Fortnite CHAPTER 5 SEASON 2 Storyline EXPLAINED & The Oracle’s SECRET Prophecy!

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Fortnite CHAPTER 5 SEASON 2 Storyline EXPLAINED & The Oracle’s SECRET Prophecy!

Fortnite MYTHS & MORTALS has arrived and after Valeria opened Pandora's Box, the Greek Pantheon had arrived on the Island with a furious Zeus who wants to end mortalkind permanently. Alongside that Midas has officially returned explaining where he's been all this time, and The Oracle reveals a prophecy about Hope indicating she will play a vital role in stopping Zeus' wrath. This season brings a multitude of questions all of which are explained in this video!

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In my opinion, the story was the real reason that Fortnite became the game that we all know in love and can still be


I will say this, the more likely thing is that Midas will be the person to bring us back to Chapter 2


Glad to see someone is not giving up on the story


imagine how good the live event wouldve been if donald mustard was still working on the game


Speaking of the oracle, based on Apollo's dialogue she works for him, and apollo also emphatizes with Aphrodite, so he is on our side

And is not that relevant, but Cerberus' quests are very cute😅❤


So since I guess the video's production a lot of new info has come out,
+ Artemis joining team mortal has been confirmed
+ Hades and Cerberus, despite the former still publicly siding with Zeus and being described as "evil", both are willing to look the other way instead of following Zeus' commands. Making the theory that they'd be neutral seem to be true as well. (though the other 2 heads of Cerberus seem to be fully loyal to Zeus and provide fake objectives in a effort to get the Looper killed)
* Apollo has made his way to the island and has been revealed to be the big good of the season, being behind the Oracle (who did provide all the prophecies including the one to Zeus which you were spot on about) and has joined Aphrodite. Also has a rivalry with Ares of all people. (and is my current character obsession of the chapter)

Also while I know its been awhile since chapter 4, we don't have a true skin yet for the actual Geno and its easy to do since he is essentially a clone but I don't think we should conflate the Ageless and Geno together. Snapshots when given story focus seem to be treated as their own characters and we've already seen a difference with how the Ageless ruled under Geno's orders in the brief time we got Oathbound lore, as according to the wiki was shown to far more "benevolent" with his subjects than his counterpart's treatment of the members of the IO. Like sheltering the High Stakes Club with no ulterior motive or cost. The only real stain on his reputation being that his hubris as prophetized led to the creation of the rift portal which also in brought the beautiful monster Astrea to the kingdom, which (presumably) came from the Last Reality and tried destroy the kingdom only to get stopped by the prince and princess of his kingdom. (Kieran's heroic destiny is still unresolved frustratingly enough)

With that aside I do hope your theory on Geno proper holds water, since after a current interview people are acting like the Fortnite Storyline is over and this old and new connection would be a good way to not only bridge the different eras of lore but also soothe those fears.


It was fun doing Cerberus’s quests, and it was cool seeing how hades and Cerberus are neutral in a way, seeing how Cerberus is keeping our secret from Zeus, maybe hades and Cerberus being a possible spy in the future?


darkend skys and choking dust refers to the entire year leakks next season apocolyptic vibe/ desert.


Great video. I hope that somehow Slone and Jones’s storyline is somehow involved in all of this as they’ve both been missing this season


Btw Apolo (artemis brother) can be found near Olympus in a small temple on a hill.He has a yellow hair and yellow eyes and his location is left from Olympus


I think montague and nisha also went into hiding after being injured really bad and Oscar is being hunted by Artemis


Great production on this video bro, keep it up, looking forward to seeing more videos from you!


I think the version of Midas's story told to us by the storyteller is 100% accurate in all honesty it's an one to one retelling of the Greek legend of king Midas. If we believe that this story is accurate to Fortnite Midas it goes against almost everything we know about him. First of the story states that Midas received the golden touch as gift but we know he was cursed with it after trying to steal the treasure of king oro . Lastly Midas himself says "In the myths they tell of me they never get the details quite right" which indicates that this myth we hear is most likely false or at least incorrect to some capacity. That being said the was great maby expect for the fact that you didn't even acknowledge Medusa's existence but the video turned out great regardless and was definitely worth the wait


i always look at the story and feel lost and then you post a video than I understand completely Thank You For Making These Videos!


Rezztro back at it again with another lore video. Keep it up comrade, you're doing great ❤🎉


YAY!!! I think this is a awesome video!


Great video man I was wondering 💭 if you had any predictions for season 3 since it’s coming out in few days


I enjoyed your video so much and gained so many insights into future storylines that Fortnite can create. I hope Fornite considers making the storyline a key factor in br ❤️. Awesome Job Rezztro!!


0:33 That's wrong, Jones didn't actually know about the box. He couldn't tell her what he didn't know but she refused to accept that he didn't.


I subbed for that poisend dance break
