Cloudy vision and when vision clears after cataract surgery?- Dr. Sriram Ramalingam

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Cataract surgery can be done by various ways one is called as phacoemulsiification or colloquially called as laser cataract surgery. another is the manual cataract surgery, depending on the type of cataract surgery one undergoes the incision size varies by a laser or what is called a s a phacoemulsification or a microincisional cataract surgery. The incision that is made is around 2.2 to 2..8 mm. Whereas in a annual cataract surgery the incision varies between 5 to 7 mm. Os recovery time after a cataract surgery depends upon the type of surgery. Occasionally after the cataract surgery the person many not have clear vision because of corneal edema if there was some complication during cataract surgery, it may take a longer time for the person to regain vision. Also if there are some pre-existing eye problems like a person has retinal detachment or a vitreous haemorrhage, or has got a retinal problem like macular edema or macular fluid. So this may take a person to recover vision longer. this may not be seen clearly prior to surgery becusue the cataract density was very hard and one could to see the retinal changes prior to surgery but usually an uncomplicated cataract surgery a person should regain vision within a day to 1 week, but usually any cataract surgery takes atleast 5 to 6 weeks for complete vision to become clear and for the refractive errors to stabilise.