Queen + Elvis Presley - Crazy Little Thing Called Love - FanMade - 1983 Montreal -

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Hola, ehh, quizas esto no es lo que subo normalmente, pero queria cambiar un poco el contenido, Debo Recalcar, Esto es un FAN-MADE, Osea, este concierto en realidad nunca ocurrio, Lo hice por mi propia cuenta, me demore 3 dias en terminarlo, La verdad no creo que haya quedado tan bien, pero esta hecho ya, a continuacion dejare lo que use para el video:

Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Por Queen:

Crazy Little Thing Called Love Cantada Por Imitador de Elvis:

Video de donde saque a Elvis:

Beat de Bateria Cuando El Concierto Se Queda Oscuro:

Acapella de Freddie Mercury Cantando Crazy Little Thing Called Love:


Hi, umm, maybe this is not the content that i upload normally, but i want to change a bit the content, i have to emphazise, this is a FAN-MADE, I mean, this concert never happened, i did it for my own, i lost 3 days on make it, i dont really think that the result were so good, but its done, now i'll leave the links of the things that i used for the video:

Crazy Little Thing Called Love, By Queen:

Crazy Little Thing Called Love Singed By a imitator of Elvis:

Video of Elvis on Escenary:

Beat of Batery When the Escerary Changes and keeps Black:

Acapella of Freddie Mercury Singing Crazy Little Thing Called Love:
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Lean la descripcion, porfa uwu
Read the description, please uwu


Un mismo tema cantado por dos genios diferentes


no te quedo la sincroniacion amigo pero ahi le vas probando gracias de todas maneras
