We've Been Lied To... (exposing the truth)

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I have an orchard in California and sell fruit that I do grow organically, but I will not pay and go through the process of being certified organic. On my business card I had printed "Sensibly grown". Going through the process of certification is putting lots of money yearly in some bodies pocket so I won't do it.


Anything government sanctioned should be treated with utmost scepticism.


It can be “grown organically” even if it’s not “organically certified”.


I also see this problem everywhere. I'm in northeast Texas, and I grow organic flowers. I will not go through the paperwork process time and money to allow the government to step in. I sell out the local farmers market, and obviously, we don't eat my cut flowers. But my reason to grow organically is to protect my land, and I use regenerative practices! My son and daughter-n-law grow vegetables organically. And the vegetables that I grow are organic. It gives me the peace of knowing I'm not putting pesticides in my body! Furthermore, a brand called Roundup is everywhere in the USA but they are widely known to be full of forever carsininagens that are proven to cause cancer. Europe has banned Roundup several years ago. People in the USA have filed a massive lawsuit against them, but the problem is its been lagging in our courts. I believe our courts support this massive financial industry and think everyone's crops will fail without it. So, they think they are protecting the food supply here.
Sorry for my lengthy rant, but this topic is close to my soul!!
Keep spreading the truth and small farmers will finally see the truth. But I really don't expect our massive monoculture businesses to catch on for many years. I hope I'm wrong.
Blessings my friends! Shelley


So glad you went to investigate. It shows the importance of getting to know the farmer. No one wants to pay for fake organic anything. I love your solution!


Dude, thanks for having the courage to expose this, my wife and I have been watching for at least 4 years now. We also grew up in Central America. Unfortunately a lot of people arent going to like this, so be safe and situational awareness and all of that . And not to be political but there are other reasons why people should be skeptical of the FDA. If you cant trust the FDA on food, people need to start asking the same thing about the drugs they approve for us to take. Especially given what we have experienced the last 3 yrs.


Such an important topic, and yes, we’re discovering so many lies in every sector of our societies, particularly spread by big-food, pharma and agricultural bureaucracies. It’s sickening. By the way, Sadie is so remarkable! God has truly blessed you with her. The way you’ve raised her is amazing.


I will buy coffee with a story every time. 🎉 So happy you are offering coffee that is definitely NOT organic, but CLEAN. And it's not "fair trade" But HONEST Trade! ❤ Love you guys and ALL of the Arturos!


Hey guy's, we REALLY want to support you, we've orderd before, but postage (we know, that is completely out of your hands) went from $27AUD 1st order, to $37 - $47, to now $58 - $91
Postage to South Australia, making postage cost more then the coffee 😭
PLEASE KNOW, that We've absolutely LOVED what we have brought, in the past, but postage for us, is the ONLY THING stopping us from ordering again / more.
Thank you, for EVERYTHING you're doing ♡


I used to shop at Whole Foods until Amazon bought it and turned it into a conventional grocery store, but kept the high prices. Every industry has become a scam.


I most DEFINITELY trust you guys over the government 😊 who needs a label !!!! Thank you for showing us exactly what we are buying ❤❤❤


I no longer trust anything that the govt say anymore. Please buy his coffee and trust honesty, just don't put the label on it


What an interesting clip. I am a small boutique coffee farmer in Costa Rica still growing in honor of my father who purchased the farm in 1978. My son lives here on the farm and got into regenerative soil building and we haven't sprayed for years. We are fortunate that we grow it for ourselves and friends and don't have to make a living like all my neighbors; the irony of living in this tropical paradise where so many of my friends have died from stomach/liver cancers which, I believe is from the high use of chemicals. They're stuck in a lose/lose. I love this country of my choice and I especially love the culture and community where I live. I wish there was something that could be done to break the cycle and start anew. Keep up the inspiring work, you guys. Let me know next time you plan to visit CR and I would love to invite you over for a cuppa!!!! Pura vida! P.S. I can soooo relate to your whole adventure. Though my dad bought the farm in '78, there was nothing on it - infrastructure, roads, nada. I spent a decade creating my home. So many parallel experiences!!!! I laugh a lot at the coincidences! Did I mention I spoke no Spanish when I moved here? A single gringa? Ay Yi Another one of the hardest, BEST things I've ever done! It is my heart here. It is my home. I'd love to share it with y'all someday. :-)


It's just not coffee, it's all kinds of stuff..from coffee, vegetables to meat. Company's love to b.s the consumer to sell their products. With your coffee, Morning Movement is transparent...which every company, grower, and meat producers should be


Thank you for your passion! Watching Arturo and his "not organic" farm made me tear up. Why does it have to be so hard for those who are doing the right thing???


I’ve never officially “liked” or commented on one of your videos (though I watch these religiously for the past couple years).. I need to now, though, because I am so proud of you guys! For investigating and supporting the farmers who are truly growing and supporting the land they’re on in a way that is beyond bureaucracy and is truly ethical! I found myself tearing up watching you travel and seek out the truth.

I haven’t yet bought any of your coffee either, but I am going to look into my first purchase now! I’m very proud of you guys on all fronts, and I feel like this video, this style, this effort to find the truth… it upleveled you guys to me in more ways than you could know.

With love from my family to yours! (You videos are a great way to start my early days with my baby and my toddler.) 🤍


Yep 👍 good choice - people trust you to bring the story that sells the coffee. Doesn’t need be Organic stamped - just the truth in a little story on the back of package.


I don't need the stamp, just the story! "verified by the morning movement" great episode you guys!


You guys are the absolute best! I'm really happy to be a very small part of this. I couldn't wait to make my first purchase of 'not organic' coffee!


Jordan, you are the luckiest man in the world. You have the most sweetest kindest, precious wife to be, and daughter! Happy Father’s Day tomorrow!
