Fermi Paradox Finally Solved by Mars Exploration? /w Robert Zubrin

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I don't think I understand his point, so I'd love some clarification. The Fermi Paradox is a discussion on why we have not encountered advanced extraterrestrial life, or simply "Why haven't we found aliens", so his seeding argument makes little sense.

Speculating that seeding from another advanced species is what caused life on Earth is WILD due to the lack of evidence that intelligent life had anything to do with it, let alone use as the basis for an answer to the Fermi Paradox. Perhaps seeding happened due to bacteria on an asteroid that collided with Earth caused life, but that has nothing to due with this paradox. The only thing that ties it to this is his argument that intelligent life sent the seed out, which again, is baseless and adds nothing to the discussion due to how farfetched it is. Its basically a waste of time to talk about, since it does not further the discussion at all.

Additionally, I fail to see how "the lack of organisms simpler than bacteria" is evidence to his point. What simpler organism were you expecting to see to make your point invalid?

Some better arguments for why the Fermi Paradox might be true would be social self destruction of an advanced organism before it reach light-speed space travel, or that the expansion speed of the universe outpaces that of any possible space travel by an intelligent species, and thus they would never be able to make contact with us.


Believe in bacteria spores from Mars but not God created...okay...who has more faith here
