How to use the S-Type Load Cell #LoadCellmanufacturer(CUBLIFT 2022)

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This is a S-type load cell from CUBTEC
A sensor that measures tension and pressure
So that means it can measure tension
You can also measure pressure
it forms an S-TYPE on the outside
we usually call it an S-type sensor
#LoadCellmanufacturer #LoadCell #StpyeLoadCell
This device is one of the earliest force load cells, so it is very widely used, and the accuracy is very high
the force region is on the two rectangular surfaces above and below
So this pressure, we just add the force to both ends
If we put a normal code, for example, directly on a surface like this, we can measure his pressure
If you measure tension, there are two threaded holes on the top and bottom of the Load cell
We can lock our lifting rings or screws and things like that on these two threaded holes, and we can measure it by pulling
So let's say I have these two rings in my hand, and if I attach them to a Load cell, it might be easier for you to understand
When we're done, we pull straight. We pull straight
The size of the sensor in front of me is not the same, the small size can be up to ninteen point one by sixteen mm
The size of the sensor in front of me is not the same, the small size can be up to ninteen point one by sixteen mm
They all have the same structure, different sizes just for different use scenarios
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