A Christian and an Atheist Meet in Vegas | Guests: Glenn Beck and Penn Jillette | Ep 25

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Matt Kibbe is joined in Las Vegas by Glenn Beck and Penn Jillette. Together, they discuss their unlikely friendship, libertarianism, their changing attitudes towards religion, and the importance of tolerance and communication in modern America. Glenn and Penn show how it’s possible to approach freedom from radically different directions while maintaining mutual respect and good manners. #glennbeck #penn #libertarian
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The Glenn and Penn Show, now there's something I would watch


This is the conversation people need to watch. Thank you for this.


Enjoyed the discussion, thanks for doing this


This is how it should be two very smart civilized human beings who live their life two very different ways and believe two very different things but they can sit down and have a conversation without screaming and yelling and not calling each other white supremacists. It's okay to disagree with somebody that doesn't mean you're evil this was a great interview


Glenn Beck and Penn Jillette are both excellent Libertarians.


I bet Hitch visited the porch a few times during your conversation.


As long as people worship capitalism the world will remain the way that it is. And for people like Beck that perfect. Socialism isn’t the answer either. Creating a society that is not based around money is the solution. Currency (Money) should be used as an incentive. Not be the end all be all.


Rich people telling poor people that capitalism is the solution and that they’ve (poor people) never had to worry about being hungry just because they live in America... Come on. Capitalism is not the solution. Neither is socialism.


I appreciate reaching Across religions for understanding however please don’t confuse the waters for everyone involved. If you are Mormon debate from that point. If you are Muslim debate as a Muslim. Muslims believe in Jesus, His teachings as well - are they Christian as well?


Where is the Christian? Glenn is a Mormon which is VERY different from a Christian.


Glenn Beck is a conservative friend and a Mormon. He is not a Christian though. I mean no no disrespect nor malice. But Glenn Beck does not simply believe in the works of Jesus for salvation.

A Mormon adds works as well as three entire recent books to scripture as well as requires the Bible to interpreted by the Joseph smith translation (which is his very inconsistent and flawed commentary)

The other books add really odd points to Christian theology to the point that Mormonism is not Christian at all.

Mormonism is a religion however it is wholly separate from Christianity.

Stating otherwise is simply disingenuous.


I don't believe LDS is a Christian religion but it does share much of same beliefs as Christianity. I feel the same way with Jehovah's Witness.


God is after you Penn! One day you will be the biggest evangelist for the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thousands are praying for you.


Great conversation and I respect both men in their own way. My only correction here is that Mormons aren't Christians. They can put the name of Christ in their church, but Christians they are not. For an in depth understanding read Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. In short, Mormons believe that Jesus is a god, not the God.


God loves sinners, but hates the sin in us, and God offers salvation from hell for free to those who believe in Jesus Christ.

Sin is pre-existing in all. Sin pre-dates The Bible. The Bible explains origins of sin. The Bible provides remedy for sin through Jesus Christ.

Sin is the opium.

If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.

All have sinned, and fall short of glory of God. For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Jesus Christ came from heaven (first Christmas), died on the Cross (first Good Friday) and resurrected (on The Third Day - also linked to Easter) to save from "pre-existing sin" for all who believe. For free.

Unable to find any motive for Jesus Christ to die on cross, and resurrect - except His love to save all from "pre-existing sin".

Salvation from "pre-existing sin" and hell is free, but not cheap, as Jesus Christ paid the penalty of sins of all on the Cross by shedding His precious blood. Salvation is not 'earned' by following law or jurisprudence or rituals or customs or traditions or ceremonies or public displays.

Religion says "Do". Jesus Christ says "Done".

We don't have to do sacrifices for salvation from sin and hell. Jesus Christ sacrificed His life on The Cross and resurrected, for everyone's salvation.

Nothing disqualifies anyone from love of God.

It is a lie to say that we are not loved. God loves us unconditionally. He died willingly on The Cross.

The God who died for us, is not against us.

Jesus Christ forgave who crucified Him, and even today forgives who ridicule Him.

Heaven is holy. Sin cannot enter heaven. Jesus Christ provided way for us to become holy to enter heaven. Jesus Christ lived a holy life, while on earth. Innocence, joy like what children have, is what Heaven is.

Hell is where sin is quarantined.

Freedom in "sin" is not freedom. Freedom from "sin" is the real freedom.

Following God's morals have health and economic benefits, to families and nations.

Finding God finds meaning of live, purpose of live and hope. Prevents suicides.

Humanity began good and we are good. And sin plays spoilsport.

GRACE: Getting what we don't deserve (forgiveness of sins, eternity in heaven through Jesus Christ)

MERCY: Not getting what we deserve (punishment for sins, separation from God, eternity in hell. Because Jesus Christ paid penalty of sins on cross)

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

The problem of "pre-existing sin" is addressed by Jesus Christ on the Cross. Ignoring "pre-existing sin" is cowardly moral escapism.

Everyone has "Soul" which has eternal value. Body, Life and Soul - only Soul is eternal. After death eternity in hell; or eternity in Heaven through Jesus Christ.

Unloose the Soul from the tight knot of sin.

What we do to Body and Life is temporal. What we do to Soul with Body and Life, is eternal.

The end of the world prophecies to fulfill: The Gospel (the Good News of Jesus Christ) will be preached to all; The persecution of God's children; The advent of anti-christ the one man ruler of world; The Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

As it was in the days of Noah,  so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. Rainbow appeared to Noah; rainbows appearing now. Prophecies fulfilment.

Believe, repent and accept Jesus Christ. Simple. Nothing to lose, everything to gain. Have choice to choose to avoid hell. Other side of choice is freedom.

Death is scary thing, but eternal damnation is scarier.

Jesus Christ is coming again to judge everyone.
