How do I know I am pregnant before my missed period?

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Tips for knowing you are pregnant before your missed period and how I knew 4 days before my missed period with 4 pregnancies. I have been pregnant 4 times in the last 9 months and only not been pregnant for 2 of them. I include my early pregnancy symptoms, as well as commonly considered early pregnancy symptoms that I did not experience. I discuss everything from implantation spotting, to acne, to heartburn, to excess saliva, and more. I also share some considerations and thoughts on taking early pregnancy tests and evaporation lines.
I do discuss a bit of my pregnancy losses in this video, but if you want more information you can read my blog or follow my Instagram (I've shared our whole journey transparently) or you can comment & let me know what you want to hear about them.

I sincerely hope this video is interesting or helpful to anyone on their own TTC or conception journey.

What do I know about tracking?
Aside from having read multiple books on the topic - I have tracked my cycle (and used the fertility awareness method) for between 3-4 years now. For the last 2 years I have kept detailed daily records of my physical symptoms, my mental and emotional state and all my health efforts. I speak to other women who track their cycles about their charts on a daily basis (I wasn't kidding when I said I am a fertility nerd). I've used the fertility awareness method to avoid conception and to conceive.

If you want to track my cycle with me in real time - watch my Instagram stories daily:

The pregnancy tests I used (not necessarily advocating you buy them, just sharing as a cheap option that was able to pick up my pregnancies early):

Disclaimer: Please take what serves you and leave what doesn't. This is not advise (definitely not medical advise). This is me sharing my experience, information & some recommendations, but with your body - it is your choice & your responsibility.

Time codes:
0:00 - Introduction
0:36 - Disclaimers
2:08 - Track your cycle to know if you are pregnant before your missed period
5:55 - Understand the biological process of pregnancy / when does implantation happen
10:31 - How to tell what is PMS and what is an early pregnancy sign
15:04 - Chemical pregnancy symptoms
17:43 - Creating an awareness of your body
21:27 - My other early pregnancy symptoms
31:25 - Comments on early pregnancy tests
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Whoever got pregnant or wants to get pregnant soon and watching this video NOW, God bless you with healthy children.


Thank you for normalizing the fact that you wouldn’t be experiencing symptoms before around 6dpo. So many say that they experience symptoms that early and it’s discouraging to others. Great video!


Thank you so much. I know you're not a healthcare provider but I truly wish that healthcare providers would be this open and comprehensive


This was the most authentic pregnancy video I’ve ever seen. 👏🏻👏🏽👏🏿 Thanks for keeping it real.


I totally agree with you! Being aware of what's normal for our own cycles is key!! Everyone is unique & each pregnancy can be unique too! My infertility journey was 2 years long. 14 months of seriously trying, tracking & testing with opk's. I learned alot about my cycle & became in tune with my body. In Dec of 2021, I was convinced that I was pregnant. I tracked all my symptoms. I had "irregular" implantation bleeding that wasn't text book. I still had such a strong feeling that I was pregnant, yet all negative tests! After a couple days past my missed period, I gave up with testing & was so incredibly depressed thinking that I was just going crazy, imagining symptoms... WELL I shouldve kept testing 🤦‍♀️ ...A few weeks later I unexpectedly discovered I was almost 7 weeks pregnant via ultrasound at my OB! 😊Now my baby girl is 13months old 😊 I'm currently having the same symptoms again, but have yet to test positive. I'm 4 days late (which is so unlike me). My most convincing symptoms are dizziness, shortness of breath, implantation bleeding & insanely sore boobs.


This video should be called: how to truly know you’re pregnant before your missed period. 😅


I really appreciate how you describe everyone’s normalities and symptoms being different. I never thought I’d be a “symptom spotter” and spend hours online looking for hope from others, but here I am! This was a soft but needed reminder to take a step back and just be patient. Thank you for the video!


I had the sleep thing happen with my first pregnancy. At around 8 DPO, I started waking up at 3 AM fully alert and ready for the day. I got a positive pregnancy test at 10 DPO. Unfortunately, the pregnancy ended in a miscarriage, but we're trying again this month using medication (I have PCOS). I'm currently 1 DPO and so impatient!


You are very right, cheap pregnancy tests is just as good as the expensive ones! It is indeed a marketing strategy!


Truly needed this! For you to say out loud that everyone's experience is different and people need to get in tune with their own body and figure out what is normal for them was extremely eye opening. Love that you advocate for this, and it truly made me realize what is and is not normal in my own cycles. Thank you thank you thank you!


A lot of things you said in this video needed to be said. Women can drive themselves mad over evaluating symptoms.


For me personally, I had very trippy, vivid dreams with all my pregnancies. Different from normal dreams. That was my biggest indicator lol.


By far, the best two week wait symptoms video. It’s not based on mystery but you’ve taken an educated approach and this brings me down to reality. Thank you!


With my first pregnancy I must’ve implanted early. I did track and pinned down my ovulation but I had a very heavy feeling in my uterus from 4 dpo. Nothing other than that but it was a strange feeling. Almost like I was about to get my period. I tested positive 11 dpo..
So here I am wondering if you can implant as early as 4dpo


im 15 mins in and you still haven’t started talking about the symptoms that you had…


Thanks for the honesty & being straight forward & also not just telling me what I wanted to hear lol I love that you had me to realize I should focus more so on my body and not compare to everyone else “early pregnant symptoms”.. I’m still going to watch them because it’s been getting me through the two week wait and also kinda entertaining but I’m definitely going to keep in mind to only pay attention to my own body and not compare! 💖😮‍💨


My obvious early preggy symptom before missing a period is being too sleepy. Not necessarily super tired but my body just wanna drop and falls asleep in a second 😂, even my husband can tell as working long hours of the day doesn't easily knock me down :)


I lost my pregnancy last august 2021, and i don't have any symptoms. I was in the training, work and class and do activities. And when i find out i was pregnant my breast was firm and my button Belly expand and i took a PT and shows positive right away. And I'm hoping this month I'm pregnant. 💕


Oh you strong woman. I have lost 4. 3 were in 10 months. Keep going you are a hero for sharing.


I WISH I would've come across this video when we were ttc with our second. It took a year and we had a miscarriage along the way as well. I've watched SO many of these videos and none of them went into depth like you have so thank you for that ❤ sending you all the baby dust and God blesses you and your family
