WEIRD EARLY PREGNANCY SYMPTOMS - Am I Pregnant? - Look for These Early Pregnancy Signs!

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WEIRD EARLY PREGNANCY SYMPTOMS - Am I Pregnant? - Look for These Early Pregnancy Signs!

Hi there! Today we're talking about some weird early pregnancy signs that you might miss if you aren't paying attention. While these early pregnancy symptoms are fairly common - for some reason nobody seems to talk about them. If you're wondering "Am I Pregnant?" - look for some of these weird signs!

If you're trying to get pregnant or suspect you may be pregnant, check out these 9 weird early pregnancy symptoms you probably don't know to look for!

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Don't forget to leave a comment! I would be happy to answer any questions as well!


This is the first video i have seen that really touched on the weird symptoms that I am feeling.


Anyone else feel super hungry every 1-2 hours after eating? It feels like I haven't eaten today. Test is saying negative... but I'm not completely convinced.


Sciatica - ✅️
More discharge -✅️
Heart palpitations - ✅️
Seeing stars - ✅️
Veins everywhere- ✅️

I'll update this in a week when I take the test 😅


Thank you. I have the same symptoms of being cold, strong pulse, and that sciatica is a killer. This isn't my first pregnancy, but this is the weirdest.


Thank you for posting this! I have most of these symptoms


You’ve called out EVERYTHING I’m going through!!!


Got a really bad wave of nausea last night and it's carried over into today and to make it worse i felt crazy hungry too even though i ate a full dinner. That cold feeling you mention is definitely taking over my body right now. I'm also really sore around my hips, legs and lower back and I'm so drowsy, I slept for most of the day. And from last week I started breaking out on my face neck and chest.
Been trying for more than 7 months now and my family and I are really hoping that this is our blessed month. According to my app I'm a few days late so I'm gonna wait for the weekend to test.


I’ve had nausea off and on, slight dizziness after taking walks, excessive burping that come and go and noticeable mouth saliva, shortness of breath, feels like acid reflux too… I felt a pinch 🤏 on the left side of uterus and prior on the right like I actually felt it in the shower…. Period was due yesterday or tomorrow. We’ll see….


I can relate to 98% of all the symptoms you mentioned..
Thank you so much, , this was very helpful❤❤❤❤


I see lots of comments about getting hungry, but my last pregnancy i actually had the opposite happen and i feel like I'm having that happen again this time. Anyone else get food ickes instead?


First Time Mommmyyy To Be💗🎉And I Have The Same Problem With The COLDNESS From My Head To My Toes Like WTH 🤦🏾‍♀️


I’m 5 days late now and am having the discharge and food cravings/ really bad on and off headaches. I’m exhausted…should I take a test or wait a while?


Thanks for not being abnoxious like some of the women on YouTube you seem quite down to earth 🤞


Currently experiencing the pee smell and coldness, which is weird because I didn't experience these with my first baby... Yet to test but I'm joining the dots with all the signs I'm experiencing. Thank you for this video. At least now I know the signs I'm experiencing are normal.


I started metformin last week and it lined up with the time I could start experiencing earliest pregnancy symptoms if I’m pregnant. I’m having really bad nausea and food aversion. I’m sensitive to smells and tastes. Food I normally eat I just can’t. I feel like I have a stomach bug. I know metformin can cause stomach problems though.


Yes iam very cold with all my pregnancies


i felt the fast heart beat ... tingling in my gums...taste loss...abdomen tightness..slight sharp non painfull poking in my uterus area twice.. and cold shivers one night although it was steaming hot ..before my beta..


I also had spotting light pink and almost like jelly and I did not get my period at all and it did not fill a pad it was in the toilet and a little when I wiped. I’m also fatigued, no sore boobs or big boobs, I gained 7 pounds in 2 days then it went down back to normal, I’m starving and it only happened after the spotting, I sleep 11 hours and still take naps Im used to barley sleeping, I feel so tired all the time and I keep getting UTI’s. Idk what’s happening I hope I’m not pregnant


The best video so far… straight to the point❤️
