How Do You Get Chickens to Lay More Eggs? - Five Minute Chicken Tips!

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RSM gives you a quick look into the things you could do if you wanted your hens to lay more eggs. Lots of factors come in to play: Temperature, age of the hen, hours of daylight, and nutritional needs being met. While RSM doesn't push her flock to lay more eggs than they naturally do, you can take her ideas and get more eggs per day if you want! This is in no way an exhaustive, complete list; rather, get some ideas, be inspired to do more research, and see what works for you and your backyard chickens. Thanks for being here and learning along with us!
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Agree. No extra lighting. But some people give them a lot more protein. And say they keep laying same amount of eggs even when they are 5 years old. Mine haven’t started laying yet. I might give that a try


Love your videos u have my chickens that I have I have three but one isn’t really laying eggs like my other two is that normal please let me no


Today and yesterday weather was 115f in California I’m glad my 8 weeks old chickens serviced


Also one more question . I have researching how to keep our chickens warm in the winter I know to feed cracked corn because it keeps up the body temp but I also read about the deep litter method . We have a small coop kind of like yours but ours is a little different we got at tractor supply and the floor of the inside it level with the nesting boxes with a few roosts in there but my question is, how could you do the deep litter method with a coop like that ? I mean it will be level to the nesting boxes ? The roosts inside are not far from the bottom and there is a tray you can pull out for easy cleaning so their basically on top of those . we have 4 hens and rooster and they all sleep in one nesting box and will not sleep on the roosts . I thought pulling the tray out from under the roosts so they would be high up to see if the would roost but then if I do there would be this gap where the tray goes and some predators could easily get in


Hey do you let your chickens out to run around when it’s going to be raining? We have an aluminum roof over our chicken run and when the chickens are out in the yard they are afraid to go undercover because of all the noise that makes when it’s raining on it. Would it be better for me to just keep them locked inside when it’s supposed to be a rainy day? You’re the best I love your videos. I hope you have a blessed day! We have not gotten any eggs yet. From any of them.


I'm not quite sure what to do. I have 7 chickens that haven't laid yet and I'm thinking they won't be ready until October or so and by this point the daylight is going to start to get less and less now. Do I supplement with a little light ? Or wait until they just do but it won't be much and wait until spring of next year? I don't know. I have a big family so a couple of eggs a day isn't going to feed us all.


My parents have a few fake ones on their porch, they are supposed to keep the birds away 🤷‍♀️. Also where we live in the mountains of NC, we have a ton of rain and our chicken run had gotten extremely muddy so we went to tractor supply and got some straw and put down on the ground of the run . Do you think that will do okay


what if you have a dual purpose chicken? and they're not only good for laying eggs, but they're also good for growing them and harvesting them for meat.
Should you mix layer food with broiler food?


When a Chicken is (what a teenager?) 8 weeks - 12 weeks, what do you feed them? They won't be laying for a while.


Ok cool thank you for the information i have 2 chickens


Was that a real snake laying on the Roark just outside your chicken run ??
