Finding HOPE and HEALING: Mandy Tee Fey's (Selena Gomez) Mother Journey Through GRIEF and LOSS 😭🔥

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The following is a video summary of the conversation about Selena Gomez's mother, Mandy Tee Fey, who sought therapy after experiencing a miscarriage. Mandy was struggling with feelings of failure and anger towards herself. Her therapist gave her the advice to leave her house once a day and do something, even if it was just buying a movie ticket. This simple act helped Mandy begin to feel more comfortable and vulnerable. Through this experience, she realized that the world was still alive and that there was forgiveness and happiness to be found, despite her loss.

#selenagomez #jayshetty #inspiration #hope #healing #mother #journey #grief #loss
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She had a good therapist. Well done to that young lady who go out everyday


One miscarriage try 5.. I cant even begin to tell you how many people dismiss the feelings you have when you lose a baby..
