5 Common Questions About Termination (And Answers You Need) - Employment Law Show: S6 E03

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5 COMMON QUESTIONS ABOUT TERMINATION (AND ANSWERS YOU NEED) on the Employment Law Show with employment lawyer Lior Samfiru. Discover your workplace rights and learn everything you need to know about employment law in Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta on Season 6 Episode 03 of the only employment law show on TV in Canada.

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0:00 - Intro

🔹 Placed on unpaid leave due to vaccination status - 1:39
My employer told me if I am not vaccinated, I will be put on an unpaid leave of absence. Can they do this and how long can it last?

📞 Employee severance entitlements when the company shuts down - 5:58

❓ Fired for asking for unpaid overtime pay - 8:42

▶️ 5 Common Questions About Termination (And Answers You Need)

1️⃣ Does my employer need a good reason to fire me? - 12:45

2️⃣ Can I be fired without severance for performance issues or an honest mistake? - 14:24

3️⃣ Does a layoff count as a termination? - 16:23

4️⃣ Am I owed severance even if was let go for "cause" or are a contractor? - 17:51

5️⃣ Are you owed severance pay if changes are made to your job or you were harassed at work? - 19:09

📞 Time limit to pursuing severance - 21:01
EMPLOYMENT LAW SHOW Caller: Is there a time limit on how long after your termination you can pursue severance?

📞 Terminated for cause after a customer complaint - 23:55
EMPLOYMENT LAW SHOW Caller: I was written up after a rude customer complained to my manager. My manager told me that if I’m written up again, I’ll be fired. I refused to sign the write-up. The company said they will view my refusal as an admission of guilt and terminate me right away.

❓ Forced to take a pay cut as a result of performance - 26:12


#EmploymentLawShow #SeverancePay #SamfiruTumarkin #EmploymentLawyer
Рекомендации по теме

Is government mandate for Covid19 vaccine a bill or regulation passed by Parliament of Canada or provincial parliaments? Has it been written in provincial employment laws? Is there any formal official lawful documents? You can't only follow someone's words announced on the media, that's dictatorship not Canada.


Does that mean the Employer has the right to continue illegal actions? If you continue working after an illegal pay cut (deemed acceptance even if you didn't know your rights), why does that mean "he gives them the right to do it again?" 🤔 See 26:44 in video.

What I think you're saying is that, it sets a precedent? Kind-of like, if you get off for speeding, you now have the right to speed?


As far as the Mandate Goes is there an option for Religious Exemptions like America an employee can file a letter from Churches the pastors and the Clergy to protect the jobs of those who have a religious belief on the mandate.
