Queen + Elvis Presley - Crazy Little Thing Called Love - FanMade - 1983 Montreal -

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Hola, ehh, quizas esto no es lo que subo normalmente, pero queria cambiar un poco el contenido, Debo Recalcar, Esto es un FAN-MADE, Osea, este concierto en realidad nunca ocurrio, Lo hice por mi propia cuenta, me demore 3 dias en terminarlo, La verdad no creo que haya quedado tan bien, pero esta hecho ya, a continuacion dejare lo que use para el video:
Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Por Queen:
Crazy Little Thing Called Love Cantada Por Imitador de Elvis:
Video de donde saque a Elvis:
Beat de Bateria Cuando El Concierto Se Queda Oscuro:
Acapella de Freddie Mercury Cantando Crazy Little Thing Called Love:
Hi, umm, maybe this is not the content that i upload normally, but i want to change a bit the content, i have to emphazise, this is a FAN-MADE, I mean, this concert never happened, i did it for my own, i lost 3 days on make it, i dont really think that the result were so good, but its done, now i'll leave the links of the things that i used for the video:
Crazy Little Thing Called Love, By Queen:
Crazy Little Thing Called Love Singed By a imitator of Elvis:
Video of Elvis on Escenary:
Beat of Batery When the Escerary Changes and keeps Black:
Acapella of Freddie Mercury Singing Crazy Little Thing Called Love:
Hola, ehh, quizas esto no es lo que subo normalmente, pero queria cambiar un poco el contenido, Debo Recalcar, Esto es un FAN-MADE, Osea, este concierto en realidad nunca ocurrio, Lo hice por mi propia cuenta, me demore 3 dias en terminarlo, La verdad no creo que haya quedado tan bien, pero esta hecho ya, a continuacion dejare lo que use para el video:
Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Por Queen:
Crazy Little Thing Called Love Cantada Por Imitador de Elvis:
Video de donde saque a Elvis:
Beat de Bateria Cuando El Concierto Se Queda Oscuro:
Acapella de Freddie Mercury Cantando Crazy Little Thing Called Love:
Hi, umm, maybe this is not the content that i upload normally, but i want to change a bit the content, i have to emphazise, this is a FAN-MADE, I mean, this concert never happened, i did it for my own, i lost 3 days on make it, i dont really think that the result were so good, but its done, now i'll leave the links of the things that i used for the video:
Crazy Little Thing Called Love, By Queen:
Crazy Little Thing Called Love Singed By a imitator of Elvis:
Video of Elvis on Escenary:
Beat of Batery When the Escerary Changes and keeps Black:
Acapella of Freddie Mercury Singing Crazy Little Thing Called Love: