How to Tell If a Girl is Confused About Her Feelings for You

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How to tell if a girl is confused about her feelings for you. In a world that is constantly shifting, the only thing that’s certain is change. We change how we feel about our style, our jobs and – yes – even about people. As situations evolve or people grow, the best thing we can do is be aware of our surroundings and adapt. This is especially true in romantic situations. Now, what if you’re on the OTHER end of the stick? You aren’t changing and your feelings are stable, but that special girl seems to be bi-polar with her behaviors. Does she like you, or does she not? Maybe a combination of both. A girl’s personal life often has more than meets the eye, so it’s important to pay close attention to how she’s acting, what she’s saying, and what’s going on around her. Here’s 10 ways on how to tell if a girl is confused about her feelings for you.

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Who made dating and love so complicated?
I mean, come on people...


Watching this video. I realized that the both of us are confused about our feelings


As a girl i can confirm
Edit: I wasn’t expecting to get hate for this I was just saying that most of this is true and also if a girl is confused about her feelings it’s not always the guys fault there can be other things going on in life


Sometimes the girls’ (or person’s) confusion is also a reflection of feeling confused about the guys’ (or other person’s) confusion about her. Confusing, yes.


"I didn't mean to sleep with 12 other guys during this whole time that you're sincerely trying to be with me-- I'm just confused about what I want" LMFAO


Now I understand why I find this girl I’m talking to soo confusing, it’s because she’s confused 😂, thank bro this video helped a lot, I gotta move on🚶🏽‍♂️


Nine out of ten are accurate. It only ended when she called another man in front of me! I apologized to the kids for hollering, but at that moment I dropped her. Almost immediately she realized she made a huge mistake, especially financially!


"There's a time and place for messing around."

*Shows a workplace


Si here’s my situation:

I know this girl since last September, i see her almost everyday cause she works at my place. At first, we got a really big connection in friendship, but at one point she started flirting a lot, touching me a lot, hugging me a lot ecc. And then of course, i fell in love with her. At January 2020 i confessed to her, and she peacefully rejected me telling me that she doesn’t feel the same. Since it wasn’t a mean rejection, i wasn’t really hurt, i actually felt good cause i finally found out how she really felt. But here comes the confusing part, after January she flirted with me even more, and got very physical all the time, and I’m sure i am the only one she treats like that. So yeah, I’m just simply confused😂. She says she doesn’t feel the same but still treats me like I’m Prince
Charming so tf’s going on that’s my question

Update After 3 Months: A lot has happened, i no longer have feelings for her cause we bonded a lot, A LOT. We now see each other as Brother and Sister literally. We became best friends basically. And yeah, we still flirt sometimes, but that’s not cause we’re in love, but cause it just happens sometimes and then we just laugh about it lol. Thanks to everyone who responded to me trying to help, appreciate it a lot🙌🏻have a wonderful day y’all


10 signs of an immature girl that you need to get away from ASAP


If you found this message, love yourself and move me


me as a confused girl watching this 👁👄👁


Thanks it's clearer to me now ... I've made my decision


Thx @TrueMedallion. Was beginning to think she wasn’t interested as she’s inconsistent with communication. After all, especially with COVID, we don’t know each other well. Trying to get her out to do something but nothing yet. Maybe she’s just confused. 🤷🏼‍♂️🙏🏼🤞🏼


Okay…. I thought I was crazy, but she definitely is confused about how she’s feeling about me. FYI, my situation is very different but yet still pertinent to this video. She is my boss and engaged to someone else and yet she has shown signs of interest in me and yet follows a lot of these specific examples you’ve mentioned, it’s just seen from a different light. I’m not hoping or expecting anything to happen between me and her and I’ve been just trying to ignore any feelings I have towards her, but it is comforting to know that yeah she has mixed feelings about me and is confused. I’m just trying to hold back from anything whatsoever because I don’t want to cause a ripple in her current relationship, but it seems I may have already unintentionally done so. I’m just trying to make it through life


Holy crap you just described everything and I mean EVERYTHING about this love interest I had.


Girl I was dating recently for the last 6 months did ALMOST ALL of this to a T!


Ive learned to think of dates and or flirting as just a conversation and just think it doesn't matter and it's just small talk. Which flirting is just small talk in a more intimate way and dates is the same except a little deeper that flirting. (Am I right TM?)


Could you please do if a guy is confused about his feelings for you ! it would really help


Bipolar that's a good one👏😂 That's what I'm going through right now.😵
