Fortnite Storyline Recap | SEASON 1 'Underground' | WATCH BEFORE ZEUS ARRIVES

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Let's breakdown the Fortnite Chapter 5 season 1's storyline. Only things that matter... Let's go!

0:00 - Please leave a like
0:29 - Week 0 - Bye Bye Zero Point
0:55 - Week 1 - Where's Peely?
1:54 - Week 2 - Factions
3:28 - Week 3 - Pandora's Box
4:44 - Week 4 - Wobbly Blobs
5:13 - Week 8 - Graham the Gnome
5:49 - Week 9 - TMNT
6:10 - Week 10 - Valeria's Book
6:33 - Week 12 - Peely is Back!
7:42 - Week 13 - Hell Breaks Loose

#codeADAMARU #FortniteStoryline #FortniteLore #epicpartner #FortniteSecrets

Clips used...
TED Talks Greek Myths,
PostboxPat - Christmas island footage.

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Hype levels for Season 2?
9-10 – uncontrollable hype! 🥳
7-8 – optimistic 🤗
5-6 – I'll give it a go 🧐
3-4 – Time to quit Fortnite 🥱
1-2 - What is Fortnight? 😱


I actually have a mini-theory that cleverly references the story of Pandoras Box. If you talk to the Odyssey for the snapshot quests, she mentions something about the medallions and how they are linked to ancient past.

I think the medallions belonged TO the gods, and the Society had stolen them, claiming them for themselves. This lines up with how Pandoras Box was unleashed in actual Greek myth, due to something being stolen from the gods (the eternal flame).


Thank goodness for videos like this because there's no way anyone would understand the story without them


This season is going to be...interesting for Kratos, to say the least.


It’s amazing how long this game has survived. Been here since the first Thanos event


This season was so confusing like the season starts on a random island with no context on how they got there. and we find out peely is missing. Then the ninja turtles show up then leave then they guve use a random challenge set about peely being missing then forget all about him until a hand with a chest chained to it showed up. Then when the chains broke and the chest opened, a fire tornado comes out with ghosts and ghost hands in it. Crazy


The zero point still exists, in the Burning Ambition Valeria loading screen you can see Jones in front of the Zero Point


He forgot to mention the Takedown quests which when we did 8 of them Peely was saved the Takedown quests were this season's story quests no voice lines but they have story so in the Takedown challenge defeat Montague when Montague is defeated Jones says something like he wants Montague to see his little society crumble, Hope goes to her sister Valeria and defeats her and Hope reveals Valeria doesn't know where Peely is but Hope says something like whatever Valeria is studying is important as well, Hope defeats Oscar and Hope says that Oscar doesn't need the Society, Jones and Hope both defeat Nisha and Jones says that he hopes Nisha leaves the Society and rebuilds things with her brother Kavel and Jones and Hope open the Society vaults to check if Peely is in one of them and Hope and Jones defeat the Society Tactical and Elite goons and Jones gets clues from them on where Peely is then Peely is finally saved and it looks like Peely was in Fencing Fields so after Jones and Hope went to Fencing Fields to defeat Nisha they most likely found Peely there after defeating Nisha and then Jones took Peely and escaped Fencing Fields with Hope most likely following them as Jones wouldn't just leave one of his new friends behind and then Hope says she always has Jones's back in NPC dialogue and that Jones always has her's so you can see a relationship kind of developing between the 2 plus apparently there are areas on the map where there is a heart around Jones and a heart around Hope so it looks Jones and Hope have more of a relationship than just being friends so Hope will most likely become Jones's new wife and in Jones's NPC dialogue we now know exactly why Peely was captured as Jones tells us the Society took Peely to learn about Jones's history so it's now confirmed Jones remembers everything that happened before the Big Bang and he is the only one that does for now so thankfully this confirms the story only got a soft reeboot the story is in Charlie Wen's hands now


I'm very excited and intrigued about where this new lore is going. I feel that if they keep Valeria around as the centerpiece throughout the chapter 5 lore, that will create a continuous storyline. As if when you add a new character and don't even build up their story, and then the next thing that specific character is gone to never be heard of again.


If we are getting more constant lore I’m gonna be hyped af


With the peely loading screen, it was a reward for defeating all the society bosses, and then pandoras box happened a few days later so the society isn't actually the ones who wanted us to break the chains because they were already defeated


Thank you for continuing this series! I always love watching and whenever I have to buy something in Fortnite: I’m “one of the 99”, but I’m gonna at least try to get my friends to use your code! Cheers


Thank you for making these omg, I look forward to each and every lovely video.


Another great recap. Thanks for continuing to do these!


Thank you for the recap I love watching these story recaps thank you 💙💙💙


Well done for placing sensors and then looking at the loading screen.


I really appreciate this chapter recap.


Great vid! I can never remember the lore.


As someone who has read a lot of Greek mythology I think the giant hand was Kronos who was the father of Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus in that order Zeus being the youngest
Kronos was cut into pieces by them after Zeus saved them (Kronos heard that one of his kids would kill him so he swallowed all of them except Zeus because Zeus’s moth swapped him out with a rock) and they fought Kronos with items from the cyclops’s and trapped him in Tartarus which is like hell in Greek mythology where all monsters and bad people go when killed (Tartarus is also the father of monsters which reproduce into different monsters like Cerberus the three headed dog guardian of the underworld in Greek mythology Hades pet dog and the Chimera for an example for monsters)
Which would explain the giant hand reaching out of the GROUND while holding pandoras box


Honestly. If Fortnite wasn’t down I would played before watching.
