Jony Ive tells the story of the time he and Steve Jobs realized they saw the world similarly

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“We were in Italy, and he picked up a knife - he was looking at this thing and he put it down. I thought, ‘Oh, that’s a nice knife.’ Picked it up. But I could see this tiny change in reflection between the handle and the metal collar. And then I realized it was the glue. So it was no longer a knife. It was a bit of metal that had been glued to a stone handle.”

Jony continues:

“Normally I would have noticed that and not said it to anybody else at the risk of sounding slightly fanatical. But we realized that we’d both done exactly the same thing. And I think there’s some sort of wonderful recognition when you realize it’s not just you. And I think we realized that very early on.”


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This story is not about Steve Jobs and Jony, it is about Jony and Marc Newson, his long time colleague at Apple and friend.
