The Fortnite CHAPTER 4 Storyline Explained!

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Fortnite’s NEW STORYLINE In Chapter 4!
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I'm loving that their taking a new approach to the storyline this time around. It's almost like the story involving the Seven is done, and the next big story is unfolding before us. I've heard people talking about how the topic of the Seven trying to save the Zero Point and saving reality from threats became a little too common, so I'm sure that starting this new story can really mark a great new direction with the lore.


This now makes sense when you add Doom Slayer into the story. To put it in simpler terms, the Slayer has worked with a bunch of Knights and the architecture for Doom (specifically the reboot 2016 and Eternal) has always been very medieval.


I like the fact that there are some people who actually make the storyline make sense by using past experiences rather than the people who complain that it’s too complicated and doesn’t make sense anymore!😁it makes me feel better coz I love the storyline!😁


This Chapter is so fresh in terms of storyline. We're going to experience many new things for sure!!


there's also the slap juice factory which is somehow modern compared to most of the map, so there is a slight chance that a younger chaos agent is there, or maybe midas


God bless to the 1% who see this comment


Kind of sad the Seven storyline is over. I know a lot of people are going to be happy but I’ll miss it. It’s what we’ve had for so long.


That would make sense. I just want to point out a few things. First of all it was said at the beginning of the season. It is up to us. That means that we might have some bigger influence on the storyline than we think. In this season big things will happen. We know about Slone Geno and a lot more. Most of those things have one thing in common. The secret theme of the season are modifiers. Sand powers of Slone, mutations of Geralt and even our own. I feel like we can feel a medieval theme. But there's one thing missing. Magic. I mean sure we have swords hammers bows. Why not magic? I feel like this might come within a few updates. And i think we can all agree that Christmas is the best time to add it. I mean it all adds up. There is also one thing that is a concern to me. In the comic the ice king informed us that the Prisoner is still alive, but trapped. Well, the whole island fell apart so he might be... Fried


This is what chapter 2 season 6 should have been!


Also the kinetic ore looks like what was used in the chapter 2 season 5 season. Under the bridge they used the panels that had the ore on it. Basically this chapter is going to show us how everything started


Sometimes I think epic gives us a random series of events hinting a few undeveloped ideas and then letting the community create the storyline for them


I have a shot in the dark theory about geno, and why he NEEDS shattered slabs. In the battle pass, his emoticon is called “heart chambers” and has his little squid looking symbol on it. This isn’t much on his own, but both his loading screens do call a bit of attention to it. And on his skin he has some energy that is seeming used to power his glider. I think Genos heart has failed and he’s using a refined variant of kinetic ore to keep him alive.


I think it's safe to assume the rift warden will probably be one of Geno's daughters the imagined or the order. I think this because considering Geno left a snapshot to rule his kingdom, would it be too far fetched to say he probably left snapshots of his daughters with a snapshot of himself? And the imagined did say that Geno tossed them into the loop at one point for a bet, and after losing the bet, ended up taking the battle hardened snapshots as opposed to the originals.


This is my version of the storyline I have put together so far.

In chapter 1 the visitor went in the loop to test the seven’s suits for loop protection. Once their job was finished, he left using a form of teleportation called “rifts” that he would learn to be very unstable. After the Last Reality saw this crack, they knew they couldn’t get the ship through the crack but they could get the cube through. This cube then went to loot lake to try to absorb the zero point but it fought back making the cube unstable and retreat. The cube flew around to try to absorb the power from afar but then went back to the lake where the zero point destroyed the cube and transported us inside the zero point. Go forward a bit and the prisoner has escaped the Ice King. The Ice King, knowing the prisoner is a lava person, made a huge snowstorm with ice monsters to notify the Ice King if the prisoner was there. The prisoner escapes and uses the volcano to melt himself eventually reactivating the volcano. The volcano also becomes unstable and destroys the island with a huge eruption. Years went by and everything is futuristic now. A hero by the name of singularity noticed that a monster in the ice has gone missing. So, using her knowledge, she builds a giant mech to kill the lizard. After the fight, the zero point becomes unstable and they know if they keep it like this, the zero point will explode. So the seven all team up again and make the zero point feel unsafe and have it do sort of a system reset to the island, flipping it upside down to another island very similar to the first. I can’t type the whole storyline so if you want the 2nd and 3rd chapter, like this comment and I’ll add to it.

Edit 1: Chapter 2

After being transported to this island, a group of explorers/researchers named Ego already set up camp. However, an evil group going by the name Alter is trying to stop them and, as we now know, Alter created snapshots of the Ego agents and somehow made them stronger. A man named Midas sees that Alter is a threat so he recruits secret agents to fight Alter and renames Ego to Ghost. However, Midas had a secret plan he was working on, a device that could stop the storm. Midas uses the Doomsday device to stop the storm. He does this so his agents don’t loop. Midas was always aware that there was something more than the loop but had no one to help him stop it. After pushing back the storm, Midas transports us to the imagine order headquarters. When we come back, the zero point who controls the storm sucks the water up and uses it to create an even stronger storm. Finally, Midas’s Doomsday Machine breaks and the storm floods the whole island. This flood made the zero point use a great amount of power which transmitted a power signal all across the universe which was reached by Galactis. Galactis made Thor to go scout out reality 0 where he would instead warn the island and bring some friends to help. When Galactis tried to suck the zero point power up, it fought back. Tony blows Galactis up yatayatayata Rock music event is sick yatayatayata then we cut to the bridge being unstable and the only way to stabilize it was to go in the loop and fix it from there. Agent Jones recruits the best bounty hunters in the universe to protect the zero point. After Jones does everything he can to help, the IO still won’t do anything, so jones takes it into his own hands. He goes rouge and tries to recruit the seven however, he can’t. So, reality is ending and Jones has to make a mad dash to the zero point. From there, he recruits the foundation who risks his life to save everything by concealing himself in the spire. After a while, everything seemed fine. Sure, we still needed to find out how to control the zero point and a boy went crazy from crystals but… WOAH crop circles! That’s right, the power signal from earlier did reach the last reality but took much longer to get there. The last reality finally is able to get the zero point but first has to destroy the spire. So yes, foundation is dead. The last reality takes control over the island and of course, if the IO isn’t in control, they finally help. Slone, an IO member, declares war on the last reality. She figures out a IO member was a mole and when she found out, she told the mole that the IO’s headquarters was at Corny Complex. The last reality take the bate and to their surprise… the whole POI was a bomb. After being teleported in the mother ship, we successfully arm the bombs and get betrayed by Slone. And then she kills keven. But, we reboot Kevin and, taking a page out of Tommy’s book here, revert him to his original state. The last reality stole these cubes and transformed them evil. Anyways, ship to boom boom. Hundreds of cubes pollute the island and eventually, all come together to become a pyramid. After a while, the gold cube (not important until now) reveals to be the cube queen and opens a portal to the mothership, a giant planet looking ship. The cube queen MURDERS Blevin (blue kevin) and makes us retreat. However, the scientist saves us and takes us to the foundation with Jones (wait up. Somewhere during all of this, the foundation comes back to save Jones who was captured((forget when)) and then reveals to be the rock. So yes, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is officially fortnite cannon. Meaning WWE is officially fortnite cannon) Jones is trying to flip the island upside down while one of the cube queen’s caretakers destroys the glass and kills everyone. Surprise, no one is dead, but instead the island flips, the cube queen dips, and oh look there’s a ship… The island flipping made a huge wave and… wait a minute… shifty shafts… greasy grove… tilted towers… rocky reels… YEP IT’S THE CHAPTER ONE MAP! the volcano which is now dormant because, you know… water, is now the daily bugle and this marks the start of… CHAPTER 3 SEASON 1 comment for another storyline recap.


hmmm. i am guessing the mysterious woman is either someone we know similar to geno. maybe it being the paradigm since they apparently have stated their a completely separate character as she is the only mysterious character we don't know anything about outside of having the most knowledge and wanting to protect the zero point massively. also, on a separate note. i think Sloan is still alive. at a certain edge of the map (bottom right of slappy shores to be exact) i discovered a surviving drill carrier for the zero war. it's spray painted from paradise chapter still, but seems to look like it just bored itself out half way since the drill part is sticking out with some of the body of the vehicle and when up close near it, you can hear the noise of it's engines still running. i think someone got stuck underground during the destruction and rebuilding of the island and managing to get free using the drill.


Couple ideas on who the Rift Warden could be (based off characters we know)
They have a father so that’s a point to anchor them to
- The Imagined or The Order
Could be their snapshots that were mentioned in the comics, as they are Genos perfected daughters
- Amie
I think she’s called scientist “daddy”… I know that’s not what she means, but why not
Another character with a canonical dad. Also I just want Midas back, PLEASE


I have a theory that the Reality Warriors are a precursor to both the Imagined Order and the Seven.

Genō and The Foundation apparently have history together implied by his last words at the end of the Zero War comics. Given that the Reality Warriors share a lot of elements with the Seven, it could be possible that the Foundation and Genō were part of this group in the past.

I believe that originally Genō and the Foundation were friends until Genō started to grow restless with having to simply defend the Zero Point, instead of using its powers for good. Eventually, Genō left the Reality Warriors and took a large following with him to form the Oathbound. War broke out between the Reality Warriors who wanted to keep the Zero Point safe and free, and the Oathbound, who wanted to control the Zero Point and create the perfect civilization. Whatever happened, the Reality Warriors were nearly all wiped out and the Oathbound took full control over Reality Zero. Over the course of thousands of years, the Oathbound evolved into the IO, and the Foundation created the Seven, a small group of scientists, Warriors, and explorers too uphold the principles of the Reality Warriors and do whatever they can to destroy the IO, and free the Zero Point.


Here’s some predictions/ideas for Season Two:
The Citadel is going to become a floating fortress, with it hovering across the map in a new location every week.
The Rift Warden is going to be Zero or Fusion and we will get a revamped version of one of them.
Geno will return in the live event for Season 2 and will be the Tier 100 of Season 3.
Smaller Devourers will be wildlife you can kill or ride.
Amie will be the Tier 1 skin in Season 2
Jones will finally make his own Seven armor and become “The Legend”
There could be quests we get from The Scientist and The Visitor, learning they escaped the chrome and are currently on a mothership, trying to escape.
Swords and Hammers will become normal weapons in the loot pool.
Peter Griffin will finally come to Fortnite in the Battlepass.
There will be a Transformers collab with Optimus Prime, Bumble Bee, StarScream, and Megatron as skins.


Random fact, the island in the distance isn’t actually the island if you mark on the island before you start the game you can see your marker behind you.


In my personal opinion i feel that the storyline moving forward will fall more in line with what the oathbound has planned i mean this seasons storyline based quests are litteraly named after the oathbound with them taking a keen shift more towards what the oathbound are doing which i see as a brilliant break from the seven based storyline that seems to be now concluding
