice

A Note About the Dates:
The span of the class straddles the holidays, as well as a retreat that Michael is teaching. Therefore, we will not have class on Dec 16th and Dec 30th. So the actual duration of the course will be 14 weeks, ending on Feb 10th, 2025.

Where Does this Course Fit In?
Michael Taft has a whole sequence of online courses, including Vast Sky Mind, Tantra 1 and 2, and Reversing the Stack. This course, Hacking the Stack, is a precursor to the whole sequence; the first step. It is a great way to begin your learning journey, or to go back and brush up on the very important basics.

Рекомендации по теме

Wow. This is an incredible opportunity.


12 Weeks?? That's like, Now 😅
Thank you. 🙏🏼🕉️🐸❤️


Will this be available to buy as an online course (replays of the recordings) once the course has already finished? Im currently strapped for cash!


Can I still sign up? Is it open virtually?
