It Is Dangerous If The Wife Earns More Than Her Husband💰| Jordan Peterson

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That depends on the quality of the man. My mom earned more than my dad. Not much but nevertheless. That never changed the male/female-dynamic between them. My dad is a very self confident and masculine man who never even had the idea that his wife earning more than him could somehow lessen his masculinity.
I grew up in this environment. I chose a partner very different from my dad but also distinctivly masculine who never doubted his masculinity. I am a medical doctor and at the moment he is a stay at home dad. And that neither changed our perception of ourselves nor of the other one. He is still as attractive and manly and 🥰🤩 as he has always been.
I think we even have it easier than couples who do it "the traditional way".


It's just money. You can always earn more money.

If this makes a man irrational or angry, he clearly married above his station in life.


I don't agree to a point. It happened to me and I have a 42 year marriage. Remember commitment For better or for worse.🙂


That's not 100% true though, that's only a statistic. My family is one of those outliers. My mother earns much more than my Dad because she's a CEO and my dad's a pastor. But their relationship is far from violent or unstable. I'm actually really lucky to have the mom and dad that I do, I've always had them to rely on and they've always relied on each other. They love each other and they love me and my five younger siblings.


Remember Jordan Uses averages not 100 percent, so there are the exceptions my wife is 8 years older than me and out earns me almost double however we are happy married she supports me and I support her, when she goes through hard times I carry the can and when I need help she carries the can....


It depends on the couple. And most don't really care if the wife makes more money. All it matters in a marriage you and the wife still love each other.


They are happy before someone else shows up and tell them that this is wrong.


Shouldnt matter who makes more money. Both should try to earn as much money as they can


"It doesn't really matter because that's the way it is." This guy is tiresome.


And when the men earn more it's the same. Since you're speaking generally, If the man earns more, the man is inclined towards domestic violence to woman as the woman is her responsibility. (Examples have been in plenty in history) No point in comparison because it's the same in both cases. Stop generalizing. Relationships are beyond earning and statuses.


What would Dr. Peterson suggest for couples in this category? What adjustments in attitude could they make?


I made more then most of my men. It made them lazy.


A man wants to feel valued and appreciated. Most men don't care how much a woman makes while for the average woman it's important how much a man earns. In fact most men prefer a woman who earns less. As soon as the woman starts to earn more that is when the resentment and problems start. It's better for a man to date or marry a woman earning less while it is better for a woman to date or marry a man earning equally or more if they want a healthy relationship that lasts. That's just the way the world works.
