What is the European Parliament?

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The European Parliament is a key institution of the European Union representing over 500 million citizens. As the only directly elected body in the EU, it plays a vital role in shaping the future of Europe through its legislative and supervisory powers. This video will explore What the EP is, what it does, and who controls it

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Source 1: European Parliament, About Parliament
Source 2: European Parliament, About Parliament
Source 3: European Parliament, Portal
Source 5: Wikipedia, European Parliament
Source 6: European Parliament, The Presidency
Source 7: Eur-Lex, MFF
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I find it quite weird that the EU itself doesn't have channel like this to explain how they work. I think the trust for them would go up if they could explain themselves like this channel does. But now we don't really need them to do it since we got The EU Made SIMPLE but still they should really work on becoming more accessible to their citizens.


We really should be teaching this in schools. In civics, we had only focused on Irish Politics and when I hit voting age, I neither knew anything about or cared about the EU until years later. I just kept voting for my MEP because he was local. Shame.


These videos regarding the respective government entities have really been helping me as i try to get a glance of how the EU actually works. Thanks a lot and keep it up :)


Another great on EU made simple. I'm happy that in the future we will have a video on every EU instutuon. Great work on making the EU simple:))


Thank you for this great content, we watch your videos with highly attention! ❤


Amazing videos, brief and informative. Thanks a lot!
How about a similar video on the European Council?


You completely forgot a fundamental mechanism of the european parliament: BRIBES.


Great explanation, just like the one about the EC! Thanks!


So new videos get released on Wednesdays and Fridays now?


"Electet by EU citizens to represent their best intrests"
And then Polish EPP meps come in.


Bona filmeto. Mi estas scivolema: ĉu iam okazis en nia historio ke la parlamento igis la komisionon rezigni? 🤔


Vous pouvez ajouter une chaîne française aussi s'il vous plaît ?


Je pense que cela devrait faire l'objet d'une enquête si l'Union européenne est de temps en temps légiférée avec la Bible écrite comme une histoire. Le mot immunité (Latin Immunitas, liberté d'obligations envers l'État) provient d'une révélation religieuse du Moyen Âge, probablement d'un pape pour devenir sans loi et qui a depuis été réécrit en immunité complète, immunité personnelle et fonctionnelle (légalement, ne peut pas être poursuivi pour acte criminel) aux rois (chef de l'État), aux présidents et aux premiers ministres, pour les décisions et les actions en droit. L'exploitation politique de l'écosystème vital a maintenant entraîné la mort des forêts (force majeure) et comment cela affectera-t-il l'économie des gens, etc.


Let's be clear about the EU-Hungarian debate. Did the union take out a loan to cover the post-Covid economic downturn? YES. Did the member states, including Hungary, participate in this as debtors? YES. Was the distribution of the loan subject to conditions in the case of other countries? NO. Poland was also blackmailed by the union because there was also a patriotic government. Now that there was a change of government there, everything is forgiven for the Poles.

The other countries also received the money. In the case of Hungary, the loan taken by the country was tied to false and extortionate conditions. Despite this, the Hungarians tried to fulfill all conditions. This was also accepted by the leadership of the union, which is why the committee authorized the payment of 10 billion with great difficulty but still, because there was nothing else they could do. On this the EU-Parlament contested this and yesterday sued the Commission for how they dared to give money to Hungary.

But that's not enough. This week it was announced that Hungary will not receive the remaining 20 billion at all, because the Hungarian laws do not allow minors (school children and kindergarteners in preschool age) to be educated in an LGBTQ-spirit. The Hungarians said that they are in no way willing to change their position on this issue, even if they even if they don't get their due money.


someone going to the EYE event in 9th of June ??


A Circus and a Zoo. A Mad Hatter's Party. Pinnochio's Pleasure Island of Donkeys.


I think it should be investigated if the European Union now and then is legislated with the Bible written as a story. The word immunity (Latin immunitas, freedom from obligations to the state) comes from a religious revelation from the middle ages, most likely from a pope to become lawless, and which has since been rewritten into full immunity, personal and functional immunity (legally, cannot be prosecuted for criminal act) to the kings (head of state), presidents, and prime ministers, for law decisions and actions. The political exploitation of the vital ecosystem has now led to forest death (force majeure) and how will it affect people's economy, etc.


mafia does not explain its own actions!


Now do a video about the EU central bank and the EU court of justice


Nothing about the attack on the Polish media? Not a word? Now you are not worried about the rule of law and democracy in Poland because your man became prime minister? Hypocrites
