Who Are the Generations?

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Who Are the Generations?
Learn about each generation – who they are, what shaped them, and what traits define them.


In this video, you’ll learn about each generation – who they are, what shaped them, and what traits define them.

George Orwell once said, "Every generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it.”

Does that describe your feelings towards other generations? People tend to feel their generation is the best generation. But no generation is better than another, just different.

A firm understanding of just how different the generations are is important in today’s multi-generational workplace and marketplace. Understanding the generations allows you to appreciate those that went before you by comprehending some of their struggles and triumphs; and it can prepare you for the changes and opportunities that will inevitably come with the next generation.

Who are the Generations?

We will be reviewing the western cultural generations. Other areas around the world such as Japan, Asia, and portions of Europe will have their own generation definitions based on cultural, political, and economic influences. However, the emerging generations, Millennials and Generation Z, have characteristics and behaviors that match their global peers, more so than previous generations.

Also note that these are generalizations, many variations of the generations can exist within regions, both geographically and culturally.

Here is an overview of the generations.

The two asterisks in the bottom right represent how large these generations were at their peak. Unfortunately, the older generations are not this large anymore due to individuals passing away.

G.I. Generation: ~1900-1927
Age Range as of 2017: 90 and over
Alternate Names: The Greatest Generation
Shaped By: Great Depression, World Wars
Traits: Hard-working, Patriotism, Respect Authority, Conservative Savers

Silent Generation: ~1928-1945
Age Range as of 2017: ~72-89
Alternate Names: Builders, Traditionalists, Lucky Few, Post-war Cohort
Shaped By: World War II, Vietnam War, Korean War
Traits: Veterans, Conformists, Loyal, Follow Rules, Non-protestors

Baby Boomers: ~1946-1964
Age Range as of 2017: ~53-71
Alternate Names: Me Generation, Generation Jones
Shaped By: Woodstock, Civil Rights, Economic Prosperity, Kennedy Assassination, Rock ’n' Roll
Traits: Driven, Question Authority, Optimistic, Efficient, Team Player, “Great Consumers”

Generation X: ~1965-1980
Age Range as of 2017: ~37-52
Alternate Names: Baby Busters, Gen Bust, The Lost Generation, Latchkey Generation
Shaped By: Watergate, Layoffs, Family Instability, Challenger Explosion, MTV
Traits: Latch-key Kids, Self-reliant, Skeptical, Independent

Millennials: ~1981-1997
Age Range as of 2017: ~20-36
Alternate Names: Generation Y, Echo Boomers, Generation Me
Shaped By: 9/11, Columbine, Y2K, Internet, Great Recession, Technology
Traits: Ask Why, Creative, Optimistic, Collaborative, Entrepreneurial

Generation Z: ~1998-?
Age Range as of 2017: 19 and younger
Alternate Names: iGen, Centennials, Globals, Homelanders, Post-Millennials, Founders
Shaped By: Terrorism, Mobile Technology, Social Media, Cyber Bullying
Traits: Pragmatic, Cautious, Tech Dependent, Individualistic

Generational spans are likely to shrink to 5-10 year spans, instead of 15-20 year spans, because of the increased level of exposure to significant events thanks to our hyper-connected world and increased exposure to innovations in technology that are altering behavior during moldable years.
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My favorite generation is probably the silent generation. They grew up in such a shitty time period but they still valued hard work, respect and appreciating the things you have.

Also they tend to be more open minded to change. (unlike Boomers)-someone from Gen Z


Honestly, people born between 1995-2005 should have their own generation. They have nothing in common to the younger generation


if you were a 90s kid

you're a millennial

if you were a early to mid 2000s kid you're Gen Z


As a person born in the early 80's I find it hard to identify as a Millenial, while when I was in High School; the internet was picking up traction and was in its infancy to the mainstream population, I mostly remember my life pre-college being without internet, cell phones, definitely no social media. So when you compare me to someone born in the mid to late 90's, who might have been a toddler during 9/11, or grew up with a cell phone and always having and ipod...I just can't find our common ground. I had seen some lists that start millenials in the mid to late 80's and that makes more sense.


I was born in the middle of 1984. According to some sources I am a millennial (generation Y) but according to other sources I am a member of generation X.


Curiously, the term "Lost Generation" is used for the generation that preceded the GI Generation, the one that was shaped by WWI. (The term was coined when many American writers [both black and white] went to Europe and Gertrude Stein [then living in France] was told that, as a result of the Great War, there were "une génération perdue", a lost generation.)


there's nothing Millennial about 1996, most people I know who were born in 96 act completely like Gen Z


People born in 1999 and 2000 are technically more millennial than anyone, that was the millennium.


Everybody should stop hating theirs or other people's generations. It doesn't matter how people generally act in your age demographic. It matters how you act.


I was born in 1984 and I don't consider myself a millennial generation. To me the Millennial started in the late 90s to the 2000s. Now recently I seen some articles that they're changing it to the 70s as started the millennial generation it's like they keep pushing the post back further and further.


Dont understand how you can call a millenial someone who is born 2001


This video gave me exactly what I wanted. Thank you


Gen X invented "Meh, Whatever..." I'm being an ass, MY MOTHER ("Silent Generation") actually not only HAD that attitude, She SAID IT exactly like that!


i wouldnt say I think my generation is better than the other ones, I’m just proud of it. It is true that as a baby Millenial literally right at the edge born 97 it definatly affects your brain and how you think and I think im a calm and relaxed way that is totally seperate and different than Gen Z and i am a dreamer and hope and dream rather than am realistic or logical. I am glad I am this generation in my life 💛❤️ super proud 20 year old here! turning 21 in April


I like your voice! It goes with the video. Thanks for your info. Great work!


The generations really DO need to be shortened. In regards to the date range of millennials, someone born in ‘81 had VASTLY different experiences growing up than someone born in ‘96. The end birth date for millennials should be ‘91. 10 years long.


Proud Gen Xer here. I was born in 1980 and all the descriptions of Gen X are spot on.


I feel like I would be open to change at this rate I can see the future of gaming and other things but I really can’t wait to see what the future of gaming is like


I was born in 81 and I consider myself gen x. Most studies show that gen x start from 1965 - 1984. And the reason why this is such confusion because it's all made up to categorize society. Then it was a study that said it was 1961 - 1981 which rightfully makes people who were born in 1982 gen y. You guys keep changing saying it's this... no wait, it's that because I believe when you guys do these generational studies you find out that people are not standardized on that particular generation so you say they belong to another. Most people my age including myself were latchkey kids which is knows to be "generation X trait".


Ironically the "Silent Generation" gave us ROCK & ROLL! I can see the POTENTIAL of "Gen Z" being an echo of Gen X. My Gen X self was left to my own, I see a LOT of Gen Z also being "left alone". Where Gen X dealt with "the streets" on our own, "Gen Z" deals with the "virtual streets", ON THEIR OWN.
