How @Transactional works ? Transactional propagation explained ! Transaction Management #springboot
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In this lesson we will learn about the Transactional propagation levels. As we have a strong foundation on Transaction Management now, we can move ahead and choose the propagation and isolation topics next. Coming to this lessons, it will give you a foundation on different Transaction propagation levels like required, requires new, mandatory, supported , not supported etc. To understand, How Spring’s @Transactional works internally, I will take the help of spring AOP to log and trace different connection related calls like close(), commit(), rollback() etc. I believe this will make your transaction journey smooth.
So this lessons will cover various spring AOP concepts like Aspect, Advice, Pointcuts, join points , proceeding join points as a prerequisites.
By the end of this lessons, We will build a strong foundation on the different Transactional propagation levels used in Spring Boot / Spring Framework.
00:00:00 - @Transactional - Theory
00:10:36 - Recap - Spring Transaction Management so far
00:23:20 - Introducing Spring AOP
00:32:30 - Doing it with @Before
00:34:13 - writing a point cut expression @pointcut
00:43:45 - writing an advice with @After
00:46:15 - @Around and proceeding joinpoints
01:02:00 - When the connection object is getting created in our app?
01:04:35 - Connection and ConnectionImpl
01:07:26 - Intercepting the Datasource and Connection object
01:11:37 - Transactional Propagation Level REQUIRED vs REQUIRES_NEW
01:18:54 - Tracing Connection’s rollback(),commit(), close() call
01:21:41 - Creating a connection Proxy (dynamic proxy)
01:27:18 - When the commit/close/rollback calls happen
01:30:30 - Code refactor - InvocationHandler
01:31:53 - Propagation.REQUIRED
01:41:48 - Propagation.NEVER
01:44:00 - Propagation.NOT_SUPPORTED
01:45:57 - Propagation.MANDATORY
01:47:28 - Propagation.SUPPORTS
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So this lessons will cover various spring AOP concepts like Aspect, Advice, Pointcuts, join points , proceeding join points as a prerequisites.
By the end of this lessons, We will build a strong foundation on the different Transactional propagation levels used in Spring Boot / Spring Framework.
00:00:00 - @Transactional - Theory
00:10:36 - Recap - Spring Transaction Management so far
00:23:20 - Introducing Spring AOP
00:32:30 - Doing it with @Before
00:34:13 - writing a point cut expression @pointcut
00:43:45 - writing an advice with @After
00:46:15 - @Around and proceeding joinpoints
01:02:00 - When the connection object is getting created in our app?
01:04:35 - Connection and ConnectionImpl
01:07:26 - Intercepting the Datasource and Connection object
01:11:37 - Transactional Propagation Level REQUIRED vs REQUIRES_NEW
01:18:54 - Tracing Connection’s rollback(),commit(), close() call
01:21:41 - Creating a connection Proxy (dynamic proxy)
01:27:18 - When the commit/close/rollback calls happen
01:30:30 - Code refactor - InvocationHandler
01:31:53 - Propagation.REQUIRED
01:41:48 - Propagation.NEVER
01:44:00 - Propagation.NOT_SUPPORTED
01:45:57 - Propagation.MANDATORY
01:47:28 - Propagation.SUPPORTS
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